
chapter 24

"Annabel ? Wait, you know this person?" Serena asked her Master who was almost as confused as he was.

"She's an old friend of mine when I was taking part in the Battle Frontier in my kid days." Ash explained to his slave. "Back then, I once thought she was a boy, but over the years, we kept in contact."

Reminiscing about the old days caused the young raven haired man to chuckle, only to immediately turn back to the subject at hand.

"But why are you hear?!" He asked her.

"Isn't it obvious?" Annabel asked him rhetorically. "I'm your mystery ally."

"But how did you know so much about my situation, with the Mind Stone and my slave girls?" Ash asked her.

"Oh yeah, it was back when we were at the party together a couple weeks ago. When you first hypnotized your first two slaves, Serena and May." She explained.

"I saw you three leave outside a moment, I saw a faint light outside the window, and when you three came back, the two girls who were with you seemed to be completely wrapped around your finger." She added on. "I then followed you three back to your mansion and saw you did the same thing with Misty and Dawn."

"You saw all that, huh?" Ash asked her.

"It's a policewoman's job to be perceptive of these things." She said proudly.

"Wait, you're a cop?!" Ash asked her, scared of what may come of this interaction.

"I'm Interpol to be technical, but relax, I'm hear to help you." She said, calming the man down and urging him to sit down again. "I want to help you because of what you're doing."

"What?" Ash said, perplex at her logic.

"When I first met you, there was a confidence you gave me like no other man in my life has ever come to. The times we shared together proved to me how strong of a man you are." She explained.

"I thought to myself when you made these women your servants, you did it out of the kindness in your heart, of course staving off sexual needs aside." She added on.

"What I mean is that, if you are able to use your mind control on these women to make them better, more complete people, then why should I dare stop you from using them like sex objects?" She further stated.

"The gift you give them is well worth and eternity of blissful servitude, and because of that, I not only want to help you, but to be your slave as well." She said, opening up her arms to him to show her submissiveness.

Completely taken back by her immediate willingness to be his personal sex toy forever toke Ash's breath out of his lungs. Never did he think conquering a slave would be this easy.

"Put me in your hypnotic trance and allow me to serve you with my mind and body for as long as you want!" She begged, kneeling on the floor before him.

Being given a personal invitation to mind control someone was not something Ash expected would happen that night, but he didn't decline the offer either. As he brought out the Mind Stone's box, he opened its hinges as the miraculous light lit the whole room.

As time passed however, nothing seemed to happen. Annabel's eyes didn't glaze over like Ash's previous catches. Seeing nothing was happening, Ash put away the Stone.

"What's going on here?" Ash questioned.

"Is this not how this normally goes?" Annabel asked, still awkwardly knelt on the ground.

"No." Ash put plainly, frustrated at the sudden trouble the Stone was causing him.

"Could it be because of the psychic powers I possess?" Annabel began to ask. "No that couldn't be. When I followed you around, I saw you mind control Sabrina, and she's far stronger a telepath than I."

"This is a problem. I'll have to ask Riley about this at some point." Ash said aloud. "That is if the police don't find me suspicious."

"About that, Ash." Annabel spoke up. "I think that the reason Interpol are investigating you is because of your captives."

"The slaves that you have subjugated are namely well known public figures around the world. The sudden disappearances of female gym leaders and the Sinnoh Champ right after most of them attended a party in your name raised some eyebrows." Annabel informed him.

"Their disappearance for days followed by their sudden return with no sufficient explanation led Interpol to investigate you." She added on. "What makes matters worse is that Coordinators and Performers like Serena here are also worth making note of. Even now, the people who saw you two come into a major event like this must have questions."

"So then why did you ask us to come?" Ash asked her.

"I want to make these public absences look circumstantial. That way Interpol has no solid evidence. Only alleged allegations that your are kidnapping and detaining these women." Annabel pointed out. "That's where I'll come in."

"I've already told you I've taken out their wiretaps and their surveillance cameras. All that's left is your case file and the police investigating you." She said, pitching her plan. "I may not have been placed under the dominion of your Mind Stone, but I'm stilling willing to be your servant."

"So what's your plan then?" Ash asked before placing her chin in his hand, their mouth and eyes mere inches from each other. "What does my little slave have in mind for me?"

"Well..." She began stammering, flustered by his charming advances as well as flattered he now considered her his property. "I was thinking of using your Mind Stone to hypnotize the police force into forgetting that you were ever a suspect and deleting any and all files related to you from our police servers."

"But it doesn't even work for some reason." Ash said.

"Don't worry. If for some reason you artifact doesn't work, then I'll use my own telepathic powers and make them forget." Annabel offered. "I'd avoid using it as a first option though, since I could risk turning their brains into mush."

"If you have already thought this far ahead, then I trust you." Ash said with a sigh, placing the Mind Stone's box in her hand.

"Trust me, Master. I will not fail you." She said confidently. "Stay in the Suite if you want, but it might stand for a better alibi if you return to the ball room floor." She offered, making sure she didn't outright command her new Sovereign.

As Ash watched Annabel turn her back, her sparkling, black dress making her look absolutely ravishing, Ash turned to Serena who'd remained silent through almost the whole ordeal, and offered her his hand.

While the two made their way back to the ballroom, the newly enthralled blue haired beauty made her way to the hastily assembled Interpol command room in the basement. With her eyes fixed on the prize, she walked out of the elevator and greeted two of her fellow Interpol members still figuring out what happened to their surveillance grid.

"Oh, it's Agent Annabel!" The first man said, hearing her high heels clack on the concrete floor.

"Give me a sit rep, Agent. What's going on with our equipment?" Annabel asked her subordinate, feigning concern for a problem she caused.

"All of our wiretaps and cameras are offline! This is too convenient for a power surge." The second agent responded.

"We were scared that we lost our communications too, since the moments these went down, we tried to radio your earpiece." The first agent said. "It's such a relief to see that you're ok though.

"I thought something was wrong." Annabel said, once again feigning ignorance, even though she willingly turned off her earpiece at the time so she and Ash could talk.

"If it happened to me, then I could happen to any one of us at another point. I want every agent in and around the building in here in five minutes sharp." Annabel demanded. "I want a headcount of every agent we have here before we resume."

"But miss, won't that compromise our stakeout?" The first agent asked her.

"Yeah, won't Agent Looker have a problem with you making that kind of call?" The second one followed up.

"Agent Looker isn't in charge of this assignment anymore since he had a bigger issue to solve." Annabel explained. "Even if he was here, I'm sure he'd trust his partner's judgment, now call everyone to HQ."

"Yes ma'am." The two obeyed, sending out a call to every Interpol agent at the event.

As this was happening, Ash and Serena continued where they left off from their slow dance. As Ash laid his chin into his slave's shoulder, he noticed all of the police agents making their way discreetly off to the elevators, a few taking a few peeks in Ash's direction as they left.

"You know, we've honestly haven't spent too much time together, just you and me." Ash said to his slave, his eyes trailing the last agent who finally got on the elevator.

"It really has been. There's much I want to say and yet it hardly feels like the right place to do it." Serena admitted with a smile.

"But I don't mind. You're a busy man, and I have no right to interfere in your decisions. Your choices are what make you so irresistible to me." She continued, hugging him as they continued to slow dance to the jazz music that now echoed across the ballroom floor.

"I'm so glad that you're here for me though." Ash said.

"I couldn't to begin how lonely I'd feel without the girls." He added on. "Or you."

Hearing those words whispered in Serena's hear we're like vocal honey. His words drove her wild, her mind racing, thinking of every single scenario that ended in him fucking her brains out. She had her commands as his slave however, and that ensured that she didn't act out in public not matter how horny he made her.

The following minutes felt like hours to Serena, but felt like seconds down in the basement for Annabel. With little time wasted, her entire Interpol squad was assembled in their makeshift headquarters, all waiting for new orders.

"So, is that everyone?" Annabel asked.

"Yes ma'am, were all here." Said the two initial surveillance agents simultaneously, the two entering the crowd of thirty-strong Interpol agents.

"Alright then." Annabel said as she took the Mind Stone's box out from her bosom. "I want you all to have a look at this."

As she finished her statement, the dark basement room then shined with a brilliant rainbow light, the onlooking agents' eyes completely glazed over much like Ash's sex slaves. Once again, however, the light did not ensnare Annabel, who now stood alone as the only mind control free person on the task force.

"So it worked on them, but not me, huh?" Annabel questioned. "Am I to blame?"

Before she got too concerned over her own esteem, she turned to the crowd of agents lined up in a row, all awaiting mind control orders from her. Before she issued off any commands though, Annabel turned back to a laptop on their desk, a file opened up on Ash Ketchum, detailing his last recorded public appearances, the people he last met with and how many days he and the girls he was allegedly keeping captive spent out of public eye.

Scoffing at the horrible slander her Usurper was faced with, Annabel purged the file from the laptop's memory, all evidence leading to Ash destroyed. Before she fully destroyed everything on the device however, Annabel found yet another file under Ash's name.

Curious as to what it might be, the blue haired servant opened it up, and what it contained shocked it. The file was, in truth, a list of potential "victims" the police suspected might disappear next. Among those on the list included, a few named female gym leaders in the Johto and Sinnoh Regions as well as a few Coordinators and Performers.

Realizing how important this list was, Annabel withdrew from immediately purging it, instead, opting to copy the list of names on a flash drive before purging the list from the computer completely.

Next to the laptop she just purged however was a smart tablet. Upon picking it up and scanning through its contents, Annabel's face lit up in excitement. Taking the tablet into her hands, she then began to take care of any other loose ends.

Leaving all traces of her tampering destroyed as well, removing her fingerprints from the laptop, the blue haired policewoman turned to face the still immobilized task force, all awaiting their brainwashing orders.

"Listen up people! As of this moment, Ask Ketchum has been proven innocent of any allegations related to the sudden disappearances of women around the world. These disappearances are all circumstantial and cannot be used as evidence against him!" She declared.

"As of this moment, the case on Ash Ketchum is closed. The man is innocent, and everyone of you see it as so. Upon the snap of my fingers, you will all awaken and come to terms with these commands, pack up all our equipment and return back to Interpol HQ by yourselves." She finished, poising her fingers for a snap.

After striking her fingers, her police force returned to normal, however their new programming took over their thoughts.

"Alright men, lets pack it up! We got no reason to be hear." The surveillance agent said, the rest of the group grunting approval.

As the task force continued their departure, Annabel left the room unnoticed, making her way back up to the ballroom. Upon returning to the room, she saw her Master, still slow dancing with his slave. Smiling at her triumph, she walked over to Ash.

Upon reaching her Lord, she tapped him lightly on the shoulder, beckoning him and Serena to a private room in the other side of the hotel.

"So how did it fare with you?" Ash asked her, sitting on the office table in the center of the room.

"Without a hitch." Annabel said proudly after locking the door. "The Mind Stone worked on the Interpol. They won't be a problem for you for a good long while."

After tossing the box back to her Master, Ash further pondered as to why Annabel still remained in effected. Sensing his worry over the subject, Annabel spoke up.

"Don't worry, Master. I've seen how your slave girls act. I may not be possessed by the Stone's great light, but I will still be a humble servant for you to use however you want all the same." She said with a bow of submission.

"That reminds me, I have a few treats for you!" She added, putting the flash drive out from between her cleavage and the tablet she stole from the handbag she kept around her waist.

"This drive contains data on the women the police suspected you might get to next. The tablet however contains data on women the police doubt you'd go after, since they're people you've never been recorded to have met or socialized with." The blue haired beauty said with a cheerful smile.

"Great! We can look over the date once we've all gone home." Ash said. "Of course that includes you too."

"Oh?" Annabel questioned in a teasing manner.

"You've done what you said you were going to do, and so much more. I think that deserves a reward, don't you think, slave?" Ash asked, turning to Serena.

"Oh yes, I think she most certainly has earned her induction rights for sure." Serena said, getting out of her seat and stepping behind Annabel to give her firm ass a tight squeeze through her dress.

"Mmm." Annabel moaned in reply, meeting Serena's lusty gaze with her own.

Annabel had never been with another woman before, no less a man. She knew however, since this is what her new Master desires of his slaves, she was willing to adopt the mindset of finding women sexy if it meant giving the man she loved satisfaction.

"Alright slave, there's just one final task for you." Ash commanded. "Give is a ride home."

"Of course, my Sovereign. I have my car parked out back. I'll show you to it." She replied immediately, beckoning them out the door.

As the trio made their way out to Annabel's car, Ash took his women by the hips, getting a firm grip on their tight asses, a hum of approval from both slightly filling the empty hallway.

"The ballroom party might have just ended, but the real party is just about to get started." Ash smile deviously.

As the group got in the car and made their way back to the mansion, Ash smiled in content once more, his confidence brimming. Now, with a Interpol agent as his devout and willing servant, Ash's horizons had expanded once more. This was just the beginning of his fun.

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