
Chapter 229: A Unique Princess

Gradually, the conversation shifted back to filmmaking. Jennifer Mona asked, "Since your entrance into Hollywood, you have directed four films, all with a distinctly dark theme. Is this related to your personal experiences or perhaps influenced by an unhappy childhood?"

"There's no relation," Murphy firmly denied. "Indeed, I grew up in central Los Angeles, in a poor neighborhood, but I am naturally optimistic and cheerful. Negative emotions rarely affect me."

He spread his hands and added, "Simply put, this style is a personal preference, unrelated to my experiences."

Jennifer Mona frowned slightly, clearly skeptical of Murphy's answer. She knew that truth-telling was rare in such interviews and that the interviewee would have been thoroughly prepped by their agent or publicist.

"Director Stanton, many movies feature a dark theme," Jennifer Mona pressed on, "but few with the extent of brutality and bloodshed found in your four films are released on such a large scale. Don't you think this might have negative effects on people and our society? Especially 'Saw,' there was a case early this year where the Texas police busted a gruesome murder, and the killer used devices similar to the torture mechanisms in your movie…"

"I don't believe so," Murphy asserted confidently, leaning back in his seat. "Movies are primarily a form of entertainment. Anyone with a sound mind can distinguish between fiction and reality. Those influenced by a film to the point of problems already had issues. Can we just ignore these problems if they don't watch a particular movie?"

"If someone blames such incidents on a film or a director," he shook his head, "it would mean our education and society have failed tremendously."

Elevating the argument was not only Jennifer Mona's tactic; Murphy was equally adept at it. Besides, in North America, few would actually blame a film for real-life issues.

The interview gradually became less aggressive, with the atmosphere easing. Jennifer Mona moved to personal questions, "How long have you and Gal Gadot been together?"

Essentially, "Vanity Fair" was a gossip magazine, and Murphy was well-prepared for this. He casually replied, "For a while."

"How many girlfriends have you had before her?" she probed further.

Murphy remained vague, "I don't quite remember."

The gossip continued around Gal Gadot. "She's currently Miss Universe Israel. Will she enter Hollywood in the future?"

"Not for the time being," Murphy shook his head. "The future depends on her own wishes."

Outside the interview room, Grace and Bill Rossis watched Murphy and Jennifer Mona through the glass wall. Everything was going smoother than expected; Murphy hadn't used a break as an excuse to seek their help.

"He used to be a freelance journalist," Bill Rossis whispered, "and even tricked Kobe Bryant. He's not less experienced in this area than us."

Grace nodded, "I'm more worried about other things."

Even though she didn't elaborate, Bill Rossis understood her concern. "Don't worry too much. I believe Murphy will handle it well."

Fortunately, Murphy was only a director. Even if something happened in the future, it wouldn't cause too much of a stir.

When Murphy exited the interview room, Bill Rossis and Grace quickly approached him.

"How did it go?" Bill Rossis asked.

"It was okay," Murphy massaged his temples, feeling a bit tired. "Dealing with journalists is more exhausting than shooting a short film."

"Go rest for now," Bill Rossis patted his arm. "Grace and I will handle the rest."

Post-interview communications were essential to prevent the publication of unfavorable news.

Murphy nodded, "I'll be going then."

The interview would be published as a cover story in "Vanity Fair" in early May. Bill Rossis and Grace still had time to negotiate and adjust the content. Over the next two days, "Vanity Fair" would also interview Robert Downey Jr., James Franco, Seth Rogen, and Jonah Hill as part of the coverage.

After getting into his car, Murphy checked the time and called the number he had given to Gal Gadot.

"Hi, Murphy," Gal's voice with a slight accent came through the phone. "Is the interview over?"

"It's done," Murphy's mood visibly improved. "Have you finished training? Should I come pick you up?"

"I'm already resting. Come over, I'll wait for you," she replied, then asked about dinner plans, preferring somewhere not too far due to a body language class at eight.

"We'll dine in Malibu," Murphy started the car, "I've arranged to meet an old friend."

"Great, I'd like to meet your friends."

After hanging up, Murphy drove around North Hollywood to lose any following paparazzi and headed onto the highway to Malibu.

As the sun aligned with the sea, Murphy's car stopped at the back entrance of a hotel in Malibu. Just as he reached for his phone, a fully equipped Gal Gadot emerged from inside, waving at him before getting into the passenger seat.

After removing her large sunglasses and baseball cap and tidying her ponytailed dark brown hair, she leaned in and planted a firm kiss on Murphy's cheek.

Gal Gadot was about to pull back when Murphy wrapped his arm around her slender neck and boldly kissed her on the lips.

Gal closed her eyes, leaning in closer, embracing Murphy and passionately responding.

The kiss lasted several minutes, only ending when their parked car blocked the hotel's back entrance, prompting honking from other vehicles. As they drove off, both were still breathing heavily, Gal's cheeks flushed, and her clothes mysteriously wrinkled as if freshly laundered and dried.

"You smudged my makeup!" Gal admonished, checking the mirror and reaching for her purse. "And your grip is so strong!"

Rubbing her chest, she jokingly complained about his strength.

"Did I hurt you? Sorry," Murphy glanced at her. "Let me give you a massage."

Gal immediately grew wary at his suggestion. "There might be paparazzi. Do you want me to be tomorrow's gossip fodder?"

Murphy just smiled and slowed the car, expressing sincerely, "I just missed you, Gal."

"Me too," Gal nodded seriously, admiring Murphy's marble-like profile. "I've been thinking about you these days, dreaming about you and not sleeping well."

The car filled with a sweet silence, speaking more than words ever could. They arrived at a luxurious restaurant, and Gal hurriedly touched up her makeup.

Murphy watched her, comparing her to Aphrodite descending from Mount Olympus and imagining her as a mature Diana Prince, a unique Amazon Princess.

After Gal finished her makeup, Murphy opened the door for her, leading her into the restaurant to their reserved table. Shortly after, Carla Fess arrived.

"Carla, this is Gal Gadot, my girlfriend," Murphy introduced. "Gal, this is Carla Fess, a good friend of mine."

Gal and Carla shook hands and began conversing. Carla revealed her move from FOX Television to 20th Century Fox, sparking Gal's interest in her career as a powerful businesswoman.


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