
Chapter 91: Prime!

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When Raven let go of my shoulder I didn't stop glowing. I just seemed to keep darker in the shadows. It wasn't long before I was engulfed.

I was engulfed by my own soul and found myself in my mindscape. Ddraig wasn't anywhere in sight and I would instinctivly tell I was somewhere behind the locks on my memories.

"So, this is what has become of me. I'm disappointed." I heard a voice that sounded like mine say.

Turning toward the source I saw myself but not normal. I radiate an aura that oppresses those around me.

"Then again I saw something like this happening. Thought it would be an interesting take on our bleak existense." I heard myself say.

"Why would you want this for us? If I don't find a way to remember we will die." I asked myself, wanting to know the answers.

"If we die, so be it. I've done everything. Been the good guy, bad guy, neutral, had a family, killed my families, created multiverses, created multiversal beings, etc. I'm bored. You shouldn't worry about remembering. If you do, I'll overtake you. You will be absorbed by me." Myself told me his reasons. (original mavros = prime)

"If this is how you felt, why did you feel betrayal over Hikari doing this to us?" I asked the original version of myself.

"I created Hikari on the rare moment I've had mercy. Found her soul floating along the river of nothingness. Moments before she would be erased. I thought maybe she could make my life have more meaning. However, I think she was the first thing I saw that I didn't want to destroy. I felt a connection with her I didn't want to ruin." Prime told me. "So, I sent her away. Hoping she would come to understand."

"She said you laughed at her when all she wanted was you to love her. Why am I hearing two opposite sides of the story?" I asked Prime.

Prime sighed before waving his hand and the scenery changed.

I found myself in a throne room with Hikari coming out of a gate similar to my portals just made of light.

"Dad, I finally got enough power to see you. Why did you send me away? Am I not your daughter?" Hikari asked, looking happy and hurt.

'If you stay here you will learn that I truly am darkness. My darkness will corrupt your light. You are someone I can't allow this to happen to. So, I'll make you hate me.' Prime thoughts resonated through my mind.

"Ha, you my daughter? You're just some soul I experimented with. Like everyone else I've run across you mean nothing to me. You were a mistake." Prime said, looking at Hikari with contempt.

"No, please. You don't mean this. I'm not mistaken." Hikari said with tears in her eyes.

"If you want to think that, go ahead. You're no daughter of mine." Prime said, waving his hand sending Hikari away.

It was only after she left Prime broke down. He hunched overe in the throne with his hands covering his eyes. I saw him cry and they weren't normal tears. They were pure black orbs.

"I made a mistake. At the time I thought keeping her away would protect her light. It only drew her down to my darkness. I thought she would come to understand. So, I kept an eye on her over the years. I knew she was trying to kill me. This filled me with sadness. I didn't try to stop her though." Prime told me by showing himself watching through a portal of Hikari killing thousands of worlds feeding on their power. "I thought I would tell her the truth when she came to end me. The chance didn't arise. So, I felt betrayal. However, a chance arose from it that seemed fun. Casting a spell on myself sealed my soul's memories. Changing them around to make it seem like everything I have experienced was from entertainment sources."

"I don't understand. If Hikari hated us so much. Why keep us alive? You didn't do anything to keep us from being killed by her." I said.

"You are correct. I didn't, that would have taken the point out of making Hikari." Prime said.

"Wait, if that is the case Hikari must have unconciously made it where she can't kill you." I said to Prime.

"I know." he said.

"Why didn't you tell her?"I asked him.

"Like I said, the chance didn't arise." Prime told me.

"I see..." I said finally putting some things into place.

"Anyways, our time is almost up. I'm going to leave you with a warning. Ddraig is mistaken on the soul level. That isn't how you unlock our memories. Well, it is a part of it, but not a major one." Prime told me I started panicing when the mindscape was closing around me.

"HOW THEN?! TELL ME!" I yelled wanting to know how.

"I left challenges in a few worlds that must be done to break a lock. RWBY is where you will unlock two. White and Blue. Destroy all of the immortals including the gods. Unlocks a portion of our power. DXD is where a large portion of our power resides. Killing Great Red will unlock the red wall. Seven Deadly Sins is the final world. This is where you will have the hardest time. Black and Yellow are the two walls that need the Demon King to die and us to become Chaos hosts." Prime told me. "Here is the warning. If you break the final lock. You will cease. I will remain. There is no escape from your... not our fate."

At these words I was forced out of my mindscape into the classroom where Ruby, Raven, and Yang were all cowering in fear.

"So, dark. Please stop. So much pain and sorrow." All three were mumbling, closing their eyes and shaking. They all were repeating the words like they were linked.

"Are you all okay?" I asked not knowing what to do or say.


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