
Volume 2 Prologue

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Ravy kept bugging Leon to see if you could unlock her Chakra Pathway System. In the end, he finally gave up and tried to see if it worked. To his astonishment were pathways were able to opened, regrettably since they were open too late. The best that she can become is a chunin.

-Two months later-

All the girls had given birth making Leon, the proud parent of Eleven children. With Hana and Tsume Inuzuka having given birth to twin Boys and girl pairs. Most of the clans had also given birth as well.

Leon also celebrated the creation of his Company Uzumaki Corp. Which was mostly in charge of Facebook and YouTube. He focused on mostly recreating high tech technology from Cyberpunk 2077. Prosthetics, body enhancements, almost every piece of Cyberware.

-Weeks later-

As they were collecting more recruits in the USA, his recruiters ran into Emma Frost, a powerful and influential mutant telepath. 

Leon had a meeting with her in her Massachusetts Academy. 

"Surprised, you can't read any of our minds, Miss Frost?"

Said Leon.

"Yes, you people are quite a mystery. Why are you gathering so many mutant children? You're even gathering nonmutants as well."

Asked Emma Frost.

"The answer is very simple, miss Frost. I'm training all of them who have attitude to become Shinobi."

Replied Leon.

"Shinobi's, no way! You're talking about ninjas in this day and age. What are you really up to?"

"As I said. I'm training shinobi. If you wish for her services, you can contact us. Or we can cooperate with each other."

"And how pray tell do you want us to cooperate with each other? Yes, I'm not helping you taking any more children!"

"Some of your students have special traits that I wish to see if they can be passed down through their offspring. I'll give you a large amount if you let my shinobi and kunoichi have offsprings with your students Let me have that children and your female students give birth to." 

"My school is not some sort of Breeding farm! For you or anyone that comes here. If you want to touch my students, you better be prepared for the consequences."

Emma Frost begins to shout at Leon in anger for what he just said.

"Paralysis Jutsu!"

Being irritated by Emma Frost. Leon Petrifies her, displaying his power.

"As you can see, Miss Frost. If I want to take any of your students, I could have done that a long time ago. So please don't threaten me! You won't like the consequences."

"Don't worry knowing your abilities. You'll probably be able to breakthrough what I just did to you, in a few minutes."

Five minutes later, Emma Frost was finally able to break out of her petrification. Where she invited him into the Hellfire Club and announced herself as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. 

Going to a meeting in the Hellfire Club, Emma Frost introduce him to Sebastian Shaw, their leader the Black King. A mutant with the power that allowed him to absorb kinetic energy and release it against his foes.

The Hellfire Club was only interested in wealth and power. Leon made a treaty with him, promising them both wealth and power, as long as they can coexist with his Continental. They fought tooth and nail in the treaty, making sure that they don't fall under his control or the Continentals.


It had been 48 hours since he sent the Jonins Sasuke and Sakura with three trainee genins. To eliminate a target in the Himalayas.

Within 30 hours in their mission. the three genins life orbs had shattered and was reported to Leon immediately. Sending an investigation team they only found the bodies of the three genins and faint trails of Sasuke and Sakura.

According to investigation team, two of the genins had died by Lightning Release attacks. One with a sword and the other with arm going through their chest. The third genin had died by one powerful strike that broke his back in two.

It was obvious what happened. Sasuke and Sakura had betrayed him.

"Anbu! Sasuke and Sakura Have become rogue shinobi! They have killed the three trainee genins sent with them. Take all the TVA gear and hunt them down!"

Shouted Leon.

"I want all of them alive. Though, they don't have to be in one piece."

"At once, Leon sama!"

Came the reply of all his Anbu and they disappeared seconds later with the body flicker.

A week later, they had found Sasuke's and Sakura's location. They were in Kamar-Taj. The Anbu Used the TVA Energy Flow Bound Field to seal off Kamar-Taj, Not allowing any magic or powers inside.

They quickly caved in into my demands. As long as Leon gave them their powers back to protect this world. The sorcerers had lost a few of their members because Sasuke did not want to go peacefully. Sakura was easy to apprehend, because she relied too much on her super strength, without it she was pretty much a defenseless girl.

After securing them with dampening power colors. They returned back to Uzushiogakure, unsealing Kamar-Taj.

Returning back home, Sasuke revealed why he had betrayed him. Apparently, when they were in their assignment, they met a sorcerer who told him it was possible to return back to his world. Gearing him the directions to Kamar-Taj.

Is desperate hope to return back home to accomplish his revenge, he decided to kill his comrades. Sakura being the faithful fangirl, followed him. Even at the point of betraying the village.

As punishment, Leon sealed off their chakra with Fire Release: Heavenly Prison and gave them to Kabuto Yakushi to do what he wished to do with them. Kabuto Knowing that the Uchiha bloodline was valuable to the village, decided to Remove his eyes and make Sasuke a breeding stud. His first Reading subject was Sakura.


Apparently Ino, Tenten, Hinata and Sarada We're able to get their hands on Tsunade's special medicine. Making him wake up with the 4 Teens covered in his cum and presumably pregnant with his children. At least his other concubines had already given birth to his second batch of kids. 

Kabuto insemination idea had worked out. There were now three dozen women that gave birth to Uchiha babeis. Sakura being the first.


For three years straight, multiple tech companies Have been trying to replicate Leon's technology. No matter how much they tried, all the data always disappeared for some reason. They didn't understand and weren't aware of Leon's Security system patent. Which prevented anyone from stealing his data or replicating his tech and inventions.

Leon started to deal with General Thaddeus E. Thunderbolt Ross in 2007, to retrofit his crippled soldiers with low tech Cyberware implants. To this timeline his implants are state of the art, in getting soldiers their arms legs and eyes back.


For the past five years, SHIELD has kept sending agents to the Continental and Uzumaki Corp, never to be seen again. They didn't get the point when Leon captured the Black Widow first day and letting her go to send a message. That their people are not welcomed.

Apparently, they keep thinking, that since Leon is working with the CIA, they could use them as an asset. Eda and the CIA Deputy Director Darryl Lansing keep laughing at them, when they keep demanding that the Continental share its power and information.

Every time they try to bring it up to POTUS They get shut down by the very man Knowing how much dirty work in the continental does for the country.

In lighter news Revy, Karin Uzumaki, Temari, Kushina, Tsunade, Tsume Inuzuka, Hana Inuzuka, Ino, Tenten, Hinata and Sarada We're pregnant with his third batch of kids

Name: Leon Uzumaki/Leon Petrov

Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki, Wood Release, Dust Release, Lava Release 

Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Lighting, Yang

Chakra level: Kage

Chakra Control: Rank S

Taijutsu: Power Rank A, Technique Rank A

Shurikenjutsu: Rank A

Kenjutsu: Rank A

Fuinjutsu: Rank A

Genjutsu: Rank C

Ninjutsu: Rank S


+Naruto sage mode (Seven tails), Kage, Rank A

+Yamato, Jonin, Rank A

+Onoki, Kage, Rank S Ninja

+Harold Finch, Rank S Mechanical engineering and Rank S Computer science

Devinity: 5%

Cash: $2,913,230,000

MSP: 20,000,000

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