
Hilton's End

A week had passed since Leon's newly awakened group arrived at his home. His small house was now surrounded by nearby houses that he had bought at double the market price, turning the whole town into a fortress, with his home at the center.

"Sir Leon, here's the list of all the businesses owned by the Hiltons that we've collected," Lydia said, handing him a detailed report. Amelia, who had been standing nearby, came over to inspect the information as well.

"Hmm, they sure are multi-billionaires," Leon commented, scanning the report.

"But those bastards killed our parents just for our small business," Amelia said, her eyes burning with anger.

"That's how those in power stay in power," Leon replied, shaking his head. "They crush anyone who threatens their control."

Leon glanced at Lydia, who stood by, her fiery red hair and amber eyes giving her a striking appearance. Her tan skin hinted at her origins from Ataukya Desert, a harsh and unforgiving environment, much like the challenges they were now facing.

"Well, no matter how powerful they are, we'll make sure to remind them that they're not invincible anymore," Leon added, his tone calm but filled with intent.

Amelia nodded and then she looked at their Aunt, who was reading Myth related books.

"Her Affinity is really great" She said, looking at her.

"yours great too" Leon said.

"Anyway, Lydia, go and call five members with Darkness and Shadow Affinity," Leon instructed. Lydia bowed and swiftly left to carry out the task.

"I don't need anyone's help," Amelia said, looking at Leon with a hint of defiance.

"They're not there to help you—they're there to torture our enemies," Leon replied, a sly smile on his face.

Amelia frowned but eventually nodded, accepting the plan.

Not long after, Lydia returned, accompanied by five individuals—three men and two women, all dressed in sleek black tuxedos. Their attire matched Amelia's, exuding an air of professionalism and deadly precision.

"Go in style," Leon remarked, glancing at Amelia with a grin.

Amelia gave the five a once-over, then turned and began to leave. The five members bowed respectfully to Leon before following her out in perfect sync.

The mission was about to begin.

"Let's see them," Leon said, as Lydia nodded. One of the five members handed Leon a ghost link. Leon logged into the UVR, and using the ghost link, he arrived near the group in ghost mode.

They were now boarding the cars, with one of the female members driving Amelia's car. Two others were seated in the car ahead, while the remaining two were in the one behind her.

Amelia sat with grace, gazing out the window, her face calm but focused.

Leon, still in ghost mode, appeared beside her in the car.

"You sure love leaving in style," Leon commented, his voice echoing slightly in his ghostly form.

Amelia glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. "You're on spectator mode?"

Leon nodded. "Just checking in."

She chuckled softly. "Of course you are."

"well cant miss those bastards Live end " Leon said as he calmly sat on the seat.

Amelia nodded as they soon arrived at their destination. The imposing structure of the Hilton's headquarters loomed before them, a symbol of wealth and power.

Securing a meeting with the higher-ups had been easy—flashing their wealth had opened the doors. Now, they stood outside the grand entrance, a welcoming committee awaiting their arrival, completely unaware that they were inviting predators into their midst.

Amelia glanced at Leon's ghostly form with a knowing smirk. "They have no idea what's coming, do they?"

Leon grinned. "Not a clue."

Leon simply watched as higher ups of Hiltons welcomed Amelia as they took her to their banquet hall, Leon simply followed them in his ghost mode, he can only be seen by the people he gave permission too, so Hiltons cant see him.

As Amelia reached the banquet hall, she was escorted to a seat at the table with the other guests. The room buzzed with an air of formality, as the host, an older man in an expensive suit, addressed her warmly.

"It is our pleasure to invite you to our banquet, Miss Gupta," the old man, Mr. Hilton, said, eyeing Amelia with a forced smile.

Amelia stared back at him, her face cold and devoid of emotion. "I don't think so, Mr. Hilton," she replied icily.

Leon, watching from his ghost mode, couldn't help but chuckle. "I thought you'd at least have some food with them," he remarked, noting her decision to jump straight into action.

"Dine with them?" Amelia's voice dripped with disdain. "I feel disgusted even breathing the same air as these people." She nodded to her guards, signaling them for what was to come next.

The five members nodded as they moved and then sealed shut the whole banquet.

"Miss Gupta what is the meaning of this?" An middle aged man stood up as he looked at Amelia with caution.

"Nothing but revenge," Amelia replied coldly, lightly tapping the table. As her energy surged through it, the long dining table began to tremble. Plates and food scattered to the ground as the table itself morphed into a menacing Golem Knight, its eyes glowing a fiery red.

"You're not the only awakened here!" the old man shouted, panic creeping into his voice as a group of teenagers rushed into the hall, ready to defend. They launched their attacks on the Golem, but with a simple motion, it effortlessly knocked them aside, sending them sprawling to the floor.

"It's a Legendary Bloodline," Amelia said calmly, watching the futile struggle. "Your minor bloodlines are no match for me."

"Why are you targeting our family?" Mr. Hilton yelled, his voice shaking with both rage and fear as he glared at Amelia.

With a chilling smirk, Amelia leaned forward. "Perhaps this will jog your memory: the Pacific Hotel. The Gupta family."

The old man froze, confusion flickering across his face. But then his eyes widened in horror as realization dawned on him. "Impossible… You can't be… the daughter of—"

"Yes," Amelia interrupted. "The daughter of the very family your greed destroyed. And now, I hold a power far greater than anything you could have imagined."

Mr. Hilton's voice faltered as he muttered in disbelief, "How could you afford a Legendary Bloodline when even we…" His voice trailed off, overtaken by fear as Amelia's vengeance unfolded before him.

"Yes, you're lying. The Maxwells must be behind this," the old man sneered, trying to deflect the blame. His laughter was strained and desperate. "Tell me how much time they gave you. We'll pay more—just let us go," he said, desperately appealing to Amelia.

Amelia's gaze was icy as she replied, "This isn't about money. It's about justice for what you did to my family."

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