

"are you okay?" I ask as I extend my hand to help up the pinkette. I am so glad she screamed with such passion. It's not hard to convey the emotion when you genuinely feel it.

"no… no I'm not you idiot! I almost died, what took you so long?" she says as she takes my hand.

"i'm sorry about about that, I just saw Shido indirectly kill a stident who was with him to get the advantage over some zombies. I was shocked and was only able to regain focus when I heard your voice,"

Damn I'm a smooth dude. Let me give you a tip about romancing. When you spew romantic poetic bullshit, make sure in the moment you mean those words, take it from me doctor love. (I have had no relation with the opposite sex) You know my info is legit. Trust me bro.


"you heard me," I stress the point. "we should move quickly if we want to make it out alive. The bus keys should be in the faculty room. I'm willing to bet an arm I won't be allowed onto that bus should he make it on there first. Busujima, I'm happy to see you're alive,"

"likewise… um… I don't quite know your name, you never mentioned it,"

"call me Atlas, let's both take the front. Have the nurse and her in the middle," I say pointing my shin at Saya, "and the gunner should watch our six."

"very well then, I'm looking forward to a good performance from you,"


And just like that, we are moving. I can see from the corner of my eye that Takashi isn't too happy about being ignored but oh silly man, this is only the beginning, it's already over for you.

Clearing the path has become infinitely easier now that I have Saeko at my side. We make a pretty good team. Our synergy is extraordinary. Just like us. The zombies didn't stand a chance when I was alone but now I almost feel sorry fro them. Almost. Nah I'm enjoying this. Building trust with the team because of my strength and getting rid of my debt. I am on top of things. Although what Saeko kills I don't receive. Shame but I have little complains. I'm gaining something irreplaceable; trust.

We find Kikyo in the room looking like a deer caught in the headlights. She only relaxes when she sees me. She moves with purpose, walks up to me and says in an authoritative tone. "you're late,"

"i'm sorry it won't happen again," lesson number two from doctor love, you don't really love someone until you are ready to let them win fights with you. Pride is the number one cause for failed relationships, some don't even start because of it. Lastly, don't pretend later down the line that they're a hassle, it's annoying, you picked up your cross now carry it, if you really love someone the burden is automatically negligible. Doctor love out.

"well if we are all done let's head out, sensei stick close to the nurse" I say once again taking the lead, it seems almost natural, perhaps I was born for this

Love is one powerful weapon, it caused God to set aside His divinity to die like us and it even caused Takashi to run after Rei in the middle of the night just so that she wouldn't be alone. What a romantic. I'll let them leave, I need to sow seeds of doubt after their disappearance on his eligibility for the leadership role. Anyway scheming aside. Love, yes if I can get them to fall head over heels for me, I will not only have loyal companions whom I can trust to watch my back but also faithful workers to build my facilities. My dream has not changed. Only the method. The end does justify the means.

We make it to the bus and much to my dismay, so does Shido. He is of course less than pleased to see me but he keeps his cool this time around. He goes to the back of the bus with his boys and starts talking to them in hushed tones. It doesn't take Saya to know the contents of their conversation. Well I know because of the anime but still. I'm sitting next to Saeko, Takashi with Rei obviously, who else would sit with her? Hirano with Saya, and Kikyo with a random. This is going to be one nasty, long ass drive. Night time can't come any sooner, I'm more than ready to catch some shut-eye.

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