
No Holding Back

After watching the gruesome death of Gavin, Noble could easily see how this would play out.

The young would be pitted against the old and wisdom would go out the window as blood was shed and one side was obliterated.

Gavin had to know he would die. Even though he was an Awakened, he was much weaker than the Queen. He came armed with only words and no weapon. 

Did he think that Emira would not openly attack him during a formal occasion? Then he had made a gross misjudgment! 

His boldness had led him to become a martyr and by the emotions of the others in the gallery, they were willing to do the same.

Their deaths would not solve anything. If anything, it would lead the army of rebels which Counsel said he had formed to attack, and the Queen's army would retaliate.

Soon, not only the palace would be running with blood, but the streets as well.

That would leave the kingdom's greatest fighters locked in a battle where there was no winner.

Whatever the outcome, those left behind would not be prepared to fight the Lord of the Mountain when he came.

Without that help, Noble would fail the Nightmare.

She could not take down the Tyrant alone.

So with grim resolve, she stood and challenged the Queen.

"You were never the head of this revolt, child." Emira looked down at the girl. "You were only the figurehead. Sit down."

"No." Noble would not let the red-headed woman bully her. "You want someone to blame. Blame me."

Noble had already silently summoned the fire charm and tucked it into her bodice.

While she was pretty sure she would not receive the same punishment as Gavin had, it was better to be protected.

Flames lit in the Queen's eyes. 

"Do you remember what I told you, Niece? Next time I would not hold back." Emira's emotion spiked.

Noble was confused by the spike. 'Is she lying? Is it just a bluff? I don't think Her Majesty bluffs.'

"I remember what you said. Every word." Noble felt the heat in the Queen's eyes, yet she refused to drop her gaze. "My challenge stands."

"Out. All of you." Emira's words were softly spoken yet echoed throughout the hall.

The priest in white, who had been shakily holding the crown when the spectacle began, set it back on the pedestal and fled from the room.

His strange gait was closer to a gallop than a run.

Following suit, those with no allegiance eagerly stood and exited the hall. Hesitantly, the Hopefuls followed. Only the Old Guard remained in place. 

"Leave," Noble told them firmly. 'Leave while you can!' "I will take it from here." 

Reluctantly, the elders obliged. Noble was relieved that they filed past the soldiers without being stopped. Even after Emira's threat, perhaps Gavin would be the only casualty today.

The room was emptied of all but four individuals. Even the soldiers seemed wary of what would happen if they disobeyed. 

Only Alyx and Counsel braved the ire of the Queen. The former was because of the subtle nod Emira had given him that he could remain, and the latter was because Noble's death would mean his as well.

"You have a witness and so do I." The Queen noted. "We will begin." 

"Here? Now?" Noble hadn't known what to expect when she challenged the Queen. "We will destroy the whole hall!"

"You will not be around to worry about that." Emira's hand lit.

A ball of molten flame flew at Noble. She moved just in time for the floor below her feet to be hit with the immolating fire. It melted the white stone, causing it to bubble. 

'Whoa,' Noble took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the fight.

She pressed her hand against her dress and summoned the [Unlikely End]. Hidden by the fiery onslaught, sparks manifested against her skirt. The sharp edge cut the outer layer of the turquoise fabric, but Noble did not care. 

'I seem to have a habit of ruining dresses...' 

"This is your last chance, Aunt. I wanted to fight the Lord of the Mountain, not you." Noble hoped that the familial term would stop the bloodshed. 

With as much essence as she could spare, she poured positive feelings into the Queen to counteract the woman's temper.

Emira's brow furrowed. She lowered her arm. For a moment Noble thought she would accept the emotions and reconsider. 

But then the offered compassion evaporated like dew. The Queen barked a laugh. 

"This is your last chance, niece. I knew you were foolish, but this treachery is beyond you. We both know who the real traitor is. Give up your claim to the throne and break your ties with Counsel. Only then will I forget this matter and let you leave alive." 

Noble pressed her lips together. Breaking the bond with Counsel would allow Emira to kill him where he stood. 

"So the only way this ends is with the death of you, me, or Counsel..." she sighed. 

The Queen nodded. "Someone has to pay for all of this. The choice is yours." 

"I will not renounce Counsel..." Noble did not get to finish her thought. 

The temperature in the room spiked as the very walls seemed to glow. Even the gold necklace and bracelets were glowing from the heat. 

'How is it possible for a mere Awakened to do all this?!' Noble's eyes went wide. There was no way Emira could possess so much power.

Unless… 'Blazing Bees!'

The answer had been staring her right in the face the whole time.

The immense amount of power coming from the Queen had always felt obscured, just like the woman's presence was sometimes hidden from Noble's perception. 

The woman was hiding more than just her location. She was hiding her true nature. 

Emira was an Ascended…maybe even a Transcendent!

'A Master or a Saint! Am I fighting a SAINT?!" Noble could hardly believe her luck.

The golden jewelry that the Queen wore was not a fashion statement but was actually enchanted! How could she not have seen it before?

In an instant, Noble recalled the fight between Mongrel and Morgan. That fight had ended with the man getting his heart ripped from his chest. 

If she didn't want to suffer the same type of terrible end, she would have to act fast. 

'No holding back.' 

Rushing forward, Noble avoided the next fiery ball with a dodge to the side. 

At the last moment, she pulled the sword from her dress and slashed at the Queen. Infused with essence, the blade went from Emira's shoulder to her waist, moving effortlessly across the monarch's body. 

'What?' Noble hadn't wanted to hurt the Queen, but with the ultimatum, Noble had seen no other option. So she had put all of her energy into one quick strike. 

However, she had forgotten one key thing about Her Majesty. 

She could not only make fire. Emira could become fire. 

As soon as the sword brushed against the woman's skin, the Queen turned to flames to avoid the injury. Each place the blade touched turned red with fire. 

When the [Unlikely End] came away from Emira's waist, it was glowing like a branding iron. 

Noble tried to stab the blade straight into Her Majesty's chest, but the sword found no purchase the second time. The molten hole closed as soon as the estoc left Emira's heart. 

The [Unlikely End] was now white hot, with small cracks forming along the slender blade. At any moment, the Memory would be destroyed.

"No!" Noble gasped, backing away quickly while dismissing the sword. Her opponent chuckled darkly. 

Emira's eyes shined like burning coals. There was only one feeling inside her at that moment: unfiltered rage. 

A wicked smile formed on the Queen's face.

"I said I would not hold back, remember? I know you will not forget next time because...

...You'll be dead." 

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