

You know, I'm not a very good person, I don't want to justify my action by saying 'you forced my hand' or 'I didn't want it to come to this' I want to stir shit. I will steal yo girl, it was always going to happen, but when you do things like this, you sadden me because now I feel like I'm right, like the good guy, I am not.

"well aren't you going to answer?" Takashi… you bloody… fuck I can't believe I thought you were cool at one point. But then perhaps I was just a child at that point. Hitting women isn't cool. Being depressed because of your own inaction is even lamer. The signs were all there. I was just wilfully blind to them. I'm not upset though I want to do the same thing to him. I'm just disappointed that he would be like me. Only I can do that. Shame on him.


"so you admit it?," just stop dude, don't make this harder on me. Be a good person.

"no, I already said the truth, whether you choose to believe me or not, is none of my business," he scowls at me. Fuck, people are people I guess. Expect nothing and you'll never be disappointed.

"i'm not trying to prove myself to Shido of all people, also if you trust his words over mine then it's already over for you," I let the words hang for a moment then continue.

"what is your problem with me anyway? I don't even know your name," really what is wrong with him? Am I really that intimidating? This won't be good. I'll have to up my game. First chance I get I'll strike.

"i just want to know the truth, don't you?" he addresses the rest of the group. A few people in the back. The randoms agree with him. Shido has a stupid grin on his face.

I take a deep breath, "I didn't kill anybody, a more likely possibility is that after I defended myself against him you turned your back on him, probably didn't even check up on him, but then why would you? Am I right Shido,"

For the briefest moment, Shido's expression falters back he immediately covers up. " I wasn't at the place where it took place so I'm not sure what happened exactly, still I can't just ignore the claims of my student, if you are a danger to this group I would suggest you leave. It would put the rest of us at ease. Listen up everyone, if you make me your leader, put your faith in me I'll make sure we are all kept safe,"

The idiots applaud him while giving me dirty looks, I don't mind them. They aren't important for anything. I have more important things on my mind. I need to download more information on survival and books concerning the same. I am NOT pleased that we might just have to resort to newspaper in the future in place of tissue.

Chaos ensues, well not really, the students are chanting for my supposed execution while the main cast is silent, watching me. I on the other hand, can't help but wonder about the future, I should learn about electrical engineering like yesterday and fix things up when the emp hits. The game grind don't stop. Man if only I had those two days. I would have definitely used the third to get loads of games and a few consoles, then proceed to fill up my inventory with them, might still be able to actually, i'll put that on my to do list.

While everyone is doing whatever and I'm in my own world, the idiot form Shido's group, tired of being ignored, moves up to me. I get up as well. It's time to shut him Shido and his people up.

"why aren't you saying anything? Huh?! is this a joke to you?!"

"no but you are," tip if you can't fight, best keep your mouth shut, but if you can…

"this bastard!" he throws a punch at me, I tap his arm away and then proceed to spartan kick his ass to the back of the bus. Silence. Shido, unfazed by this, walks up to his half of the bus.

"very impressive, if possible I would want us all to be on the same side, but this just proves my earlier point. We need a leader. If I was the leader I would make sure that this doesn't happen," he's making excessive arm movements and ends his speech by spreading his arms out. The students at the back of the bus seemingly impressed by this start to applaud and lo! And behold so does the idiot I just beat. He's not looking too good though.

This people sure change their mood every five seconds. That can't be healthy.

"well it's seems I won by majority of vote. Don't worry everyone we will make it through this, I promise you this," Shido takes a bow.

I take my seat afterwards and begin to look through my phone, I should make use of this phone before the battery dies, I'm just glad books are easy to download and takes low storage. Imagine if I had to wait for a 35GB download during these trying times.

That aside I don't want to force the group into anything, the idea has been planted in their heads but no decision has been reached. To be honest I'm glad they didn't immediately follow my lead. I'm not too keen on walking during the night if I don't have to. Regardless we'll be forced to follow my plan anyway. That's good Inaction is the worst. You can't achieve anything from doing nothing.

Like clockwork, Rei the true main character of this story and many others, scratch that, all stories that were ever written decides it would be best to jump out of the bus in the middle of the night, without backup. This… 100 percent sure that if Takashi wasn't here she wouldn't dare act that way.

Takashi follows, Saya protests. Saeko watches. Rei pleased that she's getting her way, by forcing it is yapping away, we all feel the same. Is all this drama necessary? Wait a minute isn't this hypocritical of me? I say I like the entertainment but I don't like it when Rei does it. I must really hate her.

"Shizuka sensei!" Saeko speaks up from beside me pulling me out of my thoughts. The medic jumps up like a child caught doing something naughty. I notice the bus a moment later. Floating in the air wee! There's a heavy silence for a few moments. Everyone must have different thought in their heads right about now, mine is that I should really stop zoning out so much. I mean I know the future but isn't this too much?

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