
-Chapter 133-

-Chapter 133-


Once I had finished speaking, everyone looked at each other for a few moments, waiting to see who would be the first to step forward.

Finally, Greatjon Umber stepped forward and said: "Mors Umber, that traitor stole my lands. I want them returned to me."

I raised an eyebrow at his lack of politeness, and then he added: "Please, Your Majesty."

'He must surely remember what lack of respect brought him at King's Landing,' I thought.

"Your lands will be returned," I said after a few seconds.

He seemed surprised that it was so easy, and a great laugh erupted as he said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

I nodded and then asked: "Anyone else?"

Next was Dacey Mormont who said: "I need to live and gold to be able to rebuild Bear Island."

"The royal bank grants you a loan of 30,000 gold dragons and will support the complete resupply of Bear Island for at least the next two years."

Surprised, Dacey Mormont stood there in front of me, and then said nothing until I asked her: "Anything else, Lady Mormont?"

"No, I thank you on behalf of all the inhabitants of Bear Island."

I nodded once more, and then the lesser nobles who had lost a great deal gathered to make their requests one after another.

In total, I estimated from memory that I would have to spend ¼ of what my lands currently produce as well as 200,000 gold dragons.

I could give much less, but what the north needs most is food and wealth, I had lived among them long enough to know that.

About 2 hours later, once all claims and requests were satisfied, I signaled to a servant to bring the new map of the North, detailing the territories, and he complied.

The servant began to unroll the map on the ground as I said: "I had a lot of trouble deciding on the fate of the families and soldiers of the traitors, I could have done like in the South, simply exterminate all the families, capture the soldiers, and then force them to work until the end of their lives like slaves, but I could not bring myself to do it."

"Although still guilty, the soldiers and families of the traitors are all sons and daughters of the North, the last people following the old gods, and especially there are not many of us left; killing so many people would be a bad thing."

"Of course, I will not release any criminal without them having paid for his crimes, so I have chosen to punish the families by stripping them of all their goods, lands, and titles. Secondly, I have chosen to spare all the soldiers influenced or threatened by House Bolton provided they join my army and serve it loyally for 10 years."

From where I stood, I could easily see my uncle's persistent frown deepen as I spoke, but I did not concern myself with it.

I simply continued as I finished speaking, for my servant had finished unfolding the map:

"And finally, all the territories and goods of these traitors will return to the crown, I am not a tyrant, so if you have claims, I will be ready to hear them. Who is against?"


-POV Eddard Stark-

Looking at the map of the North, I couldn't help but sigh a little. The Don, the New Don, the lands of the Karstarks, the lands of the Bolton, the lands of the Dustin, of the Ryswell, all the lands of the traitors were now incorporated into the royal domain.

'As I suspected, he did it for that sole purpose to be able to confiscate their lands.'

I could not be sure and certain, but I had this bad feeling seeing houses as rich and powerful as the Lannisters and the Tyrells fall on their knees before my nephew, that he would inevitably also "attack" the North.

'But what I could not have foreseen is that he would do it without needing to shed a single drop of blood; he simply arranged for us to kill each other and then come to reap the rewards afterward,' I thought inwardly.

Seeing that no one opposed him, he signaled to his servant to pack up the map and then he said:

"Given that you all agree, I think we should celebrate as it should the defeat of House Bolton."

"That's a king as I like them," exclaimed Greatjon, grabbing a mug of beer.

'How could they oppose you, Aegon, when you have just rewarded them excessively?' I thought as I watched my nephew who raised his cup in my direction, a small smirk on his face.

I am so proud of you.

Deep down, if I was sad and slightly angry to see Aegon weaken House Stark, I couldn't help but be proud of him.

'He is my son and at his 16 days of names, he is already wiser than almost all the Kings of the Seven Kingdoms who preceded him.'

'What father would not be proud to have such a son?' I thought as I grabbed a mug that Greatjon was handing to me

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