
Chapter 123 Decision


Raikage Office.

"The hokage has outright denied the allegations of konoha's involvement and has said that the Shimogakure incident is a result of kumogakure's past actions, he hinted at the man who attacked being from the now extinct Uzumaki clan"

"He also said if lord Raikage still keeps blaming konoha despite the lack of evidence, then he is not afraid of seeing him on the battlefield."


Most of the high combat force of the village was gathered in the office again as they all listened to everything that the messenger who was sent to konoha said, After his last words, wind rustled in the office as lightning burst out of Raikage.

"Well~Well~Well! This brat surely has more guts then the rest of konoha's leadership combined, I'll give him credit for that."

Said A, the Third Raikage with a large grin on his face and blue lightning hovering around him, though everyone in the room able to feel the hidden anger in his words.

"A survivor of Uzumaki clan? Bullshit! If there was someone as strong as this guy in that clan then they wouldn't have been destroyed in the first place"

Ai, son of Raikage found the guess that the man who attacked them being from Uzumaki clan totally ridiculous.

When they had attacked Uzumaki clan only their patriarch had strength barely reaching the level of a kage and rest of clan members aside from having more chakra showed nothing extraordinary.

And now he was being told that the man whose strength according to those who faced him was at least equal to the kage of the great five villages, he was from that very same clan who they had destroyed. He refused to believe this.

At this moment Dodai, the assistant of Raikage with a slightly anxious face interjected.

"Hokage's claim isn't pointless if you ask me, I mean if you take his red hair, use of barrier techniques and the jutsu which targeted chakra into consideration then him being a survivor of Uzumaki clan is most likely"

"I know you are not convinced about the Uzumaki having such a strong shinobi but if you look into the past you'll find some pretty strong shinobi who belonged to the Uzumaki clan"

"The patriarch of Uzumaki Clan who lived in the same era of First Hokage, his sealing jutsu was strong enough to impress the god of shinobi himself, then there is Uzumaki Mito the previous jinchuriki of nine tails who could keep the massive power of nine tails in check forcefully just relying on her own sealing powers"

Told Dodai his thoughts to A, the son of Raikage who was completely treating the possibility of the enemy being from Uzumaki clan as rubbish.

"Dodai's right, in our attempt to blame konoha we might let the real culprit go away" Said Yugino, the two tails jinchuriki with a serious look on her face.

"To me it doesn't really matter if this enemy is from Uzumaki or not as all I know is that even after two weeks having passed we still have no clue where he is?"

"The shinobi of this village want the culprit to be punished as soon as possible and if we are unable to find him then I have no choice but to come up with a culprit and sate their anger"

"Spread the word of Konoha attacking Shimogakure, an ally of Kumogakure everywhere and order our shinobi to start preparing to exact revenge on konoha"

Raikage's words fell and there was a momentary silence and no one looked really surprised as what just happened they had expected this outcome since the day third Raikage who was looking for an excuse to start a war had blamed konoha.


"I'll make arrangements immediately, Lord Raikage!"


Seeing his efforts to prevent a war failing Dodai let out a tired sigh and with a complicated face stepped out of the office.


The world which was finally beginning to forget the horror of wars—the world where the powerless were finally not getting trampled on by the strong—shook to the core today as news from Kumogakure, one of the great five shinobi villages, spread out like fire.

"Not again!!"

"How long will we continue to suffer!!?"

The people wept and cried in despair and agony, The wounds from the last war were still fresh and another one was looming on the heads of everyone.

The news naturally reached other great villages as well, before the kumo troops could even march toward konoha Iwagakure stepping in the war as well, taking the route of land of grass and approaching konoha.

And so just six years after the end of second ninja world war, the third ninja world war started, and just like the two in the past, Konoha was the target of multiple villages again.

(The Third Ninja War Volume won't be too long and will be pretty exciting, at the end of the volume maybe someone would finally will have have a happy moment in his dark life till now}

 Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.

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