
Chapter 61 Boil Release vs Water Release

The sound of rain drops hitting the ground could hardly make a difference on the battlefield where explosions went off every second due to ninjutsu released by both armies.


The rain drenched the silver hair and black battle gear of kazuki, who without caring about these little things rushed towards Han at distance, raising the blade in his hand high to slash.

Boil Release: Mist Mirage!

Watching the figure approaching at high speed, Han didn't waste a moment and flashed a series of hand signs, mobilizing the chakra of tail beast in his body.

From the furnace on his back, a large amount of steam was suddenly released as the area around was immediately covered in thick steam.


Kazuki halted his movements at this development and squinted through the mist, trying to make out han's silhouette but it was of no use, the mist was too thick and disorienting.

Boil Release: Boiling Vortex!

In the mist kazuki felt his hair rustle suddenly as a bad feeling welled up in his heart. A swirling steam erupted from the mist, scalding hot and powerful enough to hurl enemies in the air.


Kazuki barely had time to react as he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the vortex that flew past him but the heat still melted his black battle gear and even scorching the skin on his chest, leaving it red and raw, kazuki groaning in pain.

Boil Release: Steam Shuriken!

Before Kazuki could recover, razor sharp discs of condensed steam sliced through the mist towards him.


Water Style: Water Armor!

The Steam Shuriken sliced through the remaining bit of his black gear, leaving deep cuts on his skin but gritting his teeth through the pain, kazuki flashed a series of one hand signs.


A thick layer of water covered his body, forming a protective cover. The water sizzled and evaporated upon contact with the steam shuriken but it brought kazuki enough time to counter-attack.

"That way"

Giving the trajectory of steam shurikens a look, Kazuki successfully located the position of han in the steam as immediately he flashed a couple of hand signs.

Water Style! Water Cannon Technique!

Kazuki spat a powerful beam of hot boiling water, strong enough to blast through diamond and hot enough to even scald flesh.

"Be careful!"

Han who was continuously shaping the steam around him into shurikens and firing it towards Kazuki, suddenly stopped as kokou, the five tails inside him yelled like its life depended on it.

Boil Release: Searing Veil!

Without a second thought, Han made a quick hand sign as the steam coming out of the furnace on his back immediately turned into a cloak of hot steam, covering him.


The beam of boiling water that could even cut through diamond hit the steam cloak covering han accurately but surprisingly was met with great resistance as Han continued to use chakra to reinforce the defense of steam cloak, but the penetrating power of water cannon eventually outdid the reinforcing speed of han, breaking through but a lot weaker.


Blood flew around as the water beam penetrated through the red armor covering han and hit his exposed body, but the resistance of steam cloak had weakened the attack a lot, a two to three-inch-deep hole appearing on the stomach of Han.


"Damn this kid!"

Han hissed in pain and cursed in a frustrated tone, his one hand clutching the wound on his stomach from where blood continued to pour out.

"You better try your best, this kid suddenly seems a lot stronger."

The voice of Kokou fell in the ears of frustrated han, reminding him in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I can see that, anyway stop the blood flow first."

Said Han to Kokou in a tone of urgency as the latter immediately mobilized chakra, the steam beginning to burn the wound and solidifying the wound, stopping the blood flow.

"It's as tough as I expected"

Muttered Kazuki with a look of discomfort on his face, the Kusanagi fixed on the back again as his right hand surrounded with green chakra covering the scorched skin on his chest, healing it gradually.

He knew this battle was going to be tough and it was turning out to be just like he had expected, just after a couple of jutsu exchange he was injured twice already though he had managed to injure han as well, showing the strength gap between the two probably didn't exist.

The battle under the dark sky raged on with both shinobi using their jutsu to get an upper hand.

Boil Release: Vapor Stride!

Steam gushed out from the soles of Han, as he dashed through the mist and approached kazuki, leaving a trail of condensation in his wake.

Water Release: Water Torrent Technique!

Kazuki immediately felt the movement in the mist and in an instant located the approaching Han, making couple of hand signs and opening his mouth wide.

A large amount of water gushed out of his mouth and turned into a small torrent, it moved along the ground at high speed and approached Han, on the course to carry him away with it.

Boil Release: Geothermal Blast!!

Han seeing the torrent on the course to engulf and carry him away, immediately stopped in his track and once again began to mobilize the steam chakra in his body but on a large scale than before.

Completing the hand signs for the jutsu Han smashed his both hands on the ground as steam from his palms immediately drilled into the ground, channeling through it.


It seemed like a land mine seemed to have gone off suddenly, the ground bursting open as the water torrent was blown up as well, most of it turning into steam and evaporating immediately.

The ground on which kazuki stood burst open as well, who truly caught off guard by this large scale attack blown towards the sky, but the steam that came out of the ground followed him towards the sky.

Water Release! Swirling Water Barrier!!

Just the heat of the approaching steam made the skin of kazuki in the skin tingle, who with an extreme look of concentration began to mobilize the chakra in his body, his hands turning into near afterimages while making hand signs.

Water blew out from the mouth of kazuki and turned into swirling currents of water, enveloping him from all sides completely as finally the steam met it.


The water sizzled and evaporated at the moment of contact with steam but so did the steam continued to lessen with time, as eventually both the swirling water barrier and steam that came out of the ground disappeared and a figure fell from the sky.


Kazuki landed on the ground and stood straight, his upper body completely bare and his battle gear completely melted now, his skin a little red and raw.

The rain pouring down from the sky finally able to disperse the mist created from the jutsu as well as in the vision of Kazuki a tall figure in a red armor standing at some distance from him, the brown and red eyes with a serious look in them meeting.

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