
Longyu Dragons vs. Shizi Dogs (9)

In the Water Court...

"Wow, the Juren Champions are really unstoppable."

"I can't believe it ended so quickly."

"Well, that's the Juren Champions for you. They had been unbeatable since then—always landing themselves a medal. With Jian under their wing, they had snatched the championship title for three years already." 

"Yeah, it sucks to live in the same life as Jian, huh?" 

"Well, not only him—but the Elite Five of this generation. They're the best out of the best! They had set the standards so much for the next generations to come." 

The crowd already started dispersing. The Yin Yang Knights, who decided to watch their game after they were done in the Land Court, sighed. 

"Boring," Fabin said. "We should have watched another game." 

"Agreed," Ailun said. 

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