

Fukashi stared at the barely breathing body of the old woman at the base of a wall. His Genjutsu had her give him all the information he needed, she was the one who killed his family, his little brother.

His fists clenched as he stared at the woman, he was too quick, and if he didn't hurry he would be too late.

With a quiet thud Akira landed next to him "That was quick" he said with curiosity as he looked at him.

Fukashi nodded "I hit her too hard, you got any knives on you?" Akira nodded and pulled a familiar Kunai out of his pocket.

Akira noted his look of recognition "Familiar?" as asked the teen who nodded. "Yeah, it's the one you tried to stab me with when we first met" Akira smiled as he looked at the still surprisingly sharp kunai.

Akira suddenly turned as if to leave "I can't see this" Fukashi was about to ask why but was interrupted "I will not stop you, but I've not got the stomach for what you are about to do" was all he said as the man disappeared onto the roof they were previously stood upon.

Fukashi turned his head back to the still groaning woman, he walked to her. Kneeling next to her he roughly grabbed her hair and pulled her to meet his eyes.

Her bright green eyes met his blazing red ones. This is the woman who killed his family, his mother, his father…his brother.

He clenched his fist and before any interruptions could possibly show up he dug his Kunai into the now wailing woman's face.

Not too deep, only enough to scrape against bone. He wanted her to feel pain not die, so he pulled and scraped at the woman's face leaving her unrecognisable as she screamed to the heavens for help.

His sharingan absorbed the sight as his eyes ran across the woman who killed his family.

So he scraped and scraped until more of her skin was on the cold ground beneath her then hanging onto her decrepit face.

Her wailing stopped, it was a gradual stop. Screaming went to shouting, shouting went to groaning and then that turned to whimpers which quickly ended in silence.

He dropped the woman's face letting her drop onto the concrete with a wet thud, he pulled back his fist and punched.

And then pulled his fist back again, again and again.

She was dead, she had been dead for a while.

He didn't care.

So he released punch upon punch on the corpse, his fists eventually stopped. He looked at the mess he had turned her into.

His breathing was heavy, he stood slowly. The woman who killed his family was dead.

She was gone.

He had avenged them.

He stared down at the corpse, he remembered everything she said.

He hadn't avenged his family, not yet.

She was just a puppet.

Danzo was her master.

"Akira" the words were whispered but in an instant Akira had flickered down to the young man.

He took in the sight with a slight wince as he turned to his charge who only stared at the corpse.

"Where is Danzo?" The question was simple with an even simpler answer, an answer Akira couldn't give.

"I can't tell you that boy" his voice was soft as he answered, Fukashis eyes instantly turned and locked on him.

Akira was looking at the corpse, his breathing seemed heavier than usual.

"Can't or won't" Fukashis replying tone was hard as he looked up at the taller man.

"I have a vow with the higher ups, I cannot hurt them" he said as he stared at Danzo's puppet. "Giving you their location would essentially kill me and let them know I have betrayed them"

Fukashis eyes slid off him and back to the body below him. "What about her?"

"She is not a higher up, only a weapon of Danzo's" Akira replied, Fukashi hummed and nodded.

Akira pulled at Fukashis shoulder "Now let's get back to our posts" Fukashi only nodded at that before picking up the bloodstained kunai and then following the man to their post on top of the building.


Both of them sat overlooking the destruction that the old lady had caused, they were watching the veil intently waiting for something, anything to show up.

"NANAMII!" They both looked skyward as they heard screaming from somewhere. "NANAMIIII! ARE YOU HERE!" Instantly they both jumped forward into the veil.

They found humans just roaming the streets looking for the source of the voice. Fukashi realised he recognised it from somewhere but couldn't figure where.

"GOJO IS IN TROUBLE!" Both Akira and Fukashi looked at each other worried as the statement was absorbed. "HE'S BEEN SEALED!!" Akira looked as if he had been punched in the gut at this revelation.


Akira was already moving however, so Fukashi quickly followed. "We need to find the source of the voice, they have more information on this than we do." Akira blurred as he ran towards the voice, Fukashi not far behind.


Fukashi and Akira showed up in a sudden blur next to Megumi, Nanami, Yuji Itadori and a guy with a beanie on his head. Fukashi watched Nanami's eyes slightly widen behind those glasses on his face.

Akira got straight to business, "Nanami, what's the situation?" his voice was as serious as Fukashi had ever heard it and he felt his back straighten slightly in response.

Nanami met Akiras eyes and said "Geto has sealed Gojo. Shibuya is in a terrible state, Getos curse users and cursed spirits are roaming the station with hundreds of civilians in the veil." Akira nodded and took this information in quickly whereas Fukashi was shocked, what did this mean.

Akira looked almost terrified as he heard of Gojos sealing.

"Me and Akira will need to take down this veil keeping humans in, whereas the rest of you will take down the veil keeping Sorcerers out" Nanami said seriously as he walked through the door with Akira on his tail.

"Ino?" Yuji asked the beanie wearing Sorcerer who suddenly turned with a serious look on his face towards the 3 teens.

Takuma Ino needed to let the others know how serious this was, Gojos sealing will cause Chaos.

"Listen up, this is serious stuff. Losing Gojo screws up some big things. First of all the people he's saved will now be under threat from the higher ups" Ino narrowed his eyes at Yuji "Your one of the people he saved right Itadori" Yuji nodded "Well your gonna have to watch out"

Fukashis mind was racing, he thought back to Akiras fear. If Gojo is gone the higher ups will get less subtle with any potential attempt at his life.

"And then the collapse of the power balance. Curses or curse users will come out of hiding to start causing trouble again" Ino narrowed his eyes "That will cause a war, at our current strength now, we would probably lose that war".

"That would mean the end of humans," Megumi said with a surprisingly calm look on his face. Itadori looked shocked as his eyes widened before narrowing in determination.

Ino slapped each teen on their backs with a determined look on his face. "Let's go take down that veil"


Fukashi watched as Itadori punched the veil with a surprising amount of force. The veil didn't budge, "Okay, we're gonna need to find the weak point of this veil to take it down," Megumi said with a straight face.

"The sorcerer must have been outside of the veil when they cast it to make it this strong," Ino said with a thoughtful look on his face.

Megumi quickly responded "Okay, so they gotta be near here then right" his voice was casual as he eyed the dead surrounding curses.

Ino responded quickly to Megumi "The more obvious the location the stronger the veil" the group started to look around and simultaneously spotted the giant tall building with a helicopter pa surrounded with bright orange lights.

Megumi summed his bird, Nue was a big orange bird that looked a bit like an owl as its wide eyes quickly focused on each of them. Megumi quickly climbed on its back with Itadori not far behind as Ino cautiously climbed on its back aswell.

"I'll run" Fukashi said bluntly, he wasn't getting on that thing, Megumi looked like he was about to speak up but Fukashi interrupted him "i'm fast, don't worry about me being late or anything" he said as he disappeared in a blur to the regular eye.

He got to the bottom of the skyscraper with extreme speed and started to rush his way through the giant building. He rushed to the stairs but quickly came across an issue.

Dozens of odd curses were on each floor, he quickly dashed past them and started to run up the gigantic swirling staircase that was flooded with these odd cursed spirits.

The staircase was gigantic, not only was there hundreds of stairs to get to the top it was also an abnormally wide set of stairs.

The curses were all different colours as they jumped and threw themselves at him, he twisted his body to avoid them and ran around them.

He needed to get to the top floor and if he kept screwing around with these things he would be late.

He decided to speed up a notch as he just ignored any curse and ran through them like they weren't even there.

Fukashi had quite easily left the curses in the dust but there was a problem.

He looked down to see what looked like hundreds of the curses all running up the stairs. He bared his teeth at the horde far beneath him.

If he went to the top floor they would flood the roof and be an annoyance to everyone up there. Lightning sparked around his body as he looked back down at the racing horde following him.

He waited.

The sounds of the curses unintelligible gargling and screaming mixed with the sounds of hundreds of heavy footsteps slapping against the ground was jarring as he met eyes with the curse at the front of the pack.

His hand dipped into his pocket and pulled out a bloodstained Kunai. His eyes activated with a pulse of cursed energy and he waited.

The leading curse was not even two feet away when he struck, his hand blurring as he sliced the lightning imbued kunai through the cursed spirits neck.

It gargled as it started to fall, it was already dead but the dozens of cursed spirits were now rushing him. His eyes ran across each and everyone and determined his best course of action.

The curses looked like zombies as they all ran towards him, their bodies all pressed up together while most were climbing over their fellow curses to get to him first.

His eyes narrowed, he spun the Kunai in his hand before diving into the horde. He felt some teeth graze him as he sliced the throat of a purple curse, he ducked his head and lifted his knee slightly to avoid a claw-covered fist and a diving open mouthed curse trying to bite his ankle.

They were slow.

He was surrounded by the curses, he was in a narrow stairway that was covered in these things and he was dodging each and every attack with ease as they threw themselves at him.

He felt like he was dancing as he moved his body subconsciously, his momentum was forever increasing as he never stopped moving at all while dodging the sharp teeth, claws and blunt blows the curses could use against him.

It was easy, while he was moving his body in intricate and graceful moves the spirits could barely react. His eyes landed on the first curse he had killed, the curse who was at the front of the pack.

The curse that he had almost beheaded with a simple swipe of his kunai. That exact curse hadn't even hit the floor yet, while for him this felt like it had been a decent 15 seconds for the curses it hadn't even been 1.

For these pitiful beings, he was just better.

He continued his rampage as his kunai tore through each and every curse surrounding him with ease. He felt lightning run through his veins as he released his cursed energy in a sudden blast.

It sent all the now most certainly dead curses flying into surrounding walls with a thud. In the middle of the purple, yellow and green bloodstained staircase stood the last Uchiha.

For a second he admired the scene before he smirked and started to run back to the top floor.


He burst through the door and blurred as he jumped onto the helipad on the roof of the giant building. He saw a sight he didn't expect, a man standing alone atop the building.

Itadori, Megumi and Ino were all gone. The man was wearing a grey sweater and black trousers, he was tall as he stared down at the bloody body of an old woman beneath him.

The older man turned his head to the Uchiha, their eyes met and the man's eyes narrowed on the teenager.

"Sharingan" the man paused as if tasted the word on his tongue "Haven't seen one of those before" his voice was deep and his eyes fearlessly met his.

"You've got no cursed energy" even Maki has some, this man had none. The man nodded, with a passive look on his face.

"You see where my teammates went?" Fukashi asked, he was on guard but this man hadn't shown any aggression.

The man only stared back "Only seen that old bag" he nodded towards the dead woman at his feet. "Tried order me around"

Fukashi nodded "Why are you here?" He asked, this man was odd. The man gained a smirk, the scar on his lip twisting with the motion.

"To fight" in a burst of speed the man threw himself towards the black haired teenager.




Let me know what you thought, I've got over 600 collections now which I have thank you all for. I've also got a couple reviews recently as well, thank you. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you enjoy the next : )

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