
/52/ The empress gem 1

"I shouldn't leave her alone by herself," he thought.

"I do not trust these people."

Taffi had a hard time deciding on whether or not to leave Sania in the hands of these witches. He knew that one of the princesses admired him from what he read on the scroll, but he did not know which one since the king of Aradon had five daughters.

For all he knows, the girl he was going to leave Sania with was the one who liked him, and might hurt her in his absence,or say something she wouldn't like, he just couldn't let that happen.

"I'd rather stay here," Taffi replied,but the king shook his head disdainfully.

"Do you think that I am going to hurt your wife, or is it my daughter that you are scared of?" he asked.

"But is it a crime if I wanted to just stay here? I'm going through the scroll you gave to me…

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