
Chapter 144: Knight  

Pushing their luggage, Murphy followed David-Robbie out of the airport. Carrie-Mulligan tightened her beige coat. Unlike Los Angeles's heat, it was in the cooler season here. Although not cold, the wind could make one feel chilly.

The airport exit was bustling. Carrie-Mulligan held onto Murphy's clothes tightly, mumbling, "It's strange, like suddenly moving from summer to winter."

Another gust of wind blew, causing the branches of a nearby tree to rustle. Murphy turned to look at Carrie-Mulligan, seeing she was dressed warmly enough, then took off the baseball cap hanging on her waist and put it on her dazzling golden short hair.

"Be careful," Murphy warned, "Don't catch a cold."

The temperature here wasn't actually low, but coming from the hot Los Angeles could cause discomfort.

Carrie-Mulligan pulled up the zipper of Murphy's coat, "You never know how to take care of yourself."

Just as Murphy was about to say something, the car David-Robbie had called arrived. They quickly grabbed their luggage, placed it in the car's trunk, and got into the back seat with Carrie-Mulligan.

The driver was told a destination, and the car didn't enter Brisbane but headed directly towards the Gold Coast to the east.

"The journey is a bit long." David-Robbie turned to Murphy and Carrie-Mulligan, "You can sleep for a bit, I'll wake you when we arrive."

Murphy nodded. He was okay, but Carrie-Mulligan, due to jet lag, kept yawning.

"I'll take a nap." Carrie-Mulligan rested her head on Murphy's shoulder.

"Sleep," Murphy adjusted her clothes for her.

The car drove smoothly, and Carrie-Mulligan soon fell asleep. Murphy, looking out the window at the receding scenery, eventually fell asleep as well.

A bump woke Murphy from his sleep. Carrie-Mulligan seemed to have woken up earlier, boredly playing with a Sony handheld game console. Murphy looked outside, seeing only vast farmlands with no sign of buildings, occasionally spotting deer frolicking in the fields.

"Australia doesn't have large wild carnivores, and the land is sparsely populated." David-Robbie, noticing Murphy's attention to the deer, explained, "These deer have no natural predators and breed quickly, like wild rabbits, posing a challenge to all farmers."

Carrie-Mulligan also looked outside, envying the sight, "There are horses to ride here!"

"You know how to ride?" Murphy asked her, and Carrie-Mulligan quickly shook her head, "No, but I can learn."

After a few more miles, a farm appeared at the end of the fields. It wasn't large, but as they approached, Murphy saw stables nearby and heard horses neighing.

"We're almost there!" David-Robbie's face lit up with the excitement of returning home, "Murphy, Carrie, you'll love it here."

Although the season prevented them from seeing the most beautiful scenery, the endless fields and the quaint farm still intrigued Murphy.

As they neared the farm, David-Robbie rolled down the window, seemingly eager.

Horses neighed again, and a small horse suddenly ran out from the stables, heading straight for the car. Murphy turned to see a young rider, not very tall, wearing a riding helmet and old denim, skillfully controlling the galloping horse.

From a distance, the rider raised a hand, waving at them.

David-Robbie chuckled, "She's still as wild as ever after a year!"

As the car and horse drew closer, the horse circled around, chasing after the car and running alongside the passenger side.

Murphy then saw clearly that the rider was a child, probably around fifteen, wearing a riding helmet that hid what seemed like golden hair similar to David-Robbie's.

"Hey, David!" The rider's youthful, clear voice called out, "I've been waiting all afternoon!"

"Sorry!" David-Robbie stuck his head out, shouting back, "The plane was delayed."

Carrie-Mulligan was fascinated by the scene, "There are even horses to ride!"

"You're fifteen?" Murphy asked her, and the girl quickly shook her head, "Almost twelve. I learned to ride when I was eight."

From her appearance, she indeed looked just over ten years old.

"Let's not talk here."

The outside was still chilly. David-Robbie moved to the car's trunk, "Let's get the luggage inside first."

He called his sister, "Maggie, come help."

"Let me do it." Murphy felt awkward letting a child carry his things, quickly moving to help, "The two of us are enough."

After retrieving their luggage and paying the driver, the group, carrying their luggage, headed into the farm. Murphy curiously looked around, his first time seeing such a large farm and quite intrigued.

The farm covered two acres, not including the stables and living quarters, and had large storage areas with workers nearby tidying up harvested hay.

As they walked, the girl's riding boots clacked against the ground, drawing Carrie-Mulligan's attention.

Murphy and David-Robbie, carrying luggage, led the way, with the two girls following behind.

Seeing Carrie-Mulligan's constant glances, Maggie approached her, eyeing Murphy ahead, "Is he really the amazing director your brother mentioned?"

Carrie-Mulligan looked at her with admiration, "Yes. Your brother works in his crew."

"I see..." Maggie seemed puzzled, looking at Murphy's back, "He doesn't look like it. Aren't directors supposed to have big beards and white hair?"

Carrie-Mulligan also stared at Murphy's back, her eyes filled with admiration, "There are always exceptions, like him."

Entering the farm's residence, David-Robbie arranged a room for Murphy. Seeing Carrie-Mulligan and Murphy sharing a room, Maggie was shocked, "You're a couple?"

"Dear," David-Robbie nudged her, "You're really slow."

Maggie stuck her tongue out at him and ran downstairs, "I'll take care of Emma! Call me for dinner at the stables."

David-Robbie explained to Murphy, "Emma is the little black horse."

He checked the time, "Rest for now. I'll call you for dinner."

Despite sleeping on the plane, the jet lag made Murphy and Carrie-Mulligan still tired. After David-Robbie left, they closed the door, quickly settled their luggage, and took a nap to adjust to the time difference.

They were awakened by knocking only when it got dark. After freshening up, they went downstairs to the dining room, where a lavish meal was already prepared.

Dining were only Murphy, Carrie-Mulligan, and the David-Robbie siblings. The atmosphere was quite good, with Maggie being wild yet polite, often chatting with Carrie-Mulligan about girl topics.

David-Robbie, knowing Murphy and Carrie-Mulligan's main interest in coming here, took them to the basement's gun room the next morning after breakfast.


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