
Are You Ready?

"The one and only," Nic winked. 

Noble felt like she might faint. "When? How?" 

Nickel was Derik?!

Had he always been? No. That was not possible. The emotional signature coming from the cloaked man was similar but not the same. 

At some point, Derik had left the Nightmare in order for Nickel to enter. 

'I can't believe it!' 

"It's good to see you too," the librarian nodded. 

"You know this man?" Counsel asked from the door. His eyebrows were knit tightly together. "How come I have never met him?"

Noble felt suddenly flustered. While Counsel had never met Nickel, he had been on the fateful quest with Lord Byzas and his right-hand man, Derik. 

Hadn't Derik said that Counsel would turn him into the Queen for desertion? Who else might try to do the same if they knew? It was better for Nickel to hide Derik's face. 

"Yes, of course, I know Nickel," Noble stepped forward to make the guards let go of her friend. "Mask, now," she whispered while gripping his shoulder happily. "I am sorry the soldiers mistook you for a trespasser," she added loudly. 

Her friendliness only made Counsel more suspicious. He came into the room to face the man, but could only see dark eyes and a black wrapped mask beneath the pulled-back hood. The protector squinted.

"Are you...are you the man who has Lady Brenna's heart?" 

"What? Lady Brenna?" Nickel looked at Noble, who indicated that she was indeed the lady in question. "Oh! No. Ew!" He said reflexively. 

'You didn't have to say it like that.' Noble rolled her eyes. "He does not have my affections, but he is a....messenger of my love. Perhaps Nickel was caught on purpose to give me some parting words?" 

All eyes turned to Nic. He cleared his throat. "Parting words? Uh, sure, why not? Your love says... Good luck." 

"That man of yours is not very verbose, is he?" Counsel noted. 

"A man of few words can be very attractive," Noble countered. "I am sure there was more that he wanted to say which got lost in transit." The blush creeping onto her cheeks silenced Counsel. 

Nickel coughed awkwardly but remained silent.

Theo pursed his lips. "So...this isn't the man that trespassed?" 

"It most definitely is not," Noble could say honestly. "He has never been in the palace before." 

"I see. My apologies," Theo dipped his head to the cloaked figure. "You did match the description though." 

"I get mistaken for other people a lot," Nickel shrugged. 

"Please give my love the message that I miss him and I hope to see him soon and..." Noble looked around at the others. "Can I have just a moment of privacy?" 

Just then there was a pounding as the front door was unlocked a second time. "It is time..." 

"I will stall a moment, but hurry," Theo said ushering his men and Counsel out of the room. 

Only Kosi remained, but as he had yet to leak any of her secrets, Noble left him alone. 

Nickel was less sure about the enormous creature. "Is that thing house-trained?" he asked quietly.

"Better than some people," Noble brushed aside the concern. "We have just a moment so I will be brief. You have come at the best and worst possible time. I am about to go try and have a final talk with the Queen of this kingdom which will likely end in a death match." 

"Interesting, but that shouldn't be a problem. You are the strongest Duelist I know." Nickel shrugged. 

Noble shook her head. "The Queen is hiding the fact that she is a Master or possibly a Saint. She has long-range powers that nearly killed me yesterday." 

"Ah, then that is a problem. What do you need from me?" Nickel cracked his knuckles lightly. 

Despite his sudden entry into the conflict, the man was ready for action.

'That's good.' Noble quickly formed her plan. 

"I need you to shake Theo off as quickly as you can and track me down. Watch and hide out until I need you." Noble waited for a nod from her companion.

"How will I know when you need me?" he asked. 

Thinking of the fiery inferno that awaited her, Noble shivered. "Trust me. You will know." 

Nickel touched his ear beneath his hood. "Oh Noble, you should know..." 

The door opened and Alyx popped in his head. "It is time, My Lady. Oh..." 

The young Lord reached for his sword, but Noble lifted her hand. "Just an old friend who has come to say goodbye. I will leave with you peacefully. Just give me one moment." 

After being left alone once more, Noble summoned her armor. While she would have liked to wear a dress, Noble knew how this conversation was likely to go. 

And with the Queen's flawed temper, it was better to be prepared as soon as she attacked. 

Kosi sensed her hesitation. He whined.

"I will be back in a little while, don't worry. I am too fond of you to leave you alone." There was a pang in Noble's heart. She would have to leave him to leave the Nightmare. "I will come back, I promise." 

Under whatever mandate controlled him, Kosi complied. He sat down in a disgruntled heap. 

Looking like a large puppy, Noble could not help but smile. "There's a good boy," she patted his head. 

She returned to the main room of the prison. Between Nickel, Counsel, the two servants, Theo, Alyx, and the soldiers that came with each of them, the room was overflowing. 

"I didn't realize we were having a party. I am not dressed for the occasion," Noble tried to joke. 

Understandably, no one seemed in a laughing mood. Someone was going to die today. 

Either Noble, Counsel or the Queen would not see the sunset. Or both Noble and Counsel should the former lose the challenge and perish. 

'I refuse to think that way. I have a plan and it will work.'

Taking a deep breath, Noble forced a smile. "If you would be so good as to show my messenger out of the palace. And since Lenore and Pen are not prisoners, please allow them to go back to my family home as well." 

Lernore clung to her mistress and wept. "I don't want to leave you!" 

"Where I am going, you cannot come," Noble told her. "Go. Have a wonderful day and I will call for you this evening." 

Pen's eyes welled with tears. She hugged Counsel goodbye, and he returned the embrace, whispering something in her ear. The woman nodded slowly and backed away. 

Lenore was not through. She held onto Noble's floating ankle, "But what if you cannot call me back tonight. What if...if..." her wail trailed off into intelligible blubbering. 

Noble looked up to Counsel for help, but he was now talking quietly with Nic. The woman furrowed her brow. 'What could they possibly have to discuss?'

Bending down, Noble peeled the servant from her leg. "Don't worry too much. The results of this matter will be dealt with shortly. No harm will come to you, either way, Lenore." 

Wiping her eyes, the servant stood with Pen's help. The two ladies, along with Nic were escorted from the room by Theo. 

"Thank you," Noble dipped her head at the General. 

He gave a sad smile. "I hope you know what you are doing." Those were the same words he had told Counsel on the day of her arrival.

'Me too,' Noble thought. "We will speak again soon, General." 

Alyx wondered at the strange exchange but decided not to comment. Instead, he gathered the remaining men at the door. "Are you ready?" 

Noble sighed. "Can anyone ever be ready for something like this?" 

The answer was no. No, they cannot.

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