
An Envelope

The rest of the day passed quietly. As expected, Sunless's class was the talk of every student in the hall. He had made quite an impression. And maintenance had not needed to be called for any clean up.

All in all, it was a good day.

Her happy mood lasted until she entered the light rail. Seeing an ad for "Antarctic crafted synthetic wood furniture," the professor's heart clenched.

Her eyes darted away, desperate to find a seat where she could not see the banner. But it wasn't enough. Her mind still fixated on the sign.

Calling forth the Portcullis Key, Noble stared intently at its intricate patterns.

She did not dare look up at her fellow passengers. Her heart was more burdened every day for what was to come, and the general population still had no idea of their impending doom. 

'That furniture will not be manufactured much longer…'

Thankfully, the government was aware and had not been idle in the time that had passed.

While Noble was not given any of the details, Fort repeatedly assured her that preparations were being made to evacuate Antarctica effectively. 

'The sooner we can get people out, the better.'

Based on the shortest calculations, the Gates should not start opening for a while, but the Spell did not have to honor their timeline. The faster the government got people clear of danger, the more people could be rescued from the horrors like Noble experienced. 

Based on Fort's emotional state lately, those plans were coming closer and closer to being enacted. He had been tense and often distant. The Deputy Director looked like he was bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders. 

'He isn't, but the government is,' Noble reminded herself. 

That is why when Fort came home whistling later that evening, the professor quirked an eyebrow at him. 

"Hello, beautiful wife. How was your day?" Fort hung up his coat in the closet.

"It was better than usual. You'll never guess who is a new lecturer at the Academy." Noble tried to match her husband's chopped mood. 

"A new lecturer, hm? Is it someone I know?" The deputy director tapped his chin. 

"Master Sunless! Julius asked me to show him to his lecture hall. I even gave him some advice, which he seemed to have taken a little too much to heart." The woman paused as she could feel her husband's bubbling excitement. "Good day at the office?" she asked as he kissed her cheek. 

He sniffed at the pot on the stove and shot her a winsome grin. "Can't I just be happy to see my wife?" 

The woman narrowed her gaze in challenge. "Are you?"

"Always!" he beamed. 

Noble set down the large spoon and placed her hands on her hips. "Very clever. What is really going on?" 

After retrieving his bag from the couch, Fort returned with a little white square and a huge grin. 

"What is that? Why do you have an envelope? We don't get mail." When she was a child, the professor remembered a mail carrier would come down her street and deliver packages and letters daily. That was so long ago.

Now packages could be brought by PTV drivers, by bots, or through a myriad of other means, but messages were no longer sent like that. The envelope was a flash from her past. 

"Here." Rather than explain, Fort handed it over. 

After wiping her hands, Noble carefully examined the white rectangle. A sword piercing an anvil was pressed into the red wax attached to the white paper. She recognized the seal immediately.

She furrowed her brow even more. 

The insides of the letter only confused her further. 

"Deputy Director Fort, you are cordially invited by Clan Valor to attend..." Noble scanned down. "This is an invitation to Valor's annual ball! How in the world did you get an invite?" 

Fort's smile wavered. "What do you mean? I am a highly sought-after socialite!" 

Seeing her incredulous look, he chuckled. 

"Ok, ok! Valor requested the names of government officials to invite, and I put mine in for consideration." The Deputy Director puffed out his chest. 

"But you...don't like Valor." Noble hesitated to use the word hate. Fort was not fond of any of the great clans, but he liked Valor the least.

If the invitation had been from Clan Song or the House of Night, she might have been less confused. 

"I might not be fond of the legacies, but I am very fond of my wife. When was the last time we got to go to a fancy party?" Fort winked. 

Noble's mouth opened wide. "You did all this to go on a date with me?" 

The man's eyes danced with mischief. "Think about it. Our daughter is old enough to be left in charge for the evening. She has been begging to earn some extra money. Don't you want to be whisked away on the dancefloor by a handsome stranger?" 

"Stranger? No. You? Absolutely." The professor dipped a curtsy. "I cannot believe I will be going to a ball!"

The woman smiled and held the letter to her chest. Then frowned, filled with sudden terror. "I have nothing to wear!" 

"You would put all others to shame while wearing a potato sack. No one will care what you are wearing." Fort took his wife's free hand and kissed it. "But I am sure you can go shopping for something new." 

"Did someone say shopping?!" Honey entered unbidden. "Count me in!" 

Fort nodded at the teen. "I am taking your mother to a ball. I need her to look like a queen." 

Noble blushed. "I don't know if that would be quite appropriate. Although I have always wanted to wear a tiara." She shook her head. "I just need to look presentable."

Honey pressed her hands to her cheeks with a girlish squeal. "A ball! I've always wanted to go to a ball!" 

"You'll be babysitting. Don't worry, we will pay you the going rate," Fort cut her off before she asked if she could come along.

The girl nodded. "I understand. You can count on me. I promise! And don't worry, mom. We will find the perfect gown, and I can even help you with your make-up!"

Noble cut her eyes at her daughter. "Is there something wrong with the way I do my make-up?"

Honey cleared her throat. "Not at all. It's just a little...plain." 

"I see. And you will make it less plain?" The professor watched her daughter's face light up.

"Exactly!" She nodded enthusiastically. "How long do we have before the ball?" 

Looking down at the page Noble did a quick calculation. "Around six weeks." 

"So short a time?! We need to get started right this instant. It's a good thing I am already done with my schoolwork for today. I will make you glamourous in no time." 

She pulled on her mother's hand and began to lead her towards the bedroom. 

"But dinner!" Noble looked back at the food on the stove. It was going to burn!

"Dad can handle it. This is an emergency." Honey continued to usher her mother down the hall.

"Fort?" The woman begged her husband to intervene.

The man smiled. "I've got dinner under control. You two have fun!" 

Reluctantly, Noble allowed herself to be taken under the teen's wing. Honey squealed again in delight. 

With all the commotion, Blaze and Brock peeked out of their room.

"What is going on?" Blaze asked.

"I'm giving mom a makeover," Honey announced proudly. 

Both boys perked up at the news.

"Can we help?" Brock clapped his hands. 

The teen thought for a moment and then eyed them seriously. "I suppose. But only if you do exactly what I say."

"Yes, ma'am!" The boys saluted and fell in line behind their sister and mother. 

"Oh, Mom," Honey hummed excitedly. "I have the most gorgeous purple for your eyelids. You won't even recognize yourself when I am done!"

Noble resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "How sweet..." 

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