
I'm Not Spending!(Part-2)

I think… it's working, Apollo thought. He could feel his organs being washed by Qi, like a hand massaging them. He didn't follow the pattern from the Simple Breathing Technique; instead, he treated his body like a bucket, continuously pouring Qi and submerging his insides with it.

His brain felt cool as the Qi entered it, putting his mind in a state of calmness.

A smile formed on his lips; however, in the next second, like he was hit by a bolt of lightning, his body became stiff. He started shaking before he threw up blood for the second time.

"Argh," the beggar grunted in pain. Seeing the blood on the ground, he couldn't help but spit some more. "Sh*t, something is wrong."

He did feel that his organs were being revitalized by the Qi, but he suddenly felt overwhelmed.

"It's the pattern," Apollo immediately realized. "But if I want to have a perfect pattern, I have to do trial and error."

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