
Lies taken as truth

The man who was responsible for collecting the information was also at a loss for words. When he found out about Ari, he only knew that the woman was kind and timid. The man held no interest in a woman who only knew how to lower her head and never fight back. All the information he collected showed that Ari had only been bullied, and she had never bullied anyone back.

Who would have expected such a woman's hands to be covered with blood?

"It is ancient information and the woman is now better than she was as a child. This is why I——" the man tried to quibble, but Mister Fletcher was not willing to listen. He picked up the report and slapped the man on the face three times.

Twice on his cheeks and once on his head.

"You and I have stayed in this field for how long?" Mister Fletcher asked the man, who hesitated and replied, "For five years sir."

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