
Chapter 42 : Sinnoh-5 [Porygon]

Archer's POV, hotel room

As I collapsed onto the plush hotel bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on my limbs, I couldn't shake the weight of Mr. Goodshow's words from my mind. His warning echoed in my thoughts, a constant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

With a heavy sigh, I glanced over at the gleaming sword resting against the wall, its polished surface catching the fading light of the setting sun. I could only feel it would have looked good in the photos if I carried it.

I couldn't help but feel that I have been craving for more fame recently, especially since I just saw the benefits of fame today. While my decision to contribute towards home seemed to resonate somewhat for Goodshow, I am just grateful for his support.

After all with his influence, he could have found another way to enter Bharatsa's political field, but he chose me. And like he said I could find no other reason other than him just liking my guts, more like my goals.

 As for my other qualities, Talent or wealth are something he is showered with every day by numerous people to gain his favour.

But my thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking at the door. With a reluctant sigh, I dragged myself to my feet, straightening my appearance in the mirror before answering the call.

Another change I noticed in myself, becoming conscious about looks. Though initially it was started as a need to make a good impression, it has already become part of my character.

The door opened to reveal a very unlikely group, which I am quite happy about forming.

Sam, Jon, Samantha with Sycamore and Elm.

I looked towards Sam who just gave a nod, I was happy he managed to form a relationship with the two geniuses hopefully a relationship he won't need shortly. Because I want to live a long life.


Jon's Pov

As we carried the package into the room, I couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity. What could be inside that warranted a special delivery, especially after the League announcements?

My eyes drifted to Dregen's sword, a silent sentinel in the corner of the room, before settling on Archer as he approached the table where the package lay. His question echoed my thoughts perfectly, "Couldn't it be given with the rewards at the announcements?"

The other researchers in the room merely shrugged, offering no further explanation beyond "Official procedures." It was a vague response, leaving us all to wonder.

Samantha, ever the efficient one, stepped forward with a pair of scissors to open the package. I couldn't help but notice how seamlessly she seemed to slide into the role of Archer's assistant with each passing day.

With a calm demeanour that ignored the jealous looks of the other males in the room, Archer peeled back the layers of wrapping to reveal a printed license of his research ID, a paper with a code, and a Pokeball. It was an unexpected assortment of items, to say the least.

Elm, whom I came to see as the embodiment of nerdiness, began to explain the process involved. "You need to enter the code on the official website along with scans of your trainer ID and retina scan to gain access to the League database. There's a Pokémon Center nearby where we can go to—"

But Elm's explanation was cut short as Rotomdex, ever the efficient assistant, scanned the code and opened the website in a flash. The screen filled with details and uploads at lightning speed, leaving us all in awe.

"Or you can do that," I remarked, a hint of amusement in my tone as Archer bypassed the need for a trip to the Pokémon Center with Rotomdex's quick action.

Ignoring Elm's grumbles about the handy Rotomdex, Archer eagerly tossed the Pokeball, unveiling the block-like Pokémon within. The gasps of astonishment that filled the room were a testament to the surprise and wonder of the moment.

"How?" echoed the collective question on everyone's lips as we stared in awe at the unexpected addition to the room.

As I gazed at the Porygon before us, I couldn't help but be struck by its appearance. Its sleek, geometric block design gave it an almost futuristic aura, its digital form shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

Archer approached the artificial Pokémon, explaining, "It was a reward I requested due to our involvement in exposing Yuuta's illegal experiments."

Elm's expression grew sombre at that revelation, and he nodded in understanding. "I never expected him to resort to such drastic measures," he muttered, his voice tinged with regret.

Meanwhile, Rotomdex flew through the room, scanning the Porygon and providing its analysis. "It is a newly made one," it declared. "No hint of extra software or data, except for the core data. And its moves are as expected."

Sycamore chimed in, adding, "Each Porygon is tailored to suit the needs of its researcher. They're essentially ideal Pokémon breeds raised according to specific requirements."

Sam, always one to ask critical questions, posed an intriguing query, "Since it's a data-resembling Pokémon, couldn't it be copied?"

Archer took a moment to plug in a large data transfer cable to the lifeless Porygon before responding. "The problem lies in the monumental task of replicating its complex data structure," he explained. "Not only would it require immense computing power, but even the slightest error in the arrangement of data could render the copy useless. There are only a handful of places in the world capable of attempting such a feat, and even then, it's a daunting challenge."

Elm and Sycamore nodded in agreement, though Elm couldn't help but lament, "It's a pity Akihabara is such a recluse. He has to be practically dragged out of his hole by Professor Oak's threats just to accept his professorship title."

Meanwhile, Rotomdex continued to send data, featuring names of various software such as Metagross Combat Evaluation, Psychic Eval, Language Adapt, M.M. Data, and Types Energy Data. The last two took a considerable amount of time to process, so rather than disturb Rotomdex, we all found various ways to occupy ourselves.

For me, it was a simple game of Angry Birds, where I found solace in launching angry Pidgeys at the virtual grunts holding eggs hostage. It was a welcome distraction from the complexities unfolding before me, if only for a brief moment.

My game was abruptly interrupted by Sycamore's exclamation, "I see it now! No wonder you're uploading all this data so forcefully. You're essentially pushing its boundaries to facilitate improvement."

I watched in fascination as the blocky Pokémon began to undergo a remarkable transformation, its angular form gradually softening and rounding out. Sycamore's admiration was evident as he continued, "You know, I believe you're the one who deserves the title of genius in the field of evolution. Here I am, researching various processes involved in Mega Evolution for years, and yet you're discovering new methods practically every day."

While confused by the term Mega evolution I watched as Archer's Earbuds and Rotomdex blinked rapidly as if to connect with the Pokemon. It was Archer's eyes that puzzled as if looking at something else. Something that Sam and I noticed many times till now.

As Sycamore's words trailed off, the Pokémon enveloped in a radiant light, its contours shifting and morphing into a new form. In a mechanical voice, it announced, "Porygon2 online. Connection with Mindwave headset complete. Combat software integrated. Conversion2 learned. Adaptability, processing power, and downloading capacity improved. Storage capacity tripled."

I marvelled at the transformation, but what truly caught my attention was the change in Archer's appearance. His previously black pupils had taken on a silver hue, shimmering with an otherworldly light. Though I couldn't fathom the significance of this alteration, I chose not to pry, instead diverting the focus by expressing my admiration.

"You're incredible, buddy," I exclaimed, unable to contain genuine awe and jumped to hold him in a hug. It was while I was mid-air that I saw Sam mirroring me and who even winked at me as we fell on Archer.


--------Archer's pov------

As Samantha detailed the updates on our business ventures, I listened intently, nodding in acknowledgement as she mentioned the numerous pre-orders we had received for our products.

It truly feels weird for me to accept the order when the factory is still under construction, but you have to do what you have to do even if inconvenient to see the dollars raining.

"There were 7 orders for Electrizier, 745 Chargers for Electric Pokémon, and even custom orders for these chargers," Samantha reported. "Minister George requests acceptance of them, and I took the liberty of consulting Lt. Surge, who assured us that his electric engineers are capable of fulfilling the orders."

"Accept them," I replied, already mentally calculating the potential profits and logistics involved.

Samantha continued, "The Pokephones were the most profitable, with 1294 orders for the original model, 75 custom orders, and even a dozen Apex models. Though the Apex model accounts for half of the profit now, I believe its percentage will decrease as sales of the original and custom models pick up. However, it will still generate a sizable profit in the long term."

As she spoke, a smile crept onto my face, mirrored by the gleam of silver in my pupils. It was a consequence of the AI's connection to Porygon 2, a development that had taken considerable effort and expertise.

The task of integrating Porygon 2 with the League database required the combined skills of Metagross, years of AI software development, and the data provided by Mirage Master.

The latter had been the most instrumental in the process. After all, his mirage system speaking is a buttload of data.

I glanced at the progress report displayed by the AI:

[Porygon 2 incorporated AI module Task:

Integration of League database - Research qualification access.

Completion status: 23.08%]

Despite the impressive processing and downloading speed of Porygon 2, the integration was taking time, partly due to my directive to synchronize it with my database using AI pattern thinking.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the improvements this integration would bring, both to ATHUL's business endeavours and to my capabilities.

I surveyed the room, pleased to see my Pokémon all fed and groomed, thanks to Samantha's professional care. Her expertise in handling Pokémon was impressive, prompting me to inquire, "How are you so good at Pokemon Grooming?"

"I am a Pokémon performer, or as it's called nowadays, a Coordinator," Samantha replied casually.

Her response made me pause. While "Performer" was the term in her files, it hadn't been updated to the latest terminology. A quick correction rectified that.

[Performer in work history is changed to Coordinator.

Referencing other data to make necessary changes in the resumes.

Task completed]

"So, what's the schedule?" I asked, feeling too lazy to get into the day's agenda.

Samantha proceeded to outline our plans. "First, there's the luncheon, where you'll be looking for a company to oversee the construction of the Breeding House and Research Labs. Fortunately, the League is providing full funding for the research labs and will handle their construction. This frees up the funds we allocated for them to be used in starting the Breeding House. However, I'm concerned about the massive loan we've acquired from the League.

While the repayment period is in years, the challenge lies in establishing the Breeding House, especially considering the ambitious scale of your plan."

I understood Samantha's apprehensions. Establishing a Breeding House was no small feat, especially given the fierce competition in the industry and the financial challenges we faced.

However, I remained optimistic about our prospects, particularly after witnessing the capabilities of Porygon 2.

In my mind's eye, I envisioned a state-of-the-art facility equipped with floating scanners throughout the Ecological Park. These scanners would collect data on the Pokémon housed within and transmit it directly to my Porygon 2.

With its AI-driven pattern thinking capabilities, Porygon 2 would be able to independently formulate breeding plans, making the process far more efficient and effective than traditional methods, coupled with trusted breeders hired, I am sure of the profit.

I can already hear the pit-pat of the rain of dollars.

I gazed at myself in the mirror, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

I held the sword firmly in my hand, complimenting the scars that extended to my hand.

Turning to my countermeasure to prevent such injuries in the future, I focused on Porygon 2. With its combat data derived from the supercomputer-like Metagross and a wide array of moves uploaded, ranging from Protect to every move I could load into it, the Porygon 2 was solely meant to protect me and facilitate transport.

As I approached Porygon 2, which floated nearby, ready to be utilized, we initiated the teleportation process.

Amidst the swirling energy, I heard Samantha's exclamation, "I can already see the commotion this new Pokémon will bring. I mean, you evolved it the day you got it. Seriously, you're becoming a fame seeker. We could have waited a few days, you know."

I simply shrugged in response. In the grand scheme of things, the timing of Porygon 2's evolution seemed inconsequential to me. It was more exciting to evolve it immediately, it was also the truth.

Why shy away from it?

[Teleport sequence started, 3, 2. 1]


The Fair's Luncheon


To the surprise of a couple of guests, we both arrived in the blink of an eye. While the teleportation effect was slightly disorienting, I held steady.


Soon, multiple people approached me, ranging from businessmen and investors interested in my company to curious reporters, especially intrigued by the new nature of Porygon 2.

One particularly eager investor, Mr. Thompson, approached me with a gleam in his eye. "Mr. Archer, I must say, your company's innovations have caught my attention. I'm very interested in potentially partnering with ATHUL for future projects."

I nodded, acknowledging his interest. "I appreciate your interest, Mr. Thompson. We're always looking for strategic partnerships to further our goals. Especially with Thompson's thomping processors. Let's discuss this further over lunch, shall we?"

Meanwhile, reporters clamoured around us, eager to ask questions about Porygon 2 and its evolution. One of them, a young journalist from the Sinnoh Times, raised her hand and asked, "Mr. Archer, can you tell us more about the process of evolving Porygon 2? It's quite unusual to witness such rapid evolution."

I smiled politely, knowing this question would come up. "Certainly. The evolution of Porygon 2 was a result of extensive research and collaboration with various experts in the field. With the help of cutting-edge technology and data from renowned sources, we were able to facilitate its evolution in a safe and controlled manner."

Well, the sources are renowned and myriad but they shouldn't be named, again I am the sole researcher. I can think about it later, but now I have to deal with the reporters. But a thought stuck with me as I could be considered criminal to use Yuuta's data but oddly, I seem to be ok with it as long as no consequences occur.

But my introspection failed before starting as the reporters kept flashing cameras.

The reporters scribbled furiously in their notepads, eager to capture every detail of my response. As we reached the luncheon area, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about admiration showered on me and irritation at the questions.

I answered the questions as much as I could and soon took my leave.

As I navigated through the vibrant crowd, my eyes scanned the sea of faces, searching for the one person who could potentially play a pivotal role in bringing my Breeding House project to fruition. Amidst the lively chatter and bustling activity, I finally spotted her.


She sat serenely amidst the throng, her demeanour as bright and polished as her radiant smile. Her blonde hair cascaded in elegant waves around her shoulders, and her attire, a sleek white suit, exuded an air of sophistication and refinement.

I am happy that she is here even if her region has not yet established a league, then again, the league establishment itself is not a matter of consideration for businessmen. As far as I know, Silph Corp had branches in various regions for decades despite the partitioned status back then.

With measured steps, I closed the distance between us, my anticipation mounting with each passing moment. As I reached her side, she looked up, her eyes alight with curiosity and interest.

"Mrs. Lusamine," I greeted her with a respectful bow, "May I take a seat?"






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