
Volume 0 (33): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 33 : Clear Intentions Part 1.

The dark grey metal ship is big enough to harbor 550 passengers, the design is militaristic and clearly for stealth purposes with the low electromagnetic signature and the almost imperceptible interaction with light, making it to look translucent in apparency.

In front of the Natural Tubular Connection, the Vessel stops, Marshack is ahead blocking the path with a barrier made of Inph and Enph Electrons, not being capable of seeing the incoming danger, the Captain and the troops doesn't panic in the slightest by one individual.

Marshack observe the Entities inside the ship, they wear a dark grey suit and helmets that occults their apparency, or at least is the case until the Hûrngöth employs his [Bicromy].

Under the combat uniform of the Anthropoid Species lies a series of equal characteristics, short red hair, dark blue skin, light pink "X" pupils surrounded by light opaque orange irises on each of the four horizontal eyes they have, 4 arms in the upper body with 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand, lastly a height of 16 Vul (8 meters).

*‡—We are an unarmed explorer, our purpose is to map this Sector that was blocked in the past.*

{He is lying, and charging the displacement device of his ship, 188.5 to 201.2 Standard Light Years is the "Jump" it can make, primitive in comparison to the Prinean technology, they use a similar method but the efficiency and the potential are still underperforming in both Technologies}.

With threatening disposition, Marshack displays on his right hand a Grade 5 Tier 11 Neutronic Warhead.

This ammunition is powerful enough to obliterate a planet of relative large proportions (25 to 28 Times Jupiter size) and don't leave any trace behind.

The dark grey ship receives the Neutronic Warhead head on, the Energy Shields doesn't even activate by the speed of the impact, which provokes an explosion that produce a dim blue whitish light, enveloping and destroying the Vessel completely.

The light dissipate a few seconds later, and Marshack emits a broad transmission in the frequency and language employed by the deceased crew of the Vessel.

*‡—Don't enter or even approach the limit of my territory under any circumstances, anyone who trespass the stablished borders would be destroyed.*

Marshack scans the surrounding area and communicates with Callius *»—Gorng, start patrolling the D'Kin territory, inform Bastille and kill anything that enters the bubble of 150 Standard Light Years of our domain.*

*—On command.* The reply is short like Marshack's stay, because he has to depart towards Jitaris Space for the "Dinner".

In another Galaxy, orbiting an Ice Blue Crio Plasma Sun, lies a Planet with cristaline water across its surface, unending edifications with greenish materials of floral origin and the unmistakable presence of the Jitaris inhabitants.

"Jericho" is their Homeworld, cradle of the Civilization they have built across millions of years, the Capital Solar Sistem of their ever expanding territory and the current location of the Sovereign Tsarina.

She is walking towards the entrance of her palace, being escorted by 28 Wätchter Jitaris divided on columns of 7 and advancing in a rhomboid formation with the ruler and companions in the center.

Her youngest daughter is at her left side when at her right is her sister-in-law, the three femeles are extremely gorgeous, not only on Jitaris parameters, they are beautiful on an Existence Scale.

The translucent green bluish skin has no imperfections, easy to spot them if they exist due to the nuance of the Jitaris dermis.

Long sparkling burgundy dresses accentuate the silhouette of the females, the design they are wearing has a pronounce cleavage, open back, shows the shoulders and the sleeves reach their hands, surrounding with Ice Crio Plasma two of the seven fingers and the thumb that the Jitaris have on said limbs.

The colour employed on this clothes is a show of respect to the future Guest, as well as not using high heels, because the height of the Tsarina is 14 Vul (7 meters), her Youngest Daughter and Sister-in-law has 10½ and 12½ Vul (5.25 and 6.25 meters) of height respectively.

Lastly their membrane style (Hairstyle), is wavy on the Tsarina, a ponytail on her descendant, and short on the sister of her ex husband.

Crossing the convex doors of reinforced algaes, the receiving Delegation awaits the arrival of their Guest, with whom, if possible, they want to establish an Alliance to face the emerging threats that are appearing non stop since a few centuries ago.

—What it is dear Sister-in-law?; Mockingly asked the Tsarina of the Jitaris.

Rudely reply the woman —Are you giving away my niece as a jewelery piece to this potential Ally of your's?.

—Be more mindful with your tone Garktesy, still i hope you have the "Ovaries" to talk to him the same way you do with me right now.

The Tsarina's Sister-in-law is stupefy and the former laughs laudly without any decorum while observing her Youngest Daughter, the most beautiful member of the Jitaris Species excluding herself on the already past young age the Sovereign had »—If he wants to take you away my sweet daughter, he can have you, not even i can stop him …

The young Jitaris is surprised, nevertheless, she understand her current position as well the implications of what her Mother has commented.

As a ruler, the Tsarina has never bend over for anyone, she didn't weaver when the Hekket of the Darnagarian Hegemony tried to marry her using the population as hostages, threatening with a war if she did not accept the proposal.

Back then, the young Jitaris berely had obtain her Sovereignty, however, she step up, slaying the Hekket, halving the Hegemony territory and expulsing them entirely from the Galaxy.

A similarly situation occured again with a couple of millions of standard years as separation on the events.

The Absolute Commander of the Procterian attempt the same deed of marry the Tsarina, this happened with the raising threat of the Avizjiel, before the Protectorate was stablished and the Dictatorship was the government system of that Species.

Fortunately, the Åwlön admonish the action attempted by the Procterian and support the Jitaris, forging the Alliance they have now, after all, as a general rule or simply common sense, across the Existence, one truth is understood by everyone, you don't fight the Åwlön unless you want the complete annihilation of your Civilization.

{My Mother is so adamant about her posture that she never bend over for my Father, not even once on any occasion of their intimate intercourse, and now, i think she is happy and ready to do so for this "Guest"}.

Bittersweet are the thoughts of the Youngest Descendant of the Tsarina.

As an entrepreneur and enthusiast of architectural development, she is well versed and completely aware of the cost of rebuild the infrastructure destroyed after each attack perpetrated by the Remanents or the Avizjiel.

The skirmishes across the borders or the belligerent conflicts over territory with other Species or Threats never produce as much damage as the two mentioned above.

Which makes her comprehend the necessity of an Ally with high Militaristic capabilities.

But as a Daughter, she is experimenting mixed feelings, her Mother is quite happy about the current situation, and "She" should be cheering her up.

However, the enthrallment this Unknown Entity has over the Tsarina, along with her not-so-disguised attitude as a teenager in love bragging about her crush, causes the young female a big conflict.

Since her Father, when he was a live, never ever mentioned her Mother having this type of attitude towards him.

—Mother … ; Uncertainty is present in her melodious voice »—Did you ever love my Father?.

The Tsarina respond with detached and firm voice —My answer is not going to change, it doesn't matter how many times you ask, the relationship with your father was a political arrangement and unfortunately i didn't have any other potential candidates …

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