
Down a Slippery Slope

** Eli **

Eli was going to ask her something. About how to make the towel soak up more water, perhaps. But as soon as their eyes met, the question slipped from his mind, and he forgot about everything except the sparkles in those gorgeous green eyes.

The same eyes that looked back at him in that shower while she swallowed around him.

His groin tightened again at the thought, and he was glad for the bath towel that was wrapped at his waist, hiding his increasingly blatant desire behind the thick layers. His body had already been reacting too much to Harper's presence these days, and now, with that wicked image burning so sharp and deep into his mind, it was only getting worse.

This wasn't right … He wasn't a teenager anymore, and it wasn't the first time he'd gotten a blowjob either. So why couldn't he stop thinking about her eyes, her mouth, her soft touches and hard strokes that drove him out of his mind?

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