
CH: 61 Lupin's Reunion with Arthur and Molly

Lupin hurriedly stepped out of the car, clutching a paper bag, his eyes locking onto a distinctive patch of vibrant red hair.

"Arthur?" Lupin called out, his voice tinged with surprise and uncertainty.

Arthur stared back at Lupin in disbelief, his expression momentarily frozen before he finally spoke, "Lupin?"

His gaze traversed Lupin's form, silently assessing the familiar figure before him with a mixture of astonishment and curiosity.

Robust yet devoid of a single hair out of place, with a fair complexion, a finely groomed mustache, and attired in a meticulously tailored three-piece suit complemented by a trench coat and a walking stick adorned with a golden lion's head.

A subtle hint of cologne lingered around him.

While the attire signified a notable change, the most striking transformation was in the man himself.

Radiant, youthful, exuding vitality!

Had it not been at King's Cross, Arthur would have struggled to believe this was Lupin.

In his memory, Lupin was characterized by dejection, gloom, and weariness, yet now, in an unexpected turn, Lupin bore a resemblance to Lucius Malfoy, a comparison Arthur found perplexing.

"Molly dear, are you seeing this? Lupin?" Arthur's face reflected a profound sense of shock, as if beholding a ghost from the past.

Lupin chuckled warmly and pulled Arthur into a tight embrace, a sense of warmth and genuine affection evident in his actions.

"It's wonderful to see you!" Lupin expressed sincerely, his voice filled with genuine joy.

As they parted, Arthur stared at Lupin with wide eyes, struggling to fathom the sight before him and the rush of emotions that accompanied it.

"It's been 12 years since we last met. I've been worried about you." Arthur's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he delivered a firm pat on Lupin's shoulder. "You disappeared without a trace, no word from you at all!"

Moved by emotions, he embraced Lupin once more.

Lupin's expression shifted to a mix of emotions, his smile masking deeper sentiments left unspoken, choosing to savor the moment of reunion rather than delve into past explanations.

"Are you all in good health?" Lupin inquired warmly, his gaze moving from one family member to the next.

Molly stood holding Ron with one hand and Ginny with the other, a proud and protective stance as she introduced her children to Lupin.

"Look, little Ron has grown up and is set to begin his studies at Hogwarts this year." Lupin remarked with a smile, acknowledging the passage of time.

"We also have a new addition to the family, Ginny," Molly added with maternal pride, her eyes sparkling with affection for her youngest child.

Filled with excitement, Lupin excitedly guided Arthur and Molly towards the nearby café, the anticipation of their reunion igniting a flood of unspoken words and emotions clamoring to be shared between old friends.

The gentleman, accustomed to overseeing the company, effortlessly attended to every detail, directing the waiter to serve desserts and drinks to the children.

"Hey, should I call you...cousin?" Fred leaned casually against the table, his gaze fixed on Anton with genuine curiosity.

"Just Anton is fine," Anton responded with ease and a slight smile.

"May we have a look at your watch? It looks impressive," George interjected, his interest piqued as he rested a hand on Fred's shoulder.

"Of course." Anton replied graciously, nodding as he carefully removed the watch and passed it to them with a friendly smile.

These two future entrepreneurs of the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes were known for their reliability, boasting an array of enchanting products like the Hats Jinx Shield, Wildfire Whiz-bangs, and a plethora of items that appeared whimsical yet held practical utility. Even Ministry of Magic officials frequented their establishment, a testament to their exceptional craftsmanship and innovation.

"This watch is a goblin-made mechanical piece. Apart from its unique magical properties, the mechanism is not overly intricate..." Anton shared his knowledge with genuine enthusiasm, delving into the intricacies of the watch.

"Imagine a watch that creates the illusion of a swollen hand, as if under an Engorgio charm," Fred proposed, his eyes gleaming with inventive curiosity.

"That's a fantastic idea," George agreed eagerly, caught up in the brainstorming session. "Or what if we make the hands unusually small?"

Amused by their creativity, Anton proposed, "If you can change the size, why not add special effects like covering it with wolf hair or a broken appearance?"

"Brilliant idea!" Fred exclaimed, his excitement palpable as their ideas took shape.

Contemplating the possibilities, George mused, "Can we use this idea as an excuse to skip class?"

"Absolutely not!" Molly's stern voice echoed from a distance as she hurried over, scolding the twins and pinching one of their ears. "No skipping classes, do you both understand?"

"Of course, dear Mrs. Weasley," the mischievous twins replied in unison, a hint of playfulness in their response as they acknowledged their beloved mother's reprimand.

Molly leveled a stern finger at the twins, her warning palpable in her gaze. "I'll be keeping a watchful eye on both of you," she affirmed firmly before moving away to attend to other matters.

With their mother out of earshot, the twins huddled together, pondering the feasibility of their inventive idea. "The idea is brilliant, but the lack of funds is a big problem," George lamented, a touch of resignation coloring his words. "And since our dorms are so small, there's just no extra space."

Fred let out a weary sigh, acknowledging the practical constraints, "Yeah, our dorm bed is already full of tools; there's no space left."

Anton observed their exchange with a knowing smile, understanding the predicament they faced but choosing to remain silent.

Ginny, intrigued, rested her hands on the table's edge, examining the watch closely.

Only Ron stood resolutely at the café's entrance, awaiting a welcome that never came. Yet, only the September breeze whispered through the air, carrying with it a solitary leaf, rustling in the wind.



The twin brothers were known for their humor, finding Anton, with his open demeanor, equally amusing.

However, a significant contrast set them apart.

The twins exuberance contrasted sharply with Anton's composed demeanor. Upon boarding the train, they eagerly hopped on, already calling out to friends.

Ron felt a pang of hurt. Despite being the twins younger brother, they only bid farewell to Anton before departing.

"Dear cousin," Anton placed a comforting hand on Ron's shoulder,, "We'll be like brothers at school from now on."

Ron stared at him with wide-eyed wonder, a mix of excitement and curiosity evident in his expression.

"I've heard there are snack vendors on the train. Perhaps we can explore and buy some. My uncle mentioned a particularly magical treat—Chocolate Frogs," Anton suggested, his tone filled with anticipation. "Having grown up in a Muggle environment, I've yet to experience it. Care to join?"

Without hesitation, Ron's eyes lit up at the mention of snacks. "You don't have to ask me twice," he eagerly accepted the invitation. "There are Jelly Slugs, Drooble's Gum, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Liquorice Wands..."

"My favorite is the Chocolate Frog with collectible cards. I have nearly 500 of them, but I'm missing Agrippa and Ptolemy." Ron shared his enthusiasm for collecting, his voice filled with excitement.

"Fascinating," Anton's eyes sparkled with shared nostalgia, recalling his own childhood fixation with collecting Pokémon cards online.

With a warm smile, Anton flicked his wand, effortlessly causing both his suitcases and Ron's trunk to levitate and trail behind them

"Ronald, I'm eager to share more with you." Anton expressed eagerly, a sense of genuine connection forming between them.

"You can just call me Ron." Ron replied with a friendly grin, a subtle shift from formalities to a more familiar bond.

"Ha, a great name. I'm Anton." Anton responded warmly, the beginnings of a budding friendship evident in their casual exchange.

In a brief exchange, two seemingly similar cousins transitioned from strangers to fast friends, chatting and laughing as they made their way to the train.

Arthur and Molly shared a perplexed glance as they observed the newfound bond forming between Ron and Anton.

"He's certainly an exceptional young lad," Arthur mused quietly to Molly, a hint of curiosity and intrigue in his tone as they watched the unfolding interaction.

Lupin struggled to express his thoughts. How could he convey that the child was remarkably clever? After all, he had shown remarkable intelligence in conducting numerous experiments using the Cruciatus Curse on him.

What was the term for a 'Scalpel'? Yes, that sounded about right.

"Would you come over to my place, Arthur and Molly? It's been twelve years since we last met." Lupin extended the invitation earnestly, a sense of anticipation lingering in his voice.

Molly squeezed Ginny's hand gently and sighed, a hint of concern in her voice. "You must have faced challenges during these years." she empathized, acknowledging struggles Lupin might have faced.

"It was indeed tough a few years back, but then I met Anton," Lupin's face lit up with a radiant smile, evidently having moved past the trials of the past, "I now have my own business, car, and a place to call home. Moreover, there's a special lady in my life whom I'm eager for you to meet. Please do consider joining me."

Arthur's eyes twinkled with intrigue, a smile tugging at his lips. "In your blue car?" he inquired with genuine interest.

Lupin graciously opened the car door, a gesture brimming with pride. "I just bought it. Would you like to take it for a spin? It's quite a delight." he offered, inviting Arthur to a joyful experience.

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