
The Sin

The trees in the vicinity had been aged by a hundred years. Thanks to Bloodthorne and Levi at work. He didn't think creating sword techniques would be so difficult, the best he could do was slash and parry.

He wasn't bad either because of his demon instincts. The control he had with Bloodthorne was amazing, the blade was too sharp he had to be very careful not to fell the trees.

Levi was sure he'd seen the dancing sword steps in a cartoon before but he couldn't remember which, and the fact that it seemed to be working bewildered him.

"Lilith, how come shadow travelling isn't part of a cultivation path. I could do it way before?"

[The same way your bite isn't. There are innate techniques that cannot be learned. As a demon you have more charisma than most, you'll find that you're very, persuasive. Getting into people's minds will be a piece of cake to you. Especially because your discipline is the mind.]

"I can mind control? That's cool." He was a little too excited, "when do I get to see this discipline? like I haven't felt anything different from when I was born."

[Disciplines are tricky, but they activate once you breakthrough to the second gate. I'd advise master to never even attempt fighting a Mortal while at Novi because of this.]

Levi snorted, these were important, very important details Lilith just left out sometimes. Maybe this was part of the experience, instead of learning in theory it was practical.

He focused on his dance, the steps were careful and studied and they got more pronounced the longer he performed his little sword dance.

Gi vibrated under his feet with every step, giving him unimaginable energy flowing through his entire body. The power of the sword dance was beginning to take shape, the performer was completely oblivious and caught in the moment.

[Master! master! stop!]

The system sounded from within his mind, it took more yelling for him to jolt back to consciousness. He'd been doing the steps so much that his muscle memory acted when he zoned out.

The entire site he stood at was reduced to level ground and splintered trees. Everything was dead he could feel it, he was sure nothing would ever grow here again.


It was amazing how much strength the moons gave to him, more devasting how much the sun demanded from him. He had a sinking feeling that no matter how many times he breaks through the stages and gates, the sun will never truly like him.

The many moons have claimed him as their own, he felt that the sun wouldnalways shun him—the only being that refused to be charmed by his supposed charisma. He was truly a creature of the night.

[That thing you were doing, it's more dangerous than you realise. You almost uprooted the entire forest! You moved so fast which created mirages of your weapon that could actually interact with the physical world.]

"Really? I did that? Genius, I'm a genius! I need to do it again but consciously this time."

He did as he wanted, Lilith was too smart to say otherwise. Levi could feel Gi bubbling all over his body, he focused all that into a single point on his weapon.

As quickly as it came, he let it go not wanting to cause anymore damage around there. He laughed, smiled, emotions were running very high. This was his first swordsmanship technique, his first thread. He wasn't sure if there was a limit but he was ecstatic to find out.

"I thought you said Gi couldn't be manifested? What I just did, did I just do that?"

[It shouldn't be possible...]

"I think I'm gonna call that technique Gi sword. Concentrated Gi on a single point on my sword causing natural disaster level devastation." He smiled widely.

[You're enjoying this a little too much master.]

As much as he was abandoned at birth, at that moment he felt fortunate. He felt like a being that was destined for greater and better things.

"I'm thinking of making this forest my kingdom. And my castle will be right here, the place I've already levelled into nothingness." He needed a home and he needed it fast.

[You'll be met with push back master. The more kingdoms there are the more the races who hold themselves high will feel threatened.]

"Then I'll push back even harder."

He abandoned sword training for now and ran around the forest to see how big it was since he'd already found the sweet spot for his castle.

"This will be a hassle, although I can just opt for wood houses instead of stone....who am I kidding , stone will always be better."

The forest was nothing he'd ever seen, the trees were too close together making it harder to comb through them. He was tempted to use sword dance once and for all, but since it killed even the soil that wasn't an option.

He truly wanted to make this his home and he'd need to farm the land and maybe even trade with the rest of Ancieru. Positive and good thoughts, completely tossing the fact that he was a demon into the bin.

His lungs had more capacity, running around the forest took him twelve hours, using shadow travelling it took him half of that, which spoke on how big the forest was.

From one edge of the forest to another using shadow travelling took him twenty four hours. He could see first light breaking through the heads of the trees.

Levi skidded into a stop, when a sin appeared right in front of him. It looked like a tiger of some kind only bigger, with a mane made of entirely snakes.

"What a weird animal? Its blood doesn't smell so bad." He said, feeling weakened. Even under the clothes he couldn't exactly escape the sun.

"Practice. Thank you for being my first master." He bowed thankful to the creature, he was growing tired of hacking stationary dummies anyway. This was better.

don't forget to vote for the novel with golden tickets and power stones! Thank you for reading.

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