
Volume 0 (8): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 8 : Unwelcoming answers Part 3.

Alaney is astonished by Marshack reasoning but not by his last revelation.

{He can!, i am aware of Bverxkka battle prowess, i saw him spar with Ark Duke Wickman, Dankner, Callius and defeat all of them using only his legs, no Shield, Plasmas, Kinetic energy or Electrons, no Adarga, no Traits, just him, and the other 3 employing all they had in their capabilities repertory, including Neutronio, which is used only with the purpose of KILLING}.

—You know other options Aezza?, then say it, if not, back me up or back off.

{I'm speechless, he is dealing with this matter being younger, shame on me, i can't provide the answers that should be my labor being an Academic Eminence (Æ) rather than a Conceived Eminence Especially for the Purpose of Protection (CEEPP)}.

A loud fake cough put them out of their discussion, Marshack and Alaney turns to the one that makes the sound.

Peatell accompanied by Norren, the former is the responsible one, and he is carrying an audiovisual transmitter on his left shoulder, which is pointing at the duo, so he coughs again —Cadette Bverxkka, all your conversation was …, i mean, the transmission already started …

—I am aware, i did it so everyone gets the knowledge of our precarious situation, because it is even worst, so stop lamenting Dankner, and come here immediately …

—Cadette Bverxkka?

—Bverxkka is enough Hayon, our Institute is destroyed after the lost of 22% of the personnel and 67% of the Cadettes, the rest are mostly injured, you should be grateful of your friend, Cadette Bastille, for the protection he gave you …

Norren smile and nods, not daily you receive a compliment from the best Hûrngöth that is going to exist.

{Bastille?!} Alaney thought and Peatell nods understandingly at the words he received, then say with uncertainty —R-Right … , The message we answer?.

Alaney replied —It's a Psychic message, and everyone can hear "The ringing" …

Peatell and Norren looks surprised by the revelation and spoke at the unison, showing how much they know each other —Wasn't a drawback of the central energy reactor?!, was proved, or …

—Wasn't a lie; Said Alaney »—The reactor rings too, so was a good cover, but the message itself is difficult of intercept, decode and translate.

Peatell is a bit wary of Marshack, because he doesn't understand him, so he asks Alaney with the need of a reaffirmation —"Ask for assistance if is needed", right?.

She nods —It was, is different now …

—That is not correct Aezza; Marshack interruption caught her stupefy »—Hayon manage to reconstruct the message more accurately, "Asking for assistance, we need it", now is different.

—Change because we got an answer, right?, what's the meaning now?!.

Peatell ask almost desperately and Marshack says in his usual stoic and firm voice —A type of coordinates, someplace in the vacuum of space.

Peatell exclaim —Like outside of Hûlfhednär?!.

—The satellites and orbital surveillance modules are outside Hûlfhednär's atmosphere. Alaney simple statement is on point and followed by Marshack's personal expirience —Gorng and myself have been capable of leaving Hûlfhednär since 8 years ago (122 human years).

Peatell is stunned —Oh …; And Norren promptly inquire —So "That" place, is a planet as Hûlfhednär?.

—Indeed; Said Marshack »—Smaller, a third of natural Hûlfhednär's gravity, high temperature and easy access to Prio Plasma, what makes the inhabitants sturdier because they don't live under a City that diminish the pressure.

Norren and Peatell are interested in the matter but Marshack keeps the primordial subject going —Life outside Hûlfhednär is possible, "Yes", but not everyone or everything is approachable …

The severity in Marshack's tone is quite remarked »—The creatures lurking in the vicinity of our Solar Sistem are not big, they are made of some plasmatic vanta black substance, strike them with Electrons then hit hard with Kinetic Energy.

»—They can use Vanta Plasma, so be careful with it and be wary of dark surfaces, is as they could go out of the shadows.

»—Maintain ilumination as much as is possible, and your Personal Shield active without exceptions, make the Facilities Shields to produce static electricity or surround yourself in Electrons if you can.

»—Instructions are going to be delivered in case not everyone has the knowledge, so gather the resources available and withstand this event with those around you, help is coming to every Hûrngöth.

Peatell stops the recording, and activates his Personal Shield …

—Active and ready too …; Acknowledge Norren after his friend.

—As me! …; Carteon voice sounds behind Alaney, turning around she saw him, walking towards them with Callius —Or me! …; Mentioned the latter.

Carteon gets closer and ask preoccupied in a whisper —Are you in top condition, Alaney?. She nod to him and let his boldness pass for this time, or something like that.

{If i had the Power to Execute him for saying my name, i already have beheaded him long ago, too bad that law is flawed, and i don't really like fighting, unless is necessary}.

Clearing his throat Carteon asks —How we proceed Bverxkka?.

—As i already said, securing resources, but our priority should be energy production, the central energy reactor has imploded and the 15 general reactors were stolen by Kern's City too.

Callius doesn't waste the opportunity given by Marshack —Appropriate equipment, the best we can provide to everyone regardless of status.

—Denied; Marshack and Alaney negates at unison and the latter explain why —The equipment provided is the best that every Hûrngöth can use.

Marshack added —Better equipment doesn't mean better performance, and for certain additaments are needed specific biological requirements.

Still Alaney is not going to be let to the side and shamelessly state —Bverxkka, let me start the production of the Enzyme i get from that Academic Bastille …

—My brother!; Said Norren, and Alaney just responded a detached —Yes; Followed by an excited remark »—It works!, and it's even better with my own Enzyme to the point they complement each other!.

{Is this Enzymes what save her?, if is the case, how many Hûrngöth can we save?}.

—Approved. Acknowledge Marshack and Carteon hesitate for a moment but decide to express his thoughts —Let's see if the museums are not to destroyed.

Peatell doesn't understand and ask rapidly with confusion —What?!, Why?!.

Marshack clarify instantly —Expositions of Forgotten Times.

Which is of no use —What is that?!. Said Peatell and Norren almost laughs at his friend ignorance.

Carteon hesitate again but reply —A place with weapons capable of kill Hûrngöth.

—That's the point of weapons. Said Peatell and even Callius can't believe it —Are you serious Hayon?!.

—What?!, Why all of you are seeing me like that, as if i were really dumb?.

Marshack enlight Peatell with some of his wisdom —Weapons are not made with the purpose of kill, they are just for dissuading or incapacitate someone, and it is almost 9 million years (126 millions of human years) since this change occurred.

»—My GratarandFather was the oldest male Hûrngöth alive with more than 11 Million years (154 millions of human years), he mentioned a couple of occasions how bloody was back then.

—Oh …; Peatell stay in daze and Marshack just acknowledge the decision concerning the museums with a simple —Approved.

Peatell face lights up screaming —And Food?!.

—Approved, Produce only vanta black jelly.


Callius negates with his head {Hayon excitement is extremely wrong and he is going to learn it the harsh way}.

Carteon and Alaney turn an ugly expression, *Ewgh* and both almost throw up on place.

Callius has a different thought —Maybe there's something eatable on "That" planet or the place with the coordinates mentioned in the message.

And Marshack is about to reassure the statement when the Gravity wave return as a backlash carrying something more in it, making all the Hûrngöth alive, experience a pain as they never felt before …

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