
_ Didn't Go Through All The Hell For Nothing

Once I shut the window, I turned back to Cullen who was sleeping carelessly like a mess. I waltzed into his room to grab him a blanket since waking him up while he was asleep was not a good idea.

However, a glint of scattered sheets on his bedside table caught my eye.

Pictures. Lots of pictures.

There just weren't any pictures. There were various photos – all of Kylo.

My breath clamped in my throat. Dozens of shots of Kylo – smiling, frowning, working, name it.

H– How?

Why did Cullen have these?

Kylo must have uploaded them on his social media but what business did Cullen have saving and printing them?

Then, I remembered him returning from work with Kylo earlier. Perhaps, those two have some business going on that they weren't letting me in on.

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