
Killing two birds with one stone :The search for Blake

Reggie leaned across the weathered dock manager's cluttered desk. "Look, we need to find out everything you know about a passenger who came through here few months ago"

The grizzled old sailor squinted at Reggie suspiciously. "I get a lotta faces passing through here daily, pal. You'll have to be more specific than that."

"His name's Blake," Gunther cut in impatiently. "Nice looking guy, dark hair, probably seemed a bit...weird, and lost maybe."

While Reggie and his brothers were still having a conversation with the manager, a young sailor quickly walke over the counter and excused the manager to report that Jordan is still not back from his last trip.


Before the brothers could inquire further, the door to the office burst open and a frantic young sailor burst inside, eyes wild.

"Pablo? The hell's gotten into you, boy?" the manager barked.

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