
Chapter 44: Turning point.

Rigel walked to the river with the sound of buildings crumbling and the sound of flames that devoured the town. He looked at his own reflection on the river with his face covered in blood. He walked into the river and the clean water turned red immediately.

He put himself under the water as he held his breath with his eyes closed. He could still hear the screams and the faces of people that he had killed mercilessly. He could remember every word those people said to him, begging for their lives. The feeling of his weapons cutting the skin, flesh, and bones was still lingering on his hands and wrists.

He was under the water for minutes and enjoyed the silence and the sound of his heart beating. He then faintly heard the thudding sounds, and when he went to the surface, he heard horses neighing. He saw Players who had just come back from doing quests, and they were shocked by the state of the peaceful town.

"Did something happen while we were away? What or who did this?!" A man asked as he jumped off the saddle. "We should report this!" He added as he climbed the horse.

When he was about to turn around, a fireball hit him right in the face, exploding his head. The others who saw it, looked at the direction of the fireball coming from. They saw Rigel soaked in water and the first thing they thought was to avenge his friend's death.

There were 9 of them and they charged at Rigel, but when they were in his attack range, he swung Eclairswille at them. The breastplates they wore were cut off and it barely missed their skin. They were startled because they didn't see it coming because of how fast his attack was.

They were so stunned by it that they didn't notice a follow-up attack by Rigel, slitting 3 of them. Seeing how fast Rigel's attacks were, they knew they had no chance to fight him. They all ran away to save themselves, but suddenly the Player in the far back of them got struck by a lightning bolt and created a chain of lightning.

Of the remaining 6 Players, 5 died because of the lightning bolt, leaving only a Player who was on her way to her horse. She didn't think about anything else but to save herself, but suddenly she fell and when she tried to stand up, she felt something was wrong. She turned around and saw her feet gone, and then she saw Rigel standing in front of her.

"Please..." The woman's voice trembled and she was still in shock that she hadn't felt the pain yet. "Please..." That was the only word she could say when Rigel stared down at her.

Rigel stabbed the woman right in her heart, making her body clenched. He watched the woman accept her death as he kept pushing the rapier deep into her heart. His mind was blank as his body moved like it was in auto mode.

"I need to rest..." Rigel rubbed his face as he pulled the rapier from the woman's heart.

Rigel took the horse and went to Sevan Village which was a hideout for Non-Players and the Resistance. It was a 4-hour journey, and he arrived when the sun was setting, and people were walking back to the village after working on the field.

People looked at him with recognition as if they knew who he was. He wasn't bothered by it because he was tired both physically and mentally. He rented an inn near the pub where he could get information about the 2nd floor. The moment he hit the bed, he fell asleep immediately.

Rigel felt anxious even in his sleep, and when he opened his eyes, he was in the cathedral. He saw Lysara'elmaris standing and staring at the ceiling. He watched her for a minute, but she seemed not to notice he was there. He didn't know whether he was dreaming or not, but being there in silence gave him peace of mind.

"It's peaceful, isn't it?" Lysara'elmaris asked in a soft voice.

"Yes. It's peaceful, but it's only temporary," Rigel answered as he looked at the ceiling as high as the sky. "Though, I'm not complaining."

"You're not perfect, and you're still a mortal with strong emotions. We made you like that so you can rely on each other as one," Lysara'elmaris responded with her face bathed in light. "Even in that, you still need to rely on someone else, someone that can understand you. That's when you believe in us, and we open our arms for you."

"You did, but in the end, it's not like the help is free," Rigel said as he closed his eyes and the peace started to give him comfort.

Rigel was waiting for Lysara'elmaris to reply to his statement, but it was only silence. He opened his eyes and Lysara'elmaris disappeared, but when he looked to his right, he saw her standing beside him, staring at him with a stoic expression.

"All you have to do is ask, and I'll grant it to you," Lysara'elmaris said. "Gods aren't good or evil, but they will give their creations what they want if their creations devote themselves to them. Just ask, and I will grant it," she explained softly, staring into Rigel's eyes filled with all kinds of emotions that he started to feel numb because of it.

"I don't know what I want..." Rigel said and he looked confused.

Rigel didn't realize that until Lysara'elmaris pointed it out to him. He indeed wanted to see her, but for what reason? He didn't know, maybe because of the connection between him and her that made him want to see her.

"Am I dreaming? Or am I here in your world?" Rigel asked.

"I'm not here, and you're not in my place either. I'm just the projection in your heart, but that doesn't mean I'm not real. I'm still who I am and the same being that you know, nothing more, nothing less," Lysara'elmaris answered. "You have given me a lot of food to eat, and our connection has grown stronger. That's why I can be inside your dream world," she added.

Rigel hummed as he sat down, thinking of what else she could do once he fed her and brought back all her power.

"I'm doubting myself..." Rigel said after he let his thoughts run wild in his head. "I'm not saying that I don't want to take revenge anymore, I still do. I just..." he stopped because he didn't know what to say.

"I know, Rigel. I know what you feel," Lysara'elmaris responded with a smile on her face. "You were doing fine taking it slowly, but the moment you took it too far, you collapsed," she explained as she walked to the front of Rigel and stood there.

Rigel was about to explain to Lysara'elmaris about how he felt, but she already knew about it and she was right about it as well. He was afraid she would be disappointed in him and would get rid of him if he had a change of heart.

Lysara'elmaris reached out her hands at Rigel, but Rigel hesitated to grab them because he was afraid. Rigel grabbed her hands, and it was so soft and cold. If a cloud could be held, it was exactly like what Rigel thought about the feeling when he held her hands.

"Am I an evil God or am I a generous God?" Lysara'elmaris asked as she pulled Rigel up.

"You're, just..." Rigel answered and he couldn't stop staring at Lysara'elmaris's eyes seemed to be flowing like the sea.

"Then, you should too. Kill those who harm you and spare those who mean no harm toward you, just like Vania. Also, you interpret your goal wrongly. You don't want revenge, you want to get rid of those who are unjust, isn't that right?" Lysara'elmaris looked at Rigel's eyes. "Treat them how they treat you, as simple as that. I have been living in this place for as long as I can remember. Take your time because I'll always be here if you need me," she said with a gorgeous and genuine smile on her face.

Rigel nodded with understanding and somehow her words had become the light that brightened his path.

"We both know that I'm using you, and you can use me for whatever you need. As I said earlier, you can ask me anything and I'll grant them for you," Lysara'elmaris said as she removed her hands and took a few steps back. "If you show me your sincerity and your devotion, I'll give you power and assurance. Don't let the revenge consume you, let the revenge push you to the limit, just like what you have been doing. You're doing great, and I'm relieved that you're the one that I chose," she added.

At that moment, Rigel almost broke down after he heard the last few words from Lysara'elmaris. He had never been praised before in his whole life, and hearing it for the first time, he felt like he could push a mountain because of how overwhelming it was.

"Thank you, My Goddess," Rigel went down to his knees in front of Lysara'elmaris.

When he looked up, he woke up from his dream, and all the guilt that he felt yesterday was completely gone.

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