
Bonds of Unity

Anzyl found himself all alone in the main promenade of Earth's Spacedock, a full plate of food before him, but not a bite taken. How could he possibly eat when his entire future was being decided behind closed doors? His stomach churned, the sensation resembling what could only be described as Klingon war butterflies. His nerves were frayed from the annual review, a thorough and sometimes brutal assessment of his leadership as captain of the USS Nexus.

"You okay there, Captain?" Lusaalli asked softly, her voice breaking through his spiraling thoughts. She stood beside his table, holding a tray of food, with Heluna and Keten flanking her.

The sincerity in her voice knocked him back to his senses.

"Oh! I'm... I'm okay," Anzyl stammered, shaking his head to clear the fog of worry. "I'm good. Just... thinking."

"How'd the annual review go?" Veirik's voice boomed from behind, as he approached the table with Neil and Eroga. All three were in post-workout clothes, holding protein shakes, clearly just back from the Spacedock gym.

"Yeah, are you still our captain, Captain?" Keten asked, sliding into the seat beside him with a casual grin.

Before Anzyl could answer, Dr. Nolan Rivas bounded up to the table with his usual exuberance. "Ah! There you are, my friend!" he exclaimed, plopping down on the other side of Anzyl. "I found the most wonderful little eatery! Let me tell you!" He proudly held up a bouquet of half-eaten flowers. "They had daffodils, lilies, tulips, and the most scrumptious thornless roses I've ever tasted!"

Tey'un, arms crossed, couldn't help but burst Nolan's bubble. "That was the Arboretum aboard the space station, Doctor…"

Nolan looked at the crew sheepishly, his eyes flicking to the bouquet. "Well then... your Arboretum has the most wonderful selection if I do say so myself!" He gave a playful shrug.

The entire crew burst into laughter, filling the promenade with warmth and camaraderie. Anzyl sat back, smiling softly at the people he'd come to trust, the crew who had grown from strangers and names on a datasheet to the truest of friends.

But the laughter was cut short by the sound of his combadge chirping. "Admiral Quinn to Praxas."

Anzyl stood up immediately, tension knotting in his stomach again. "Praxas here. Go ahead, Admiral."

"We're ready for you to come back in for your deliberation, Captain. Quinn out."

Anzyl turned to his crew, gulping heavily. His nerves were back with a vengeance. "Well... here goes nothing. Wish me luck," he said, offering a half-bow before heading off toward the deliberation chamber. His bridge crew watched him go with worried looks, knowing that their captain's fate—and possibly their own—was being decided behind those doors.


It felt like an eternity had passed as the bridge crew of the USS Nexus gathered outside the deliberation room, waiting anxiously for their captain's return. Each of them stood in silence, exchanging occasional glances of concern: First Officer Commander Neil O'Reilly, Chief Tactical Officer Lieutenant Commander Veirik, Ship's Counselor Diela, Chief Science Officer Nolan Rivas, Chief Engineer Tey'un, Chief of Operations Lt. Commander Eroga, Communications Officer Lieutenant Heluna, Helm Officer Ensign Lusaalli, and Bridge Engineering Officer Lieutenant Keten.

The door finally creaked open, revealing Captain Anzyl Praxas. His face was grim, his posture heavy with what looked like bad news. He met their eager gazes, but the weight of his expression sent waves of dread through the group.

Gasps and murmurs of worry passed among them.

With a heavy sigh, Anzyl closed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking. "I have some news to share with you all," he began, his voice soft. "Not all of us will be returning to our current positions."

The crew tensed, their worst fears threatening to come true. Keten's hand clenched, Heluna's brow furrowed, and Lusaalli bit her lip. It felt like the moment before a ship broke apart under stress.

But then, to their astonishment, Anzyl's face split into the biggest grin they'd ever seen, his eyes brimming with joyful tears. "As your remaining Captain for the rest of our tour, I have a LOT of promotions and awards to hand out when we get back!!"

For a moment, the room was silent as the shock of his words sank in.

Then the crew erupted in ecstatic cheer, their relief and joy spilling over like a dam breaking. They surged forward in unison, embracing Anzyl in a massive group hug. Cheers and exclamations of "Huzzah!" and "Congratulations, Captain!" filled the corridor, echoing down the station's halls.

Anzyl, swept up in the wave of affection, smiled through his tears, basking in the love and camaraderie of the people he had grown to consider family. The bonds they had formed over the last year had transformed them from a team of professionals into something much deeper: a family bound by shared trials, triumphs, and unwavering loyalty.

The future suddenly seemed brighter than ever.

To celebrate my 100th Episode, this arc is a small, but classic Star Trek trope, the Recap Episode. See how far the crew has come in just a short 100 chapters.

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry.

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