

"Are you sure you don't know who that Cade kid's parents are?" Fort pressed the next morning as they were getting ready for the track meet. 

"I can call the school and find out, but I have no intention of doing that," Noble looked pointedly at her husband while braiding her hair. 

She had given Fort the broad strokes of her conversation with Rain, but the professor conveniently left out the part where she had lost her mind and talked to an imaginary shadow in the darkness. 

For better or worse, the Director had filled in the details on his own and labeled Cade a worse enemy than an Unholy Titan. 

Fort clicked his tongue. "I will make a few phone calls. I don't need the school to locate this child."

"No." Noble eyed her husband evenly.

"You're right. Then it could be traced back to me. I know! I'll message Dimi about this. He knows how to deal with this sort of thing." Fort pulled out his communicator only for it to go flying into the air. 

"You will do no such thing! Cade's just a kid. I don't want his whole family sent to the slums or worse just because he made a poor choice. Beyond that, I am sure Dimi has better things to do in Antarctica than settle petty scores here." Noble finished with her make-up and turned around.

The sight was almost enough for Fort to forget the conversation altogether. But he held on by a thread. 

"Don't underestimate my friend." The Director leapt just enough to retrieve the device floating overhead. "I'm sure he would love the change of pace and the chance to flaunt his various connections." 

Dimi had left with the first wave of volunteers for the Southern Campaign. His messages were so filled with jokes and sarcasm that Noble sometimes wondered if he was really facing the horrors of the Southern Campaign or if he was holed up in the NQSC hiding from someone who he owed money. 

The latter was unlikely, but still...

"Come on, Bee! Are you telling me you don't want that obnoxious brat to pay for hurting our girl?" Fort pulled Noble back from her momentary tangent. 

Her expression darkened. Deep down, she did want him to pay. In the middle of the night, she might have wished that he would get infected by the Nightmare Spell and die before morning. 

Noble was slightly ashamed to admit that if Fort had asked her then about contacting Dimi, she might not have said no.

But with the morning came cooler heads and a more reasonable perspective. In the grand scheme of things, the damage done was minimal. 

Rain would learn to be more careful with her feelings in the future. 

"I want that young man to grow up and learn to think of others beyond himself. I am not sure that having Dimi castrate him is the way to get that message across." Noble kissed her husband's cheek. "It's sweet that you care so much, but think of it this way: I am sure you broke a heart or two back in the day without even realizing it, and no angry father came after you."

Fort scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, never..." 

Noble narrowed her gaze, but a knock at the door interrupted her upcoming inquiry. 

"Mom, Dad, we need to gooooooo!" 

"Ok, Brock. We are ready." Noble called back. She felt her husband's relief. "I'm coming back to that last bit about being a heartbreaker. But for now, can we agree that contacting Dimi or anyone else about this Cade fellow is a bad idea?" 

Fort clenched his jaw. "Fine…"

Caressing his cheek, Noble smiled. "See? I knew you could be the bigger man."

Stealing a kiss, Fort frowned. "One of these days I want to be the smaller man who gets revenge. You know, just to even out the scales a bit."

Another frantic knock at the door drew the attention of the couple. "Hurry uuuuup!"

Unfortunately, Noble and Fort were not the only ones running behind. After an emotional night, Rain had slept in later than she meant to and needed more time before she was willing to be seen by the world.

Rather than risk the twins missing their warm-up, Fort ordered a separate PTV to take them straight to the stadium.

Knowing that the actual matches wouldn't take place until later in the day, the rest of the family took the time needed before heading out.

Fort was about to get the three of them a PTV when Rain asked, "Doesn't being jostled around like that bother your flaw, Mom?"

Noble had nearly forgotten that her daughter was aware of the Master's limitations.

"It does sometimes, but—"

"Then let's take the train. It will take maybe a minute or two longer and we won't risk your comfort." Rain zipped her coat and looped a bag over her shoulder.

"That's very thoughtful, Rainy. Thank you." Noble gave her daughter a side hug.

Fort looked at the ladies before him. "You thought of your mother before yourself," he studied his daughter carefully. "You really are growing up before my eyes. I—I am sorry for my outburst last night. Your mom confirmed that it wasn't a date. I overreacted. I need to trust you more—both to fight your own battles and use your own good judgment."

"Thanks, Dad—That means a lot." Rain hugged her father, filling him with fatherly compassion.

Fort knit his brow. "Just, please tell us before you do go on a date. I'll have to get my head wrapped around it."

"Don't worry. That won't be for a very, very long time." Rain missed her father pump his fist in the air.

But Noble saw it and rolled her eyes. At least they were getting along again. 'If only all problems were so easily fixed.'

Placing glasses on her face to shield the sun, Noble opened the front door.

"Come on you two, we have a train to catch."

In less than half an hour they were at the area-wide track meet.

The stadium seemed left over from the Dark Ages in many respects, though the spelltech upgrades gave it a modern look. The concessions below the stands were almost completely automated and the sound and video system were top-notch thanks to a fundraising campaign a couple of years before.

The state-of-the-art facility was ready to host the youth of the NQSC in all things track and field. It was shaping up to be quite a day!

As the family made their way through the tunnels and into the stands, Noble spotted her boys warming up on the turf beside the ovular track.

Seeing their family, the twins stopped stretching to wave and point farther up in the stands.

"Grandma!" They mouthed.

Rain understood a moment later as she scanned the crowd. "I see her. Grandma is up there. She saved us seats!"

Sure enough, about eight rows up Lena was waving and motioning them forward.

The trio snaked their way through the crowd and made it to the bench at the same time as another familiar face.

Noble welcomed him with a confused smile.

"Teacher Julius?"

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