
coming to reality! and Jai's date

 After the meeting with prof. Abhijeet, Gaja is discussing this problem with everyone let's see what cooking there.

"What do you mean that the student council is trying to expel us!" Bhushan asks Gaja, "and moreover why the fuck I'm in your group for I'm just here to relax and live a happy school life, do you understand cactus hair!"

"calm down bruh! I know you're scared we're not planning to fight anyone, "I am creating the group so I can upgrade the house" Gaja says.

"Well if there's any fight I'll help you brother!" Rocky says to Bhushan, 

 "you shut your mouth muscle brain! Do you understand these fight will be against the undefeated president who has won 30 battles out of her 30 battles like it was taking some shit and you're saying you'll defeat her like that you dumbass, moreover my sister is also part of the student council too there's no way in hell someone like us can defeat them until and unless we've lost our mind! I don't want to be kicked out of my house like you all were" Bhushan says (shouting at rocky) 

 "Bhushan…! I think you've forgot or you don't know that you're already kicked out from your family when you entered this academy" says Gaja,

"huh? What the fuck who told you that?" Bhushan asks,

"Jai told me that and I think you don't know that your sis asked this to Jai and Jai decided to cut his expenses to keep you with us I wasn't going to make you stay here in the first place moreover your approval of this academy was also done by me cause of him, he said not to tell you this cause he was hoping that you'll support us after being kicked out, but from what I see you're still thinking you're the young master of your family" Gaja replies.

 "It's a lie right, I did everything so that I can get my freedom (in a trembling voice) I don't believe you! i know they won't leave me it's a lie ehhehe…!"(The broken laugh of him while trembling) 

 "Jai enters the house and looks at the situation, Bhushan walks towards Jai. "What is this guy saying is the truth?" Bhushan asks Jai

 "I'm sorry I am not lying, it's the truth if you don't believe me ask Jai if you want and I know you're ri…" "Shut up! I did my best to make them believe me I did my best ( he's voice shaking)and still…"( started whining) Bhushan says.

 "Bhushan…! Are you going to just stay like this whining entire life? Do you remember when we were kids one day we were been chased by some punks," Jai says.

 "What are you trying to say?"(Wipes his tears) 

 "That time we reached a point where there was no way to run any further, at that time you asked me that are our life's are going to end here! After kicking there asses! You remember what I replied then?" 

 " yes, you said…" Bhushan says.

"When there's no way to run from the problem and you reach your limits just, then there's only one option left and that is to surpass the limits while challenging the problem and win at all cost and if you won't then why! How! and for what did you survived up until now?"

 "You're not alone my brother, rocky 'The Inferno Blade', Gaja 'The Money Monster' and I 'The Azure Ravager' Jai am with you and will be always with you, but it's in your hands how you live, like a coward cat or like a scar got tiger it's in your hand brother.so what's your decision?"

 "I (wipes of his face) won't stop here, I'll kick there asses and get the throne of mine!" Bhushan says. "That's my brother! Rocky says, let the party begin let's order some biryani [biryani is a Indian popular dish] Gaja what do you say?" Rocky says, "Huh… alright!" Gaja says. 

 "But can I ever be strong like you?" Bhushan asks me.

 "Well if you're asking so maybe but if you're challenging me then I'll win at all cost!" Jai replies

 "Hey wait first the most important thing what about the president and the student council?" Gaja says, "I think there's only one way to get our approval that's to have a duel with student council!"

"I am ready!" Both Rocky and Jai says.

"what about you Bhushan?" Gaja asks,

"I've fooled around enough, now I'll kick asses!" Bhushan replies,

"moreover guys I'm of on date tomorrow!" Jay says,

"huh! Who's this time?" Bhushan asks.

"Hehehe..![Jai Laughs mother fuckinlgy] she's my angel and her name is Sara Rogers. Jai relpies,

"Hhaha…! You're again hunting beauties brother" Rocky says.

Later we had biryani watched some wholesome movies and then we slept.

 Well I think I don't have to tell you why Bhushan was acting like that, but the society after the A.I practitioners project succeeded changed totally. The society in which we live and in which our ancestor lived is polar different, If you want to live fight and keep fighting till your last breath that's now what you can say the society is now about. To keep it in short "the survival of the fittest" is the rule of the world now.

 Then it's was my day of date where I and my angel Sara were enjoying, we watched movies, played in arcade, gone to karaoke, and now we are in park I don't know why but she said she wants to play on swing so I followed her,

 "Jai, if you don't mind can you tell me why you decided to go out with me like this out of nowhere I mean it was not your fault there"

 "Ehh..! Don't tell me she got me?" Jai says in his mind.

 "I mean you're strong and got promoted just after entering the academy you're one of the most popular guy in school and you've gone on dates with lot of girls up until now right?"

 "Yeah..! That's right I mean it's all their love and support hehe…!"(laughs while shying)[ this dumbass's now giving speech thinking he has done some great deeds] 

 "Can you tell me why did ask to go out with you to someone like me? Why did you do this?" Sara asks Jai in a very serious tone.

 "Ehh…! What do you mean can you tell me did I do something to hurt you?" Jai replies,

 "No, I mean you've never stayed on one girl so I mean what are your intentions Jai…(starts shivering) you're been targeted by my sister right,(the atmosphere gets dense) I don't want to get used by anyone to get their over their vengeance against my sister I don't wanna be a tool again!"

 "I'm sorry if I made you feel something like that but there are no intentions accept one but before I tell you that can you tell did you had fun today?"

 "Ehh..! Yeah I had fun but why are you asking that?"

 "Oh! Is that so I'm glad that you enjoyed actually I asked you to go out with me today was to make you get change of pace so that you can come back to normal, when I first met you I don't know why but my cursed vision got activated and when I looked at you I saw a frustrated, tired, and a mind which has lost hopes, so I thought this would help you get a new kick start! And about the girls I dated up until now were all also the same as you".

 "Why did you do that for, I mean that's not your thing to bother?"

 "Maybe not but seeing them and you like that makes me remind my past which there was a time when I was in the same state to so I understand and mu past is a long story which is not something to hear now! but when you lose hope, get tired, get frustrated for a lot of reason and can't see anything you wish for someone to help you get out of this shit, I think I try to be that someone who can at least make them smile, laugh and enjoy for a little bit can give them hope or I can say they find something which they were not able to see because of the state of mind they were in, when they get their answer I leave them cause my work is done" jai says.

 "So it means in your eyes I was one of that?" Sara says,

 "Ehh..!(Gets embarrassed) no not really actually I fell for you the moment I saw you but cause you were not feeling well and for someone like too date I don't think I'm good enough you know that's why didn't?"

 "Uf-haha..!(Laughs) Is that so I'm sorry ( gets embarrassed) but I also have feeling for you, I mean I kinda like you" Sara says. "Huh! Is that so let's go have dinner at some restaurant this is actually the first time I'm feeling crazy" Jai says.

 "I'm sorry but I'm getting late and you know that you're being targeted by Aaliyah right!","So then what after the duel of mine with student council?","Huh! You're going to fight against the student council?". "Yeah but that's not important right now!"

 "Then I'll go on a date with you next time if you win against the council" Sara says ( While blushing in embarrassment) 

 "Then it's set my date after my victory against the student council hehehe…!" Jai replies[laughs again mother fuckingly] 



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