
Volume 0 (51): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 51 : Subterranean Tunnels.

Drekdier observes again his red leather log trying to find where is his mistake, and Newller questions the group —Can someone explain to me, what exactly are you doing here?, aside of interrupting the date between Narae and Myself.

His last sentence embarrasses the Damsels, reminding them vividly inside their minds the intimacy he was having with Oxxana a minute ago.

The blushing faces and shy attitude of the females is quite rare for Marshack, almost all integrants of his Civilization had already expirience intimacy with a Partner or have been present during one of such acts, if not for personal circumstances, due to the practical lectures imparted on the Institutes in Hûlfhednär.

Still, the Apex remains stoic and is the one who reply to Newller —We are "Exploring" in search for Hidden Locations or Secret Spots, such as the entrance towards the Subterranean Tunnels over the place you were intimate with your companion.

—We were making out over a sewer?!; Exclaimed Oxxana with preoccupation but Drekdier responds with displeasure —Not all underground Tunnels are sewers!, and could be something amazing down there! …

—If you have the location right!; remarked Dlanesh.

—He has it right; Acknowledge Marshack and Drekdier asks —How do you know that?.

—Because i am seeing it. The answer of the Apex surprise them, and Dlanesh impatiently scream —What are you waiting for?!, open it up already!.

The Hûrngöth walks towards the hole and step with force on the entrance, transmitting Null Zionez and Null Keizer visibly in a whitish envelope of energy all over his right foot with claws of his Róc Trait (Mythical Giant Eagle).

The Null Zionez and Keizer flows momentarily downwards into the white earth, and the floor inside the hole parts in half, showing a wide hatch with a diameter of 20 Vul (10 meters) made with two half circles of white metal under a layer of white earth and short brown grass.

—Wow!, impressive!; Comments Newller with enthusiasm »—Let's go inside!.

—First wear your shirt; Said Oxxana, returning to him the cloth he lend her.

While the Gärmshïer fixes the apparency he has himself, Laira approach Drekdier —You have the map, so lead the way; Mentioned the female coquettishly with sensual smile at the Preëmtor.

Drekdier accepts and he is the first to start the descend for the metallic stairs that has the hatch.

Laira is the next one, even when she can fly, so the "Leader" of the expedition can watch her while going down.

Doing something similar to her friend, Dlanesh descends, and even Oxxana with Newller added themselves to the activity.

Marshack instead grabs the wrists of Bethzave and Thalia, levitating swiftly and entering the wide hatch, reaching the end before the others that started first.

The tunnel goes down for 340 Vul (170 meters), is made of smooth white metal and at the base, it is divided into three different paths.

This doesn't look like a sewer; Said Thalia »—Or they are the most clean ones that has ever going to exist.

—I agree, but i don't like this place at all Bverxkka, it makes me feel weird; Bethzave quickly starts clinging to Marshack's left arm as if she were trying to rubs his scent over her body.

—Is she horny?; Inquire Thalia with curiousity and Marshack dismisses the possibility —Not even a tiny bit, the Connection between this Environment and the Yellow Amber Plasma Realm is quite severed here due to the Amalgamation of materials that constitute the tunnel's Walls …

»—Even though, i can act as a decoy for the Realm, plus producing Yellow Amber Plasma on my own, which what she can interact with, and diminish the "Void" provoked by the absence of the Natural flow of Yellow Amber Plasma that Lenzer usually receives from the Realm.

—So she is addicted to that sensation of "Amber Plasma" running through her body?. Ask Thalia with preoccupation.

He elaborates his answer —It is not accurate, is more like a sudden lost of blood on top of an "Hemorrhage", and obviously, the only way of dealing with these types of events, is saturating the flow to compensate the Plasma that has been lost.

—It is necessary that she is so near to you?; Thalia berely knows Marshack, still, seeing this, she feels uncomfortable, the Apex is not that attractive, but has his charms, the same is applicable to Bethzave, which confuses the Fof'blir Damsel.

{Am i jealous of them?!}.

And as a matter of fact, she is, but is not capable of knowing it due to her inexperience on this matters.

Marshack turns towards Thalia and nods approvingly —Indeed, the closeness enhance the velocity of transference, in fact, being more intimate would be more efficient and effective, but the circumstances, evidently, doesn't allows such behavior between one another.

—Not like i mind you doing all you want to me Bverxkka … Said teasingly Bethzave just to be embarrassed while her eyes cross paths with the sight of Thalia, who has blushing cheeks and a flabbergasted expression with a wide open mouth.

{I don't think … , I don't think i am capable of saying that kind of sentences, even, if is the one i love the only one that hears it, much less saying it so openly like her}.

The rest of the group reaches the base of the stairs and Laira is the first in noticing the weirdness of this place —The Connection with the Yellow Amber Plasma Realm is extremely low, and the Connection with the White Nacar Plasma Realm is completely severated, we shouldn't advance more.

—You want to get back?!; Question Dlanesh incredulously and is Bethzave the one intervening with ragged voice rubbing her face on Marshack's left arm —It is the most pertinent course of action, when an Environment is severated of something specific, is only to contain whatever is inside, isolating them of the exterior to weakened their development so they become easier of manipulate, study or eliminate …

—I agree; Accept Drekdier »—We have to prepare more accordingly to deal with this place if we want to keep exploring it completely …

Dlanesh is completely dissapointed but doesn't protest much —Then go outside!; Exclaim openly and Newller with Oxxana are the first ones to leave, followed by Laira with Drekdier and just then Dlanesh starts climbing up.

—Are you dissapointed too?; Asks Thalia and the Apex is quite calm about it —Not at all, i find this tunnels intriguing, but they are dangerous too, let's leave for now …

Marshack levitates again and doesn't go faster than the current pace of Dlanesh, looking at her attentively —I recommend to you, that don't attempt to jump down, entering here again, alone or unprepared, and just a quick reminder to you, my tail can pierce your shoulder and catch you to impede the first outcome, something is similar for the second one, after all, i don't need to sleep, so don't even think on trying.

Marshack keeps staring at Dlanesh en she just tense her jaw almost breaking her teeth, then she puts her head slightly down and continues the ascension, leaving the hatch stairs so the Apex could seal this entrance.

—What a waste of time?!; Dlanesh remarks, obviously, she is mad about the decision of not continuing the exploration, and seeing her friend Bethzave with a much better apparency by standing outside only worse the situation »—We didn't check anything down there!.

—But we confirmed the entrances exist; Said Drekdier »—Meanwhile, we can search other locations …

Dlanesh quickly answers —Whatever, i am not in the mood for that anymore …

—Then, lets go shopping girls, that always cheers you up Ladnnia; Laira suggestion is accepted and Dlanesh remarks giving a threatening glare at the three present young males —Only us girls are allowed …

—Have fun; Commented Newller and the five females leave them, heading to the Mall that is not too far away …

Should we do the same; Inquire Newller, Drekdier accepts and Marshack just say —Indeed; Advancing towards the same destination …

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