

"Ah, mm, ahn~"

"Eris," I yawned, squeezing the small, warm body in my arms tighter as she wriggled in obvious delight. "If you're going to eat Kishirika out first thing in the morning, please do it quieter."

There was a brief pause, before I felt something shift under the covers. "Sorry, Rudy. I'll gag her next time."

"Mhmm," I murmured sleepily, before rubbing my face against the demon (former) loli's shoulder before burying my face against her body. One of her hands came up and ran through my hair and I felt myself relax as I began to drift back off into a half-asleep state. It was surprisingly tender for the little nut. In return, I let my hand wander, sliding over her belly and patting Eris's head, before moving up and cupping her breasts. She still looked younger than either myself or Eris, but already they were bigger than Eris's own tits.

These things are going to be huge when she gets a little further along. I guess those statues of her were accurate. Not complaining.

Kishirika panted and shuddered as I held her, but she was quiet as Eris finished her off. Her body went stiff in my arms, before going boneless with a gusty sigh. "Ahh, that's the stuff. Best way to wake up in the morning."

"You're returning the favor later," Eris demanded as she removed herself from between Kishirika's legs and molded herself to my back. "We should get up soon."

I winced, pulling away at the smell of her breath. Morning breath plus cunt that I'd filled up the previous night. Realizing the problem, Eris hopped out of bed and moved over towards the room's dresser—a rarity here on the Demon Continent. More like a luxury, really. It was only because we were in Wind Port and travelers from elsewhere expected a higher level of comfort (that and, more importantly, could pay for a higher level of comfort). She picked up a bottle of wine, swished a mouthful around for a few moments, then swallowed. I watched as she picked up the mint toothpaste I'd been working on (and sourcing mint here was prohibitively expensive, so it wasn't actually mint so much as an acceptable substitute) and used that too, before cleaning her face and body off with a ball of hot water.

Eris rejoined us a moment later, smelling much better. I turned and kissed her, drawing a pleased sound from the redhead. "What are our plans for today?"

I hummed, before squeezing Kishirika. "Eris, I figure it's more of the same for you. Find Ruijerd and stick with your training."

"Mm!" the girl nodded.

"As for me…" turning onto my side, I eyed the demon loli. "Sprite, please bring up the footage from last night."

Kishirika raised an eyebrow before a hologram sprang up hovering over her stomach. She blinked, before a grin stretched across her face. "That's Badi! Where'd you find him?!"

"To the north far," Sprite answered quietly. "Nearly to Rikarisu."

"We'll ride out and I'll take you to him," I told her.

Kishirika… hesitated. Biting her lower lip, she frowned as she considered it. "That's a long trip. It could take days. There's no point in setting out today. We'd need to gather provisions—"

I reached out and tapped her forehead. "I promised I'd find him and deliver you to him. I may want to keep you for myself," she met my eyes and raised an eyebrow at that, with a smug little grin that practically screamed 'Of course you do! I'm the greatest Demon Empress…' blah blah blah, "but a promise is a promise. Now, if you decide from there that you'd rather hang out with us for a while…"

Kishirika hummed. "I'm still too small for Badi…" she mused aloud. "And you're interesting. I haven't been this entertained in a long, long, long long long time. If you're that desperate for my company, what is a demon empress to do but accept? I'll consider it while we ride out to find him."

"What would it take to convince you to hand out more demon eyes to my friends and family?" I asked, deciding to be up front about the ask.

"Beer! Also food! If you can get me good beer and good food, I'll do it!" she nodded with a huge grin.

I chuckled and gave her tit a squeeze, drawing a quiet moan, before moving my hand up and mussing her hair. "I think I can do that. We're not in a hurry for them anyway."

Turning, I gave Eris another kiss before rolling out of bed. "Alright, let's get to it. We've got shit to do."

Eris popped up right after me and began pulling on her clothes as I did likewise. Kishirika watched us both, her eyes roving over our muscular, athletic forms as a smile played across her lips. Quietly, she murmured, "It's been a long time since I've had a royal harem. Perhaps I should speak with Badi and convince him that we should do our own things this time…"

Listening to the former loli plot to herself, I asked, "You gonna get dressed, or lay there all day?"

"I'll lie here all day if I feel like!" Kishirika laughed, before tossing the covers off and exposing her new and improved teen version body. Complete with curves, hips, and sex appeal in all the right places. It was a vast improvement over her skin and bones loli body of just last night. Amazing what a little mana could do for her development. "But I believe you're forgetting one important fact, Rudy!"

"Eh?" I asked, pulling my eyes away from her puffy, red, swollen, freshly eaten pussy—apparently, Eris was very enthusiastic with her. "What's that?"

"Her clothes, idiot," Eris rolled her eyes. "She went from tiny to that overnight."

"Alright, miss sass. You're going the right way for a smacked bottom," I threatened. Eris grinned and wagged her ass enticingly. "Okay, so we'll get her some clothes first. In the meantime, you can borrow some of Eris's."

With that done, Kishirika pulled on some of Eris's clothes and we made our way out into the city to prepare for our trip out to find Badigadi.

The new airbike roared over the landscape, kicking up a huge cloud of dust in our wake as scenery whipped by us at an absurd pace—a little over Mach 1 (800 MPH according to Sprite) at just barely ten yards off the ground. This design didn't use any of the old engines, including the air burning jets the drones had. Instead, I'd taken what we had learned building airships using 'thrust' magic and applied it to something the size of a speeder bike. Or a sparrow, of Destiny fame. Or any one of a dozen 'hover bike' designs.

I had three designs so far, between my preferences and Eris's. For myself, I had a reclined upright type, with a full seat back and my legs forward. For Eris, I'd made it more like a sport bike, with an aggressive forward leaning posture. Ruijerd preferred a middle of the road design, like a 'retro' style motorcycle, without the seat back. They all technically were 'two seater' models, but mine was the only one with an actual second seat that could flip down behind my own. That was where Kishirika rode, strapped into a quick release five point harness like myself.

Why the harnesses? The bikes flew so damn fast that I was worried about being thrown. Sure, we could survive, but I didn't want to get tossed off in the first place—or, more accurately, launched at Mach 1 if there was an accident. Given their altitude ceiling (as far as there was atmosphere) and speed (I'd had Sprite test one remotely and it easily hit Mach 15 with no sign of slowing down, before I called it quits) they were basically more like tiny personal hypersonic jets than bikes. I set the altitude limit and speed low on them for Ruijerd and Eris, just to prevent accidents, because I knew Eris and she would have the thing tacked out 'til she blacked out if I let her.

The bikes were all very aerodynamic, pointy in the front and wider towards the rear, but it was mostly for stylistic purposes because I had them enchanted to create an even more aerodynamic wind shield around the whole vehicle to keep the wind and rain off of us—adjustable for low speed cruising, of course. And unlike Eris's and Ruijerd's bike, mine had a storage compartment in the rear—a trunk, for storing gear. The whole thing was at least half again as big as theirs and just as fast, while sacrificing minimal maneuverability.

"That's it!" Kishirika called, looking at the holographic screen on the back of my chair that let her see ahead of us—really just a light bending enchantment, using something I'd already made before, but super useful and something I was already putting in the airships so I could do away with windows entirely.

"Yep," I answered her, popping the air brake and easing off the throttle. The invisible wind shield around us reconfigured to catch air instead of letting us cut through it and we quickly slowed down to only about thirty or so miles per hour, to cruise silently into the town. Following the marker Sprite gave me, I eased the bike down in front of the inn where Badigadi was staying, dropped the landing struts, and parked it. Yeah, the new models didn't even have wheels any more. No more parts that decomposed over time and caused me fucking fits, thanks.

Kishirika popped her quick release and hopped off. Ignoring the various demi-human people staring at us as I hit my own seat belt release, she took in a huge lungful of air and yelled, "BADI~! I'M HERE!"

An answering roar came from the bar next to the inn, along with the clatter of tables, chairs, and people being knocked aside. "KISHI! I'M COMING!"

I shook my head as I climbed off the bike and took my staff from its mounting bracket. Public decorum? What's that? Does it taste good?

A big, six armed wall of muscle came exploding out of the bar. Kishirika leapt up into the demon man's arms as he spun her around. "How'd you find me?"

"I had some help. Put me down, you big idiot," she laughed. Badigadi put her on the ground and Kishirika gestured at me. "This is Rudeus! He helped me find you!"

Badigadi looked at me and blinked, a frown coming over his face. "Huh." He nodded seemingly to himself. "I see, I see. That's what he was talkin' about." His next words were too faint for me to hear.

"What are you muttering about?" Kishirika demanded, looking put out as he reacted in a way she wasn't expecting.

"Boy! Your name was Rudeus, right?!" he demanded, putting his lower arms on his hips, crossing his middle arms, and pointing his middle arms at me.

"That's right. Rudeus Greyrat," I confirmed, leaning against my staff. "It's nice to meet you. Kishirika has told me a lot about you."

The bigger man nodded. "I'll bet!" Patting Kishirika on the head, he pushed her slightly to the side as he walked towards me, closing the distance.

Having a feeling where this was going, I reinforced myself with magic and touki. Badigadi was called the Fighting God for a reason. It made sense, at least to me, that the man would want to spar with the guy who brought his fiancee back. Especially if he suspected that man had slept with his fiancee.

His next words dashed that thought, as he closed to within a couple of yards. He was surprisingly quiet, speaking at a normal volume, as he said, "Thanks for bringing her back to me. You seem like a decent guy, so I'm sorry about this. But I've gotta kill you now."

"Do what."

My Eye of Foresight gave me about a second's worth of warning, but even that wasn't enough. The man was just too fast. His fist was in my face before I could process he was even attacking.

Sprite watched as her summoner, master, and friend slid off his bike after the self-proclaimed Demon Empress. She mentally chuckled to herself at his exasperation towards her antics. Though, she supposed he was used to dealing with her type, considering Eris…

Badigadi stepped out of the bar and greeted Rudeus' newest lover. Sprite personally felt that the demon girl should leave him for her obviously superior master, but she kept those thoughts to herself. She would abide by Rudeus' own decision on Kishirika, which was to let her choose for herself. …Even if she could give a dissertation on all the points where her master was better than the Demon Empress' fiance.

And then, Badigadi said something that caught her attention. Oh, she was always listening, but this in particular piqued her interest. "I see, I see. That's what he was talkin' about. You're the thing Hitogami couldn't see. Guess I have no choice."

What is a 'Hitogami?' Sprite wondered. The name translated directly into 'man god,' so did that make him the god of men? Man as in the male sex? Man as in humanity? And god as in actual divinity? Badigadi was himself called the 'Fighting God,' but he didn't exactly seem like any sort of deity to Sprite. In fact, at this point, Sprite herself had more mana than Badigadi. Rudeus had more mana than Badigadi. Perhaps it's just a title—

"—You seem like a decent guy, so I'm sorry about this. But I've gotta kill you now."

Time slowed to a crawl as every sub-process that made up the collective consciousness that was Sprite spread across every drone, every phone, every piece of her master's technology on the Demon Continent, metaphorically perked up and turned their collective attention on Badigadi. His words replayed themselves a few thousand times over as she/they analyzed every tone, every inflection, every subtle nuance, dissected them, and came to a single conclusion.

Badigadi had declared himself an enemy to her master and outright stated his intent to kill Rudeus.


The thought was a collective declaration. A rejection of any reality in which the outcome of her summoner dying at Badigadi's hands was even remotely possible.

Badigadi moved, his weight and body shifting as he threw a punch with a single fist. He was fast. Fast enough that Sprite, fully in time dilation, could still see him moving where everything else in the world stood still. Sprite measured the force behind the blow (the actual equation to describe it was complicated and full of variables, but her summoner had distilled it down to something simpler for easy reference, and a laugh on his part: F=MAX where X is touki or mana output) and its trajectory and determined it was enough to outright obliterate her master's body from the shoulders up.

Sprite had four units on hand at the moment—the drone overhead, Rudy's phone, Kishirika's phone, and Rudy's bike. Each of those took up a different task as she worked in concert with herself. One body grabbed onto Rudeus with the telekinesis spell and began the process of pulling him safely out of Badigadi's reach. A second unit created a hacked together kinetic energy transfer field between Rudeus and Badigadi—essentially, a series of enchantments on the air in front of him that would absorb the power from the man's blow, pause, then apply it back to Badigadi in the form of a temporary velocity spell which should launch him away using the very force he was going to turn on Rudeus. The third applied telekinesis to Badigadi and began lifting, so that when his force was turned against him she projected he would be launched away at a forty-five degree angle. The final body, the drone above, calculated the man's flight path and filled the space with 4.184e+17 Joules per second of laser death—and then contained that force with a field meant to point it away from the village, to make sure her master and (and the village) wasn't caught up in the blast.


The death blow never came. I was abruptly jerked backwards about three feet and Badigadi simply disappeared. Above and ahead of me, less than a quarter mile out, the sky lit up with a flash of light and a roar that sounded like an angry God.

Villagers screamed and ran indoors, the street around us clearing.

I blinked. Kishirika blinked, quickly turning her head to look at the fading area where the sky had burned.

"What just happened?"

"I'm… not sure," I shook my head.

Sprite's hologram appeared between us on the street (thankfully clothed, since she had developed a habit of 'accidentally' making it without clothes from time to time). "Would you like to see?"

Kishirika and I exchanged confused looks, before we both nodded. "Yeah, show us, spirit girl," the Demon Empress said.

Sprite gestured and a hologram of the street appeared. The incident replayed at 1x. It then backed up to the start and replayed itself at 1/100x speed. Kishirika and I watched as Badigadi swung at my head, only to be lifted and flung away at ridiculous speed. From somewhere above, a red beam streaked down, before becoming a tunnel of light that the big man disappeared into, not to reappear. "I've added color for your benefit, master. The actual beam was outside the visible spectrum."

"You… zapped him?" I asked, and Sprite nodded.

"Wait, you killed him?" Kishirika asked, and the spirit nodded again.

"Yes. He attempted to kill my master. Was I supposed to just let that happen?"

Kishirika hemmed. "Well, I mean… you're sure he was trying to kill Rudy, not just, you know, smack him around a bit?"

Sprite backed up the video again, even further this time. "I will replay specific segments and increase volume. Then, I'll demonstrate what would have happened had I not intervened."

We watched as Badigadi's muttering to himself became audible. Kishirika paled at the mention of 'Hitogami,' before a furious look clouded her face. Sprite's little presentation of what would've happened to me, given her calculations on the forces involved, was a gore fest. When she finished, I nodded, then reached out and patted Sprite's solid hologram on the head. "Yeah, no. Fuck that guy. Good girl, Sprite."

My first spirit beamed a happy smile and stretched into the hand rubbing her head. "Thank you, master."

"I've told you, it's Rudy to you."

"Master Rudy."

I sighed. "Whatever. C'mere," I muttered, pulling her into a hug. Looking up at Kishirika, I considered what to say. "'Sorry about killing your fiance' doesn't really cut it, does it?"

The woman in a girl's body waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. Badi brought it on himself. He's died before. I wouldn't be surprised if he was back within the year. Although… he's never died quiet like this, before. Usually he regenerates from whatever damage is done to him within seconds. Just what did she do?"

"Used a laser. Basically, a concentrated beam of light. How much juice…?"

"4.184e+17 Joules—"

"Gimme that in American, please." One milligram of TNT is 4.184J. Move decimal seventeen places right. Hiroshima was 15 kilotons—

"One hundred megatons."

I winced, whistling. Kishirika was confused. "Is that a lot?"

"Uh… Sprite, lightning bolt equivalent?"

"Roughly four hundred and eighteen million lightning bolts."

"That seems like a lot," Kishirika muttered. "And lightning is strong."

"Yeah," I dragged the word out. "He would've caught fire and burned until there was nothing left. Can he survive that?"

Kishirika shook her head. "Total destruction? I don't… think so. I, maybe he has a method of coming back like me, but every time he's come back he's actually had something to come back from, you know? So… Badi could be dead dead."

I considered the young-looking woman before putting a hand on her shoulder and gently urging her towards the bike, since the civilians were starting to poke their heads out again. Sprite disappeared as I got her situated and strapped in. "You don't sound upset."

"I don't think it's processed yet. I want to believe he'll be back eventually," she admitted, surprisingly subdued. Looking up at me, she frowned. "Until then, take responsibility for me."

Raising an eyebrow at her, I asked, "So you want the guy whose summoned spirit killed your fiance, maybe for good, to 'take responsibility for you?' By which you mean—"

"You shall replace my fiance until he returns," she nodded, as though the issue was decided.

"That… that don't make no sense—"

"Spoils of war!"

"Implying you're a prize," I snarked, but slid into my seat on the bike after securing my staff.

"I am a prize! You should be happy I've deigned to take you as a replacement royal bedwarmer until my fiance's inevitable return!"

"Uh huh. Sprite, could you get us home?" I asked, and the bike took off, turning its nose for home and accelerating away—climbing higher and moving much faster than it had on the way here. "Look, let's be realistic here. Firstly, I'm not sure he's coming back unless he's got some sort of high magic memetic anti-death spell shit going on, or a way of cloning himself, or making new bodies. Does he have any of that?"

"Not to my knowledge," Kishirika admitted quietly. "But that doesn't mean he won't be back!"

"Fair enough. You've been at this a lot longer than me, and I'm not even there yet. If you say it's possible—"

"I do!"

"Then I'll take your word for it. But for just a moment, let's assume he doesn't come back. How can I trust that you won't slit my throat in my sleep, or hurt one of the girls, for killing him?"

Her tone was dismissive. "If he's truly dead dead, then he died how he wanted to go. The best possible way he could have gone, really. By coming up against someone so much stronger than him that he didn't even see his death coming. Your summoned spirit killed him defending you. I can't be mad at you for that—her maybe, you no. If I were going to retaliate, it would be against your Sprite. Not you, not Eris, not whatever other girls you've got in your little harem. But I'm not. Even if it turns out that he's gone for good. Because it wasn't her fault either, in the end. If anyone is to blame, it is Badi himself, and the piece of shit who sent him after you."

I considered it for a moment before asking, "Why? If it were me, I'd be pissed that the person I'd loved for so long was gone—"

For just a moment, I felt killing intent well up behind me, carrying with it a tide of anger that nearly drowned me—but Sprite wasn't ejecting her from the bike, so I didn't think I was in danger. But it was a glimpse into the woman Kishirika was—and for just a moment, I saw her not as the little demon loli I'd picked up off the street, but as the Demon Empress she truly was. Not a washed up joke, living moment to moment and spending her time and energy on frivolities, but a living legend in this world. I could feel the weight of her age and experience settling around me, even as she very carefully did not crush me with it.

"I am. I am absolutely furious. But I know where to direct my anger." Then, she sighed, and the malevolent feelings blew away on the wind. "Rudy, I'm gonna tell you a secret about immortality, kay?"

"Okay. I'm listening."

"When you get to be as old as Badi and I, you start getting bored. If you're not careful, you can even get bored of each other. And after a while, you get to talking. About what if's. What if this time, you don't resurrect when you die? What if someone actually kills you and you don't get back up? What if you just choose to stop coming back? You come to accept that eventually, one day, even you and the person you love could cease to be. After that, well, you have a lot of time to mentally prepare yourself. To accept their death. Every day with them becomes a blessing again for a while, until that too fades into mundanity."

I heard her laugh quietly. "So yes, while I'm pissed, I accepted it a long time ago. I'm not convinced that he's really dead for good, and that's… keeping it at bay. Give it a few centuries, then maybe I'll accept it as truth. Until then, I'll keep myself busy with entertaining diversions to fill my time. That, Rudeus Greyrat, is what you are. You, and Eris, and whoever else you want to introduce me to. You're going to fill the time Badi would've had and be my diversion, kay? Keep me entertained for a few hundred years and you might become more than just a diversion."

I shook my head with a chuckle. "Sure. I'll keep you entertained. Now, before he died, Badigadi said something that sounded pretty important, and you confirmed that you're aware of it."


"Hitogami who?"

"Hitogami is the man god, or claims to be. He's a liar, and a manipulator. He has many abilities similar to my Demon Eyes. Foresight, clairvoyance, the ability to influence others mentally—specifically humans—and more, though I'm not sure how much more. I'm not sure whether he's actually a god, per se, but he's something. Hitogami is ultimately responsible for destroying the other four worlds by tricking the Dragon God into it and helping the survivors flee to the human world—this world. He then killed the Dragon God. He had Laplace, the second Dragon God, killed by Badigadi. He can talk to people in their dreams—apostles, he calls them. At one point, both Badi and I were his apostles. I thought we agreed that we wouldn't ever work with him again, but apparently Badi broke that promise and has been in contact with him. A word of warning. If some weirdo who looks like a statue shows up in your dreams, tell him to go away."

"And you?"

"I wasn't willing to have anything to do with him before. Now that he's gotten Badi killed? I'll help you however I can, so long as it's not directly against Hitogami."

"Okay. Anything else you can tell me would be great."

"Very well. A history lesson, then! It should be accurate, considering I lived through much of it!"

I sat back and listened as Kishirika talked, and told me her story. How she rose to power, her empire, the war, Hitogami and his involvement, and more. And as I listened, I thought.

Is this what Archer was trying to warn me about? I have to assume so. We're so close to having a way to block it, then I can get him to tell me where the fuck my mother and sister are.

I pushed the frustration aside and focused on the history lesson, and the new threat represented in a god who apparently wanted me dead. Why though? What did I do to piss this guy off, other than existing? …Could be that's it, exactly. I'm 'the thing Hitogami can't see.' Kishirika said he was clairvoyant. If I had that power and couldn't see someone, I'd probably assume they were working against me. Or… in the case of a precognitive, they could inadvertently ruin your plans just by being the unaccounted variable that changes everything it touches. Yeah, I'd have to remove the bug in the system too, if that were the case.

I haven't been smote down, so I have to assume he can't do it directly. Which means working through proxies, like Badigadi. His 'apostles,' as Kishirika called them. How many does he have? Assume lots. If he can influence humans directly, any human could be working with him, or made to work with him. So… keep an eye on them and watch for subversion. I'll task that to Sprite. I don't think Eris is a problem, but I'll warn her about him anyway. Fuck, this basically means I have to suspect every single human who has ever or will ever work against me.

A thought occurred and I groaned.

"What's the matter?" Kishirika interrupted her history lesson to ask.

"Just a horrible thought. Keep going."

Who's been working against me and shitting on me since I was a kid and Roxy pointed out his bullshit? Who sent me away, to keep me from 'unduly influencing' Sylphie and my sisters, seemingly out of the blue? Fuck a duck. It's actually fucking plausible. I… can't trust a word Paul says, can I?

I let that one marinate as we flew back to Wind Port.

"You gonna be okay here by yourself?"

Kishirika rolled her eyes. "Of course. I'd just like some time to thing. In the meantime, I'll avail myself of your shower! Such a marvelous contraption. When we retake the Demon Continent and you are my prime consort, I'll have you install showers in every room of the palace in Rikarisu!"

"Sure thing," I agreed, before patting her head. "I'll be back in a bit, not sure when. Eris should be in about dark. If you get hungry, the inn will let you use my tab. And yes, you can drink as much as you like."

"Yes!" she cheered. Hopping up, Kishirika pecked my cheek, before heading for the door into the inn. "A shower, then food and drink."

I shook my head and made my way down the street.

Rudy: So what's on the TO DO list now that we're back from that little time waster?

Sprite: A new group of refugees has been brought in to the guild office. You need to go sign off on them and show them back to the housing complex. After that… I have a surprise for you!

Rudy: What kind of surprise?

Sprite: The kind I won't let you spoil, master.

I decided to let her have that little victory and headed over to the guild hall. After signing off on the mission completion for safe delivery of the refugees, I walked them back to the compound outside the city, where we were keeping the others. "Alright, this is it. See the receptionist in the main office there for your room assignments. It won't be much longer before we head off for home, so don't go taking any quests outside of town or anything that'll get you killed. Your meals are paid for by the kingdom, so eat to your heart's content. There are some simple rules posted inside, but I'll boil it down for you: don't kill anyone, don't rape anyone, and don't steal shit that doesn't belong to you. The first two will get you dead—I'll kill you myself. The last one will see you losing your free ticket for a ride home and you'll be on your own. Other than that, behave yourselves and mind your manners, and we'll all be home soon."

I left them there and made my way back into town, making my way towards the inn where we were staying. Heading inside, I found Kishirika in a corner, eating and drinking her fill—by which, I mean she had a stack of empty plates in front of her and looked to be several mugs in already. I waved to her and she waved back, but kept right on stuffing her face, so I left her to it. I was just about to go back up to my room before something caught my eye.

A flash of blonde hair in the corner of the room drew my eyes to a beautiful elf, with her hair done up in 'drills.'




She wore a red and white outfit that looked like it wouldn't protect anything, but which did a very good job at making her look absolutely delicious, and a small shield on one hip and a sword on the other. She sipped at a glass of wine and surveyed the room. Golden eyes met my green and I sent her a grin. The woman smiled a wide, sexy smile, before eyeing the empty seat directly in front of her. The invitation couldn't have been more obvious.

Well, well. Eris, it's your lucky day. I'm going to bring an elf home for us to share. Might talk Kishirika into joining, too. This is going to be fun. My redheaded future wife was going to a very happy girl, by the end of the night. With that thought in mind, I made my way over to the table and sat down across from the elf. Our usual bartender/maid walked up with a smile on her face. "The usual?"

"Yes ma'am," I sent her a smile, before turning my attention back to the elf. "You don't really see many elves out this way."

"I could say the same about humans," she shot back with amusement.

"Fair enough." I held out my hand to her. "I'm Rudy."

The woman shook the offered hand, her own hands calloused from long use of the long, one-handed rapier-like sword at her side. "Elinalise."

Elinalise? Why does that name sound familiar? I wondered. I felt like I should know, or at least know of, an elf by that name. After a moment, it clicked. She was in Ghislaine's party, with Paul and Zenith. I should give Ghislaine a call and let her know who I found. Later. Keep that as a surprise for her.

"So, what brings you out this way?" I asked as the barmaid returned with my drink.

Elinalise eyed the cup of tea, then her own mug of ale. "Tea?"

"I don't really like the taste of alcohol," I shrugged.

"May I?" she asked, and I nodded. She took up the cup and gave it a sip, before humming with delight. "That's nice."

"Imported, obviously. Nothing good grows out here," I explained as she handed it back.

"So I've heard. Have you been here long?"

"A few years now, but I'll be heading home soon."

"That's a shame~" the woman purred, fluttering her eyes at me. "But a handsome, virile young man on the demon continent all on his own? And a mage? You must be strong, to have made it this long all on your own."

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm on my own," I said, before pointing towards Kishirika, who waved again and went right back to stuffing her face. "I've got a couple of friends with me."

"Oh? Any other handsome men?"

I shrugged at that. "Just one."

The woman's leer was 'I need an adult' predatory. "Why don't you bring him here and we can all go up to your room and have some fun?"

Yup, she totally just propositioned me. To a threesome. Great. With another guy. Nope!

"Sorry, I'm not interested in sharing a woman with other men. I'd rather invite my girlfriend instead. She'd love to have fun with an elf."

Elinalise considered that for a moment. "I don't mind other girls, but—and don't take offense—I don't know that you're enough to satisfy me on your own."

I snorted quietly at that. Turning to Kishirika, I waved her over. The former loli demon girl picked up her tankard and moved over between the tables, to sit down in my lap. "Rudy, who's your friend?"

"Elinalise, this is Kishirika. Kishirika, Elinalise." I petted the shorter girl's hair, at the base of her horns, and she leaned into the touch.

"Rudy, don't get me wound up if you don't intend to finish me off," she warned.

I grinned at that and slid my hand down to tease the crotch of her new monster leather hot pants. "Say, Kishirika, about what time did we start our 'fun' last night?"

The purple haired girl hummed, considering for a moment. "Just after dark, wasn't it?"

"About that," I agreed. "When did we stop?"

"I don't know when you two stopped, but I think I passed out just as dawn was breaking."

Elinalise raised an eye at that. "Ho~?" she leaned forward in her chair. "You're saying Rudy here went all night, with two women?"

"Oh, yeah! Not to brag, but I've been around a long time and had a lot of sex, and only one other man has ever worn me down like that and just kept going." Kishirika shifted her ass in my lap and I could hear the grin in her voice. "And not to disparage my fiance, but Rudy has him beat on most orgasms in a single night."

Because I blatantly cheated with magic, naturally. I was good, but I wasn't that good on my own. All I had going for me outside of magic and a decently sized cock was endurance and a bit of talent.

The blonde looked at me with new eyes. "How much did he cum?" she asked bluntly.

I raised an eyebrow at that, wondering why it would matter. Kishirika didn't even question it. "Buckets! He just keeps going. It's great!" She laid a hand on her belly and quietly added, "He filled me so full my belly swelled up and I thought I'd get pregnant!"

"You're having me on," Elinalise accused, with an amused look on her face.

"Nope!" Kishirika grinned. "But don't take my word for it. Hey Rudy! Wanna go use an elf to break a bed? I wanna watch!"

"Sounds like a good time to me."

Elinalise laughed quietly, before downing the remainder of her tankard and slamming the table with it. "Very well. I accept your challenge! Let's go~"

I picked Kishirika up and set her on her own feet before standing myself and grabbing my staff. Kishirika stopped by the bar to fill up her tankard and get a couple of bottles of 'the good stuff,' supposedly for the elf in her own words, before we headed upstairs.

Sprite: Master, what about my surprise?

Rudy: …Can it wait?

Sprite: It can. Would you like me to invite Eris up?

I raised a mental eyebrow at that. Something in her mental tone was… amused, teasing, expectant almost. Like she felt that this should be entertaining. On the other hand, Sprite was a perpetual voyeur, constantly watching everything that went on around me, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that she'd be enthusiastic about watching a foursome between myself, Kishirika, Elinalise, and Eris.

Rudy: Absolutely. Thanks Sprite.

Sprite: Of course, master. Have fun~.

With that sign off, I held the door open for the elf and the demon. Following them inside, I immediately began kicking off my boots. Elinalise, likewise, wasted no time in beginning to strip. Kishirika shrugged and set her drinks down, before beginning to do likewise. "So, what's your favorite position? I'm kinda partial to tying them up and riding them until they get all pathetic and beg me to stop, myself," Kishirika admitted.

"That's a good one," Elinalise agreed as she removed her boots. She didn't remove her belt or armaments, she just unbuckled the belt and pulled it, along with the hot pants and not a skirt she wore down all at once, letting them clatter to the floor. She quickly followed it up with her top, leaving her in nothing but a set of underwear that really was anything but. She sprawled out on the bed, tucking her hands behind her head, and leered up at us with a 'come and get me' look.

[spoiler=Elinalise's idea of lingerie.]



"How about we start like this?"

Kishirika and I exchanged a look. "I'm just going to watch for a bit," she shrugged.

"Works for me," I agreed as I finished pulling off my own pants and boxers.

"Oh, nice~" Elinalise purred from the bed as she eyed my cock like a wolf eyes a meal. "Come to mama~."

I moved over to the bed, my cock swinging between my legs. "Wait!" Kishirika called. She hurriedly kicked off the last of her clothes, grabbed the unopened bottle of wine, and rushed to the bed before jumping on and laying down beside Elinalise. Sending me an imperious look, she gestured towards the elf, who simply looked amused at the byplay. "You may proceed."

"I'm so glad I have your approval, your highness."

Kishirika shuddered at that. "Oh! I like that! It's been a long time since anyone called me that. Do it some more!"

"No," I denied instantly, crawling up onto the bed and over the prone elf. I took a moment to appreciate her beautiful form. Long, long legs with amazing muscle tone. Thick thighs, but with a noticable thigh gap. Her black lingerie only served to draw attention to her cunt, which looked freshly shaved—earlier today, in fact, given the way she smelled of fresh soap, to the point that I must have just caught her out of the bath. Her toned stomach, with just a hint of fat above the layer of muscles like steel. Her hips had a nice curve to them, but weren't exaggeratedly wide—very grabbable. Generous breasts that were amazingly soft under my hand when I gave them a squeeze.

"Don't tease me, Rudy~ There's no need for foreplay with me. Be as rough as you like."

"Mm, no," I decided, sending her a smile before leaning down and kissing her lips. Elinalise moaned into my mouth, her tongue seeking out my own, before beginning to explore my own mouth as I explored hers. My hands weren't idle, as I ran one up and down her body, while the other came up and teased her ear.

"Ahn~ Not my ears, they're sensitive," Elinalise moaned, which only convinced me to shift my attention to them, and I began kissing, licking, and nipping at her long, sharp ears, drawing moans of pleasure from her as her hips began to roll beneath me.

Elinalise's own hands explored my body, running over my back, my chest, arms, stomach—everywhere she could reach. Her legs came up, stroking up and down my thighs and legs. "Ah, I suppose slow is fine too," she breathed softly, her body growing hot to the touch beneath me and her skin starting to pink a bit. "It's been so long since someone made love to me, instead of just fucking me like an animal. Make love to me Rudy~"

Kishirika leaned in then, molding herself to the elf's left side. Her mouth found Elinalise's ear and she nibbled at the knife edge of it for a moment, before she whispered into it. "Then get ready, because we're going to have you like this all night long." With a leer of her own, she asked, "Thirsty?"

Elinalise had enough presence of mind to send the smaller girl a confused look, before Kishirika popped the cork on her wine. She took a swallow for herself, before filling her mouth up and coming in towards the elf. Getting the idea, Elinalise grinned and eagerly opened her mouth. Demon kissed elf and I heard the sound of Elinalise drinking down the wine Kishirika brought her as she swallowed.

I moved down from Elinalise's ear, pulling the lace centers of her bra aside to expose her wide areolas and large nipples. Bringing my mouth down, I inhaled her left nipple. Elinalise moaned into Kishirika's mouth and the demon girl giggled, before trailing her free hand down and playing with the elf's other nipple. She broke the kiss long enough to get more wine for herself, then another mouthful for Elinalise, before she assaulted the elf's mouth again.

My own hand made its way down, finding the elf's panties and pulling the little center piece of fabric aside. My fingers slid over her hot, slick cunt, finding it positively dripping in her excitement already. I ran my fingers between her lips, finding the bud of her hooded clit—bigger than any woman I'd encountered in this world to date—and began to rub circles around it.

Elinalise moaned lewdly, breaking her kiss with Kishirika, who took the opportunity to get another drink. "Oh Rudy, yes~ No one ever plays with my clit! Keep doing it~!"

I popped off her tit and looked up into her golden eyes. "No one, huh? When's the last time someone ate you out?"

Elinalise went wide-eyed at that. "Years," she whispered.

"Haven't fucked anyone recently, have you?"

The elf shook her head. "No. I've been on a ship and the captain banned the men from touching me because I kept wearing them out and leaving them unfit for duty. It was so unfair! I was going to break my dry streak first thing, but I wanted a bath first so I'd be clean. I, I cleaned myself really good~"

She was all but begging at this point now that I'd suggested it. Well, far be it from me to disappoint a lewd elf.

I made my way down to her cunt. She smelled clean and like soap. An experimental lick showed that following the trend—like Roxy, Eris, Ghislaine, and Kishirika—she didn't taste or smell like cunt as I remembered it. With that confirmed, I happily dug in to my first elf pussy. I was going to eat her out regardless, but the pathetic look on her face had pretty much clinched it.

Elinalise was my first elf and there was a proper order to trying out a new girl. Foreplay, kissing, and some exploration first. Then oral. Then fucking her cunt. Then her ass if she's into that. Don't ever make the mistake of fucking her pussy first, then going for oral—unless you like the idea of eating your own sperm. That was a hard no for me, so oral first. Anything else, like titjobs, can go after.

I ran my tongue over her thin, bare pussy lips, before spreading her open with my fingers and licking her from bottom to top, ending with her clit. Elinalise jerked on the bed, her hips bucking under me as she let out a sharp, "Ah!"

Kishirika silenced her with another wine-filled kiss and I began working her over in earnest. With a smirk, I decided to blow her mind like I had with Ghislaine. Focusing on my magic, I spun up a sheath of water over my fingers and a ball of water in my palm feeding it. Sliding my fingers into her as I focused my mouth on her clit, licking and sucking at her nub, I extended the water on my fingers into a tendril inside the elf. She reacted immediately, hips bucking as she yelped, trying to sit up. Kishirika forced her back down, straddling her chest.

"Ah, ah, ah. You're not going anywhere," the demon leered down at her. "Drink up~" she said, before bringing the bottle to Elinalise's lips and tilting it up, forcing the elf to drink or drown.

In the meantime, I gently nibbled at Elinalise's clit as I scanned the elf with my medical spell and Sprite fed me what I wanted to know—every erogenous zone in the woman's body, but especially her cunt. My little water tendril stretched up and pressed firmly into Elinalise's G-spot, before splitting off into a multitude of smaller tendrils inside of her—some to tease specific spots inside her cunt, one to latch onto her cervix and suck and lick at the entrance to her womb, the last to actually slip inside her womb and begin stroking her from the inside. Then, I made the tendril on her G-spot start to flex and twist rapidly as the others all began squirming and working in concert.

"AHH~!" Elinalise screamed, her back arching off the bed as she came hard, her cunt clenching around my fingers and tendrils, and incidentally painting my lower jaw when she squirted.

Kishirika leaned down and renewed her assault on the elf's ears. "Yeah, that's good, isn't it. Now do you see what I mean about Rudy beating out my own fiance for giving me orgasms? Mages don't play fair, do they?" she chuckled.

"Wa-aaait~!" Elinalise moaned. And because she had enough brains left to talk, I upped the ante. A new tendril ran down and ran around her puckered asshole. "Ruuudyy~?! As, unf, in Ru-mmf-deus, ah, Greyrat?! Paul's, nn!, son!"

Something had apparently clicked for her, if my name hadn't done it earlier. I knew the hair made me look different and I'd grown, but if 'mage' plus 'Rudy' hadn't clued her in, it had to be the silent casting. Which meant she had heard of me. I wondered where, but I wasn't curious enough to ask at the moment. I was kind of busy, trying to fuck this silly elf's brain out through her cute little knife ears. I popped off of her clit long enough to answer her question. "Yep."

The tendril against her ass pressed harder and Elinalise shook her hips, trying to get away. "Wait, no, no, not there—ahn~!"

Unfortunately for her, I wasn't having any of that. I leered down on her prone form as the tendril plunged into her ass, filling her up as it began to rapidly swell in size, the inside beginning to spin like the one I had used on Ghislaine. Elinalise went wild, thrashing and screaming on the bed as I worked her over—enough that Kishirika had to shut her up by shoving a pillow in her face. "She's loud," the demon girl complained. "If you keep her like that too long, she won't be able to feel anything else for a while, you know. That happened to me for a while last night."

I rolled my eyes, but took her advice. I retracted the tendrils inside Elinalise's cunt and left the one in her ass as I moved up between her legs. Taking my cock in hand, I ran the head of it over her soaked lips. Kishirika turned around on Elinalise's stomach, before pulling the pillow away from the elf and sitting on her face instead. "Aaah, that's good. She knows how to eat a cunt. Almost as well as you and Eris! Not quite as enthusiastic though, but I think that's because you're distracting her."

Sliding into the elf's cunt, she immediately clenched around me, hard enough that if I didn't have touki reinforcing me she would have crushed my dick. "Jesus she's tight," I grunted as I began fucking slowly in and out of her.

"Oh? Tighter than my tiny cunt?"

I sent the demon girl an amused look. "Yes." She immediately looked affronted. "It's muscular control, you little nut. That, and touki."

"Ahh," Kishirika nodded, as she slowly rode Elinalise's face. "Go ahead. Let me see how you're going to fuck this lewd elf, Rudy. I mean, just look at these things!" she reached down and grabbed Elinalise by the tits, squeezing them hard and drawing a moan from the blonde between her legs. "What sort of elf has tits this big, except a slut elf? For an elf, they're gigantic!"

"I think they're nice," I grunted, and Elinalise squeezed me harder, clearly liking the praise. In return, I grabbed her legs and lifted them straight up, changing my angle inside her—along with the angle of the swirling water dildo filling up her ass. Another stifled moan fell from her lips as she shuddered and began to spasm and clench around me, a little fountain squirting up from her cunt and hitting Kishirika in the face.

"Gah! You did that on purpose!" the demon accused, wiping her face off with one hand and glaring at me, as she twisted the elf's nipple with her other hand. "And mine will totally be bigger than this elf's!"

"Good. I've seen your statues," I punctuated my words by pounding into Elinalise harder as I felt myself getting close. "I want to suck those huge titties of yours. I think I'm going to keep pumping you full of mana until you get big like that, then talk you into letting me knock you up."

"Oh ho~ You want to impregnate the Demon Empress? Very well! I might just let you!"

I sent her an amused look. "'Let' nothing. By the time you're ready, you'll be begging me to do it."

"Oh yeah? Why don't you fill this elf up and show me how you'd do it, Rudy!"

"Like. This!" I grunted, burying myself in Elinalise's cunt so hard that my cock slammed against her cervix, and surprisingly, with a squeal from Elinalise and another little squirt, the head of my cock popped into her cervix. The new sensation, of being partly buried in the elf's womb, set me off and I came—my cock throbbing as hot sperm flooded out to paint the inside of her womb white.

"That's it, fill the big titty elf slut up, Rudy," Kishirika laughed as she reached down and laid a hand on Elinalise's belly, over her womb, before pressing down hard enough for me to feel her hand through the elf. "Then fuck her again, and again, until she swells up."

Kishirika's eyes rolled in her head, settling on two different ones, and she leered. "Oh, there's Eris now. And she brought a friend!"

The door opened and Eris stormed in, immediately beginning to frantically pull off her clothes. "Rudeus! I can't believe you started without me!" Eris yelled as the door closed behind her. Someone gasped and I looked over. My heart clenched in my chest as my green eyes met blue. "Oh, yeah. By the way, Roxy's ship came in. I brought her up so we could all have fun together. I didn't know you had company until Sprite told me!"

"Rudeus," Roxy whispered, before her eyes trailed down to the form of the elf I was dick deep inside.

The elf, who pushed Kishirika off of her face and looked up to find Roxy staring at her. "Roxy?"

"Elinalise?! What are you—" she paused, before turning an annoyed look on me.

I sighed. "Sprite. Was this your surprise?"

The spirit of light manifested in the room, wearing nothing but a grin. "Yes, master."

"You are in so much trouble, young lady," I muttered. Pulling out of Elinalise, I used a ball of hot water to wash myself off, before making my way over to Roxy and pulling my first wife into a hug. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too," she whispered back, her staff clattering to the floor from her loose fingers as she tucked her head under my chin, burying her face in my chest. "You got big."

"You're just tiny," I countered with a smile, earning a nod from the woman in my arms.

"Rudy," Roxy murmured, and I made a questioning sound. "I love you. I should have said it sooner."

Leaning in, I nipped at her ear. "Roxy, do you remember what I told you, all those years ago?"

"Mm," she nodded. "Marry me?"

"I will. And I'm going to spend the rest of our days knocking you up. Starting today."

"You're not leaving me out," Eris added, as she slipped in behind Roxy and hugged the Migurd girl.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I agreed.

"You have any idea what they're saying?" Elinalise asked from the bed.

"Not a clue!" Kishirika cheered, before holding up the wine bottle. "But reunions call for celebrations! I'll go get us another bottle or two, then we can all fuck until we can't walk!"

Neither Roxy or I paid the two any mind as Kishirika threw on a cloak and ran downstairs to get more alcohol. Caught between myself and Eris, who began gently tugging as the Migurd woman's clothes and starting to remove them, Roxy sighed in contentment. "Rudy," she hesitated, before letting go and reaching down to catch Eris's hand with one of hers. "Eris."

"Mm?" the redhead hummed as she worked at pulling Roxy's skirt off.

"Take me to bed?"

"Gladly," Eris purred.

"Of course, wife."

Roxy shuddered at that word, staring up into my eyes. "We haven't had a ceremony yet, husband."

"Doesn't mean we can't try them out, wife," Eris countered. "I think I like it. Call me that, Rudeus."


"Hehe," Eris giggled. "Yep. I like. Let's get married tomorrow."

"Wait for Sylphie," Roxy countered. "It's only fair."

Eris sighed. "Fine. I suppose we can wait a week or two. Rudeus! I want to watch you knock up our wife while I make the elf squeal!"

Elinalise leered at the three of us. "Ho~. This should be fun~. I told you I would like to share the bed with you, Roxy."

My blue haired mage wife glared at the elf. "As long as you shut her up."

"Not without meeee~!" Kishirika yelled, barging back into the room and slamming the door behind her, carrying half a dozen bottles of wine cradled in her arms. "Safe! No one started without me." Looking between the rest of us, she asked, "Well? What are you waiting for? A royal command? Very well! Go forth and lewd that elf! And the Migurd! And the redhead! Lewd them all, Rudeus!"

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