

Karl led the team to the entrance of the Dungeon, where the members of Team Two had just exited, along with their researchers.

"Anything good?" Karl called as he led his team toward the entrance.

"Nothing like what you guys pulled out on the first run. We got armour and a skill book, though, so we can't complain about that. 

It would be nice if the book was a bit more rare than [Fireball], but you take what you get, and fireball is a pretty decent spell." Prince Charles called back.

Well, you couldn't get the sort of first clearance bonuses that they had found on every single run, it would just be ridiculously overpowered as a resource.

"Are we all ready?" Karl asked as he reached the portal.

"As long as you didn't leave the beasts behind, we're good to go." Tessa laughed.

Karl stretched out a hand, and felt it stop as it touched the surface, as if it was solid, and not just a portal to the dungeon.


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