
CH: 36 New Life

Mr. Lupin was a remarkably charming and elegant man, yet humble in demeanor.

He had a knack for handling the emotions of his female colleagues with politeness, and even when his male colleagues told crude jokes, he would counter with light and humorous ones that would make everyone burst into laughter.

In short, he was highly effective in fostering a sense of camaraderie within the team.

Mr. Lupin got along well with everyone.

"Goodbye, take care on your way home," Lupin bid farewell, his voice filled with genuine concern, despite his intoxicated state, as he insisted on watching each colleague enter their cars and depart from the intersection.

Lisa gazed into the distance for a moment, then shifted her focus to the moon hanging in the sky, before finally turning her perplexed gaze towards Lupin.

"I apologize, Mr. Lupin," Lisa attempted to flatter him, her words dripping with sincerity. "I believe I have mistaken you for someone else."

Not only did the recently departed Aurors from the Ministry of Magic confirm it, but she herself could also attest that this Lupin was not a werewolf.

Then, if he wasn't a werewolf...

This man was her actual Muggle boss!

It's over, her job is in jeopardy!

Lupin shook his head, clearly feeling a bit dizzy after consuming a large amount of alcohol and being exposed to the cold wind from the street.

Nevertheless, he insisted on looking at Lisa with seriousness. "You need to work harder," he emphasized, his tone firm yet encouraging. "Show me through your performance that I can't afford to let you go, as it would be a tremendous loss for the company. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Lisa nodded hurriedly, her head bobbing up and down like a pecking bird.

After discussing work, Lupin staggered forward with a slightly drunken gaze. Lisa hurriedly followed him, offering her assistance once again. "Lupin, where is your home? I'll take you back."

Lupin laughed, exhaling a breath tinged with alcohol, and pointed to the upper floors of the company building. "It's either the fourth or fifth floor, but it's definitely the top floor," he declared proudly.

He patted his stomach, a gesture of self-satisfaction. "I made some money in France, and the first thing I did when I arrived in the UK was to buy a property for myself."

Lisa was taken aback. Although this street was a residential area for merchants and located near King's Cross Station, it wasn't cheap.

She observed Lupin from head to toe, taking in his appearance. While he may not be conventionally handsome, he possessed a delicate charm and a clear appreciation for life. It was evident that he had experienced many things and had a sense of calmness that comes with maturity. Furthermore, he held a high position and was financially well-off.

He had all the qualities to captivate any woman!

Even though she was a Muggle, she didn't mind spending her life with him.

Unfortunately, it seemed that she had unintentionally offended him with her words.

Lupin refused to let her drive him and insisted that she should go back first. With a heavy heart, Lisa reluctantly got into the car, bit her lip, and drove away.

"I'm outta here!" Lupin exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement, as he walked briskly towards the corridor behind the company.

When he reached the corner and saw no one around, he sprinted up the stairs in a frenzy, as if being pursued by a ghost. His face even started to blur.

He quickly opened the door on the top floor, rushed inside, and closed the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed, his entire body twisted and transformed.

In an instant, he turned into a 10-year-old child with red hair.

To everyone's surprise, it was Anton.

The sound of steady and rhythmic footsteps approached, and Anna came closer, holding her clothes in her arms. She wrinkled her nose and frowned but refrained from speaking.

Anton tugged at the oversized clothes and inquired, "How is Lupin doing?"

"Mr. Fiennes, is keeping an eye on him. He's fine," Anna responded.

Anton nodded, took the clothes, and went into the bathroom.

Not long after, he emerged with a fresh appearance.

He surveyed the house with satisfaction, a contented smile gracing his lips.

There are six rooms and two halls, with a total area of over 200 square meters, and there's even an exclusive rooftop on the top floor. It couldn't be more beautiful.

Anton stretched out his hands as if embracing the whole world. "Haha!, I finally have a home of my own!," he exclaimed.

It wasn't easy. In the past few months, he had been in France under the alias of Lupin. With his forward-thinking vision and persuasive tongue, he had completed countless large orders that were considered miracles by his colleagues.

He had earned himself a nickname there - the money-making machine maniac who never sleeps.

All the hard work had paid off.

Having a house made him feel grounded, and he experienced a sense of tranquility.

Anna stood silently behind him, gazing at his back and smiling softly.

Fiennes floated out from one of the rooms. "Now that you have a stable life, I believe our potions class can continue." he suggested.

Anton nodded solemnly. "Indeed, magic entices me more than money," he admitted.

"Let Lupin handle the work from now on, and I'll teach at home," Fiennes proposed.

At that moment, a large wolf's head poked out from one of the rooms, fear evident in its eyes. "Am I going to work?" Lupin asked anxiously.

"Of course!" Anton retorted, his displeasure evident in his tone. "Lupin, you old man," Anton exclaimed, his frustration apparent, "Do you expect a ten-year-old child to support you financially?"

"But..." Lupin hesitated, his nervousness palpable as he swallowed anxiously. "The Muggle society..." he trailed off, unsure of how to express his concerns.

Anton swiftly interjected, cutting off Lupin's train of thought. "I took you through the experience in France," Anton reminded him, "And you adapted remarkably well. You've even become obsessed with 'The Countess of Charny' after learning how to watch TV."

"I..." Lupin's wolfish expression mirrored his inner turmoil. "Running an information consulting company..." he mumbled, unsure of his own capabilities.

Anton interrupted once again, his voice filled with conviction. "You possess a mature charm, Lupin," Anton assured him, "and as long as you dress according to the style I designed for you, the girls will be captivated. You won't encounter any difficulties. Besides, I've imparted a great deal of knowledge about economics to you."

Anton let out a sigh, his voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and affection. "Lupin, you're a brilliant, talented, and charismatic individual. Your only weakness lies in your lack of confidence."

Lupin fell silent for a moment, contemplating Anton's words, before a wry smile graced his face. "You're right," he admitted, his determination shining through. "I cannot allow someone as young as you to support me. I will give it my all and strive to succeed."

"Hahaha, Lupin, have confidence in yourself. You can do it," Anton encouraged, smiling as he embraced Lupin's werewolf neck. "Information consulting companies are an emerging industry," Anton reassured, "and whatever you say, no one will deem it incorrect. No seniors will point their fingers at you," he added with a reassuring tone.

"Everyone is a beginner, and we're all exploring," Anton stated, emphasizing the shared journey they were embarking on.

"Lupin," Anton's voice softened, "Although I can't cure your condition, at least it won't hinder your life. You can also start trying to find your own path to survival." he suggested gently.

"Let's all commence anew and embrace a fresh start!" Anton exclaimed, his eyes shining with hope.

Fiennes erupted into a cackling laugh, his excitement contagious. "Yes, a new life!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with anticipation.

As a ghost, Fiennes doesn't need to sleep or have a desk, but the little guy Anton still assigned him a room, which made him feel extra satisfied.

Fiennes enjoyed floating on the bed or in the bathtub at night, closing his eyes in a semblance of rest, even though he couldn't truly sleep.

In the hallway, there stood a grand floor-to-ceiling window, its curtains drawn at this moment, allowing Lupin to peer into the house on the opposite side, a sight hidden from everyone else.

It was 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius' home.

In his youth, Lupin used to frequent this place with Potter and Peter, the four of them engaging in playful adventures together.

"A new life?" Anton nodded, a smile gracing his face as he made his way to the kitchen. Soon enough, he returned carrying a bucket of food, destined for a room tucked away in the corner.

Opening the door, a large snake slithered out from beneath the high bed, a remnant left by the house's previous owner.

Anton poured the food from the bucket into a food bowl and gently caressed the snake's head, akin to how one would interact with a puppy.

"Eat it," Anton encouraged, his voice filled with warmth.

The massive snake affectionately rubbed against him, its tongue flicking out as it lowered its head to consume the food.

Anton stepped outside, closing the door behind him, and a magical radiance bathed the surroundings, casting an enchanting glow.

He stretched his limbs, intending to return to his room for some rest, but his attention was caught by Anna, standing silently in the distance, patiently waiting for him.

"Hahaha," he chuckled, "why are you standing so far away?" Anton inquired, a playful tone lacing his words.

Anna shook her head with determination. "I was once attacked by serpents as a child, and the sight of them fills me with great fear."

Thus, Anton had no choice but to approach her on his own. "Is something amiss? Why aren't you retiring for the night?"

Anna's eyes shimmered with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. "The grand time-turner is nearly complete. There's a place I yearn to visit, but I lack the knowledge of magic. Could you accompany me?"

Anton furrowed his brow, concern etched on his face. "Time travel is an exceedingly perilous endeavor. I am not strong enough to ensure your safety. It would be wiser to wait for Pedro to awaken or for your father's return. They possess the power to protect you."

Anna pursed her lips, her voice resolute. "I deliberately avoided seeking their assistance."

Anton looked at Anna, his confusion evident. "Why would you purposely avoid them?" he asked, searching for an explanation.

Anton walked out, closing the door behind him, and a mystical radiance bathed the surroundings, casting an enchanting glow upon the scene.

He stretched his limbs, intending to return to his chamber for a well-deserved rest, but his gaze fell upon Anna, standing silently in the distance, patiently awaiting his presence.

"Hahaha, she won't come out of the room. Why are you standing so far away?" Anton inquired, a playful lilt in his voice.

Anna shook her head resolutely. "I was assailed by serpents in my youth, and the mere sight of them fills me with great trepidation."

Thus, Anton found himself compelled to approach her side. "Is something wrong? Why aren't you going to bed?"

Anna's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and a hint of fear. "The large-scale Time-turner is nearing completion. There exists a place I yearn to visit, yet my knowledge of magic is sorely lacking. Might you be willing to accompany me?"

Anton furrowed his brow, concern etched upon his features. "Time travel is very dangerous. I'm not strong enough to protect you. You should wait for Pedro to wake up or wait for your dad to come back. They are powerful enough to keep you safe."

Anna pursed her lips, her voice filled with determination. "I deliberately chose to avoid seeking their assistance."

"???", Anton looked at her, confusion evident in his eyes.

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