
Special: Mythology and Pantheon Ranking

Important Note: Many people asked for it. Here is how this is going to work, I will rank all the Pantheons and Mythologies into three different major classifications. Then I am to split them into different lesser categories. This is going to be: 

High Rank Pantheons:

- [Top-High Rank] 

- [Mid-High Rank]

- [Lower-High Rank]

Information Note 2: Each Mythology in each of these respective classes are relatively similar in power, so a Top-High Rank Pantheon would usually be on par with another Top-High Rank Pantheon in most cases., In general a Mid-High Rank Pantheon or even a Lower-High Rank Pantheon would be on par with a Top-High Rank Pantheon but only lack behind in sheer numbers in divine beings.

As the general condition for being a High Ranked Pantheon is having at least a certain number of Conceptual Tier Entities in your pantheon.

Meanwhile the requirement for being a Medium Ranked Pantheon is having at least ONE being in your Pantheon in that Tier.

The Low Ranked Pantheons on the other hand are beings with no Conceptual Tier Gods in their Pantheon. Which makes them the lowest and laughingstock of the rest of the Pantheons.

Information 3: I am going to show you the pantheon hierarchy for all the mythologies. Let me just quickly mention that Earth has a total of an estimated 165 - 176 TOTAL MYTHOLOGIES. With some special exceptions like the Greco-Roman Mythology which ends up in the creation of new mythological personas, it only ends up adding more on top of a Mythology or already existing Pantheon by giving them new Realms and new Personifications.

For example, a god like Zeus would obtain a 'Roman' persona after the introduction of Roman Mythology. In this 'Roman' state he will become 'Jupiter' and may have different characteristics depending on the myths. But he will still be able to become 'Zeus' anytime he wants, so he can switch between being 'Zeus' and 'Jupiter' at any time.

You would be surprised by how many mythologies share this. With Zoroastrian Gods like Varuna and Mithra who are Primordial's in Zoroastrianism after becoming known in Hinduism, creating new gods with the same name under the label of those names.

However, having personas in their own is very rare as it only happens when the identity of the god is completely based off on that particular god and the mythology itself.

There are also some cases like the Egyptian-Kushite Pantheon where only a small percentage of the myths are copied or stolen and used as foundations for new myths, thus leading to the birth of new deities under another mythological name, which is what happened to the Egyptians with their Kushite descendants, this to differentiation between myths and led to the Pantheon expanding even further as a result as new deities rose.

Another special case is the Mayan Pantheon and Aztec Pantheon respectively, in which the Mayan and Aztec myths despite being similar due to the Aztecs using their predators Mayan Myths as their main source of influence, also have completely different deities from each other.

Thus, why the two Pantheons are considered to be sibling twin Pantheons instead of a singular Pantheon. 

Considering how much of these mythologies collide in tales however, I am going to have to shrink the number down a bit. But know that there is at least 30 High Rank Pantheons, 50 Medium Ranked Pantheons and 75 or 85 Low Ranked Pantheons, bringing the total number of Pantheons on Earth to around 155 - 165 give or take.

Some Pantheons are so Low Ranked that they only have around 15 - 30 Divine Beings in their Pantheons, they are considered to be on the lowest end of the Pantheon hierarchy.

With that said, lets continue without further ado.




- [Top-High Rank] [ Pantheons in this rank are relatively equal.]

1.  Abrahamic - Judeo - Christian - Islamic Pantheon

2. Zoroastrian - Kurdish - Persian Pantheon

3.  Dharmic - Hindu - Vedic - Dravidian Pantheon

4. Egyptian - Kushite - Berber Pantheon

5. Tao - Chinese Pantheon

6.  Nordic - Scandinavian - Anglo-Saxon Pantheon

7. Yorubian Pantheon 

8.  Shinto-Japanese Pantheon

9. Latvian- Baltic -Slavic Pantheon

10. Semetic- Canaanite - Carthaginian Pantheon

- [Mid-High Rank] [ Pantheons in this rank are relatively equal.]

1. Greco - Roman pantheon

2. Mesopotamian -Levantine - Elamite Pantheon 

3. Aztec Pantheon

4. Mayan Pantheon

5. Gaelic- Irish - Celtic Pantheon

6. Dharmic - Buddhist Pantheon

7. Semetic - Arabian - Nabatean Pantheon 

8. Lakota Pantheon

9. Brythonic - Welsh Pantheon

10. Polynesian - Maori Pantheon

- [Lower-High Rank] [ Pantheons in this rank are relatively equal.]

1. Semetic - Hurrian - Hittite Pantheon

2. Hawaiin Pantheon

3. Brazilian - Guarani Pantheon

4. Lithuanian Pantheon

5. Inca Pantheon

6. Hongik - Korean Pantheon

7. Finnish Pantheon

8. Hungarian Pantheon

9. Catalan - Spanish Pantheon

10. Semetic -Scythian - Ossetian Pantheon



[Almost High Ranked Pantheons, Pantheons that are in between the Top Medium Rank and Lower High Rank.]

1. Batak Pantheon

2. Turkish- Mongol Pantheon

3. Indonesian - Balinese Pantheon

4. Georgian Pantheon

5. Swiss Pantheon

6. Hopi Pantheon

7. Ossetian Pantheon

8. Vanakh Pantheon

9. Talamancan Pantheon

10. Australian Aboriginal Pantheon


[ The Upper and Lesser Medium Ranked Pantheons.]

[ Pantheons in this rank are split into two different ranks, from 1 to 20 are the Upper-Medium Ranked Pantheons, and from 21 - 40 are the Lesser-Medium Ranked Pantheons.]

1. Prussian Pantheon

2.  Abenaki Pantheon

3. Komi Pantheon

4. Sami Pantheon

5.  Albanian Pantheon

6. Cornish Pantheon

7.  Akan Pantheon

9.  Basque Pantheon

10.  Cantabrian Pantheon

11. Breton Pantheon

12. Mari Pantheon

13. Olmec Pantheon

14.  Zulu Pantheon


Paleo-Balkan Mythologies:

15. Illyrian Pantheon

16. Thracian Pantheon

17. Dacian Pantheon


18. Inuit Pantheon

19.  Chilean Pantheon

20.  Mapuche Pantheon

21. Circassian Pantheon

22. Malaysian Pantheon

23. Rapa Nui Pantheon

24. Armenian Pantheon

25.  Mazandari Pantheon

26.  Fijian Pantheon

27. Philippine Pantheon 

28. Xhosa Pantheon

29. Taiwanese Pantheon

30.  Taylsh Pantheon

31. Tshimshian Pantheon

32. Haitian - Voodoo Pantheon 

33. Somali Pantheon 

34.  Azerbaijani Pantheon

35. Kalenjin Pantheon

36.  Ainu Pantheon

37. Lusitanian Pantheon

38. Vietnamese Pantheon

39. Tahitian Pantheon

40. Efik Pantheon




Total Number: 75 - 85

-  All the Mythologies that have not been mentioned so far are either Low - Ranked Pantheons. Or if they are not counted than that means they have connections and history with certain Pantheons.

- Pantheons without at least a single Conceptual Tier entity.

I did not add them because people are most likely not to care about them.


Author Note: All the Pantheons that have not been mentioned above are either Low Ranked Pantheons or ones that have ties with the pantheons above. I also didn't bother with the Low Ranked Pantheon because they most likely won't have any significance in this story.

P.S: Yes, the MC already has seen this list during his 1-year training trip with Hera and Demeter.

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