
Rich and willful

Lu Yao is pregnant again! When Xiao Siyao is about to turn three years old, Wang Feng welcomed his second child, which is extremely important for the whole family.

Although there has been one experience before, the mother still seems very concerned, urging Wang Feng to make an appointment with the doctor for a detailed examination from very early on.

Naturally, he wouldn't be careless about this matter, hiring the top obstetrician and gynecologist in Europe. Meanwhile, as long as he's still in Madrid, Wang Feng spends time with Lu Yao every day.

The two, along with their young daughter, strolled together in the lakeside park behind their villa. With the weather gradually warming up in February in Spain, it's more suitable for outdoor activities.

Since knowing that she will have a younger brother or sister, Xiao Siyao has been very happy. She keeps mumbling about wanting a playmate, and she can already speak complete sentences fluently. This delights the family, and they praise her as a little genius.

After playing with mom and dad for a while, she seems to be attracted by something in the nearby grass, and she hops and skips over. To ensure her safety, Wang Feng specifically brings two housekeepers to watch over her, while he chats with Lu Yao during their walk, keeping an eye on their daughter.

"Maybe it's time to find a kindergarten for Xiao Siyao. It doesn't matter what she learns, the most important thing is to have same-age playmates," Luyao said.

"Don't worry, I've already prepared everything. When our daughter turns three, she can go to school at colegio, just like our preschool class," Wang Feng replied.

"As for the school, it's arranged too. It's a private noble school called Santa Maria de los Rosales, located in the suburbs of Madrid. It offers all courses from kindergarten to high school. Even the Spanish princesses and princes study there, and the current Crown Prince Felipe graduated from there."

"Studying with princes and princesses," Lu Yao chuckled. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? You made me search for information at home for so long, struggling to decide which school to choose."

"It's just a coincidence. After Real Madrid won the championship last season, the King of Spain came to the celebration banquet, remember? He specifically asked about our daughter's situation and strongly recommended the school when he found out we hadn't chosen one yet."

"I later inquired, and this school is top-notch in terms of quality, service, and security. It's very suitable for our Xiao Siyao. Without the King's recommendation, it would be difficult to enroll."

Lu Yao nodded in satisfaction. They sat back on the bench, and she leaned her head on Wang Feng's shoulder, chatting about daily life and sweet nothings. At this moment, Siyao ran over, holding two flowers, and shouted, "For mommy, for daddy."

Wang Feng happily picked up his daughter and rubbed her tender little cheeks, making Siyao giggle, and the family was very happy and harmonious.

In December of last year, FIFA President Blatter announced to the world that Qatar had won the hosting rights for the 2022 World Cup. At the same time, there were rumors that the Qatari royal family was interested in taking over European football.

Following the successful example of Manchester City in the Premier League, their initial target was Manchester United. However, the Glazer family demanded an exorbitant price and showed no sincerity, so they had to settle for a lower-tier club, Malaga in La Liga, as a trial.

However, Qatar soon realized that these clubs were too small to attract superstars and didn't serve their publicity purposes. Therefore, mid-level clubs in secondary leagues naturally became the second choice.

Although Ligue 1 has consistently ranked at the bottom among the top five leagues, the size of the French economy ensures that their league remains competitive. Coupled with the backing of the capital, Paris Saint-Germain is the most suitable choice at present.

According to multiple media reports, Qatar will entrust its sports investment company to invest in Paris Saint-Germain, and they will make big moves in the summer transfer window this year.

Similar to when the UAE tycoons took over Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain also set their sights on Wang Feng. The most important reason, of course, is that he is from Asia and is undoubtedly the king of Asian football!

Through a series of relationship operations, Nasser, who is about to become the owner of Paris, personally contacted Wang Feng's agent and himself, promising a huge salary, "You have no problem with the termination fee with Real Madrid, it's just 500 million, as long as you agree, we will immediately pay."

Wang Feng couldn't help but silently complain in his heart about how rich and willful they were. Manchester City at least discussed the transfer with the club, but here they were, just paying the termination fee upfront to poach players. It's too straightforward.

He still expressed a polite refusal using official language, thanking them for their affection while stating that he currently has no intention of leaving the Galacticos. He mentioned that if the club intends to sell, they could talk about it later.

This made Nasser very anxious. He had tried to contact Real Madrid, but they flatly refused to even discuss it, which is why he tried every means to communicate directly with the players. He didn't expect Wang Feng's attitude to be so firm.

But that's the situation. Wang Feng is not the kind of person who is swayed by money. In his opinion, the competitiveness of Ligue 1 is limited, and it would be "very embarrassing" to go there in his prime. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to cooperate in the twilight of his career.

The transfer rumors surrounding Wang Feng were just a flash in the pan. Even the media were unwilling to spend too much ink on it. After all, anyone would understand that only a fool would hand over a reigning football king. Florentino Perez would not have a brain short circuit.

Coincidentally, the Galacticos' next opponent in the UEFA Champions League round of 16 is Lyon from Ligue 1. On February 22nd, the first leg of the match will be held at the Stade de Lumieres.

With the kickoff whistle blown by the Croatian referee, the French powerhouse, playing at home, took the lead.

Real Madrid aggressively pressed high to implement a counterattack strategy. They wanted to take the lead quickly. Lyon soon lost the ball in midfield, and Alonso quickly sent a through pass to penetrate the defense.

Wang Feng instantly activated his offside trap to catch up with the ball. At this moment, Lyon's goalkeeper Lloris chose to rush out and dive to tackle, but the Chinese superstar had already dodged to the right before he slid.

"Beautiful! With the goalkeeper bypassed, there's an open goal ahead! Shoot! The ball's in! Just two minutes into the game, the Galacticos have taken the lead!"

"Real Madrid quickly got into the game. Their pressing made Lyon somewhat at a loss. Here it must be mentioned that although Lyon has won the Ligue 1 championship for seven consecutive seasons, they have always been unable to go further in the Champions League."

"One of the important reasons is the lack of sufficient competitiveness within Ligue 1, which inadvertently makes the players relax mentally. Once they encounter strong opponents, they are prone to disadvantages."

With a goal lead, the away team appropriately slowed down the pace. Lyon players also quickly regained their composure and returned to form. Both sides engaged in attacks and defenses, entering a period of stalemate for some time.

However, in the 53rd minute of the second half, Real Madrid launched another rapid counterattack. This time, after Ramos intercepted the ball, he made a long pass to find Di Maria, who then passed it short to Wang Feng. He swiftly advanced with the ball.

Shaking off two defending players with rapid changes of direction, the Chinese superstar dashed to the edge of the penalty area in the blink of an eye. At this moment, four Lyon players who had rushed back to defend surrounded him, demonstrating the attention he received.

But Wang Feng still found a gap and passed the ball out. Iguaín, who rushed in, easily lifted the ball and shot, piercing Lloris' ten-fingered defense once again.

With these two goals, Real Madrid won 2-0 away against their opponents, securing a spot in the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals with one foot in.

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