
Extra Three: Daily Life After Marriage

Mao Tuan was sprawled in the middle of the wedding bed, having done so with the intention of separating the newlyweds so he could snuggle next to Mo Yan. But how would Xiao Ruiyuan let him get his way? Since calling out to him was ineffective and he was too heavy to pull off the bed, the couple had no choice but to squeeze together on the inner side.

Xiao Ruiyuan slept in the middle, his back pressed against Mao Tuan, tightly holding Mo Yan in his arms. It wasn't too cramped. Though they couldn't consummate the marriage, holding each other tightly in sleep was quite pleasant as well.

These past days had been hectic with wedding preparations, and both of them were indeed exhausted. Once they hit the bed, they talked for a while and shared a series of lingering kisses before falling asleep.

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