

"We've been sent to assist you in your assassination mission. The boss thinks this mission won't be a smooth one since intel suggests more personal guards will show up." A man said.

After finding one of the many Dark Guild hideouts, Sebastian ran into three assassins from the Dark Guild. As much as he wanted to be grateful toward Ragnar, he was angry at him. Why did he need to send him if there were already assassins on standby.

The assassins explained most of the details around the assassination mission and the reason for assassinating the baroness. The most surprising detail was the temporary guards as they were revealed to be his friends.

"I'm gonna need some time to think to myself." Sebastian said.

"Alright, don't take too long as our attack is tomorrow."

Walking outside the hideout, Sebastian started to roam the streets and inspect the stores. One store was selling old weapons from the past. At first he didn't find anything interesting but as he was about to leave, he caught a glimpse of a red hue appear on a dagger.

Upon closer inspection, he scratched the blade with his claws and noticed it was any ordinary dagger. He kept scratching it until he realized it was a tooth of a beast, a strong one at that.

"Could I help you with something? You've been staring at that dagger for quite a while now." A woman said, approaching Sebastian.

"What kind of material is this dagger made out of? Its strange presence is what drew me here."

"I wouldn't pay much attention to the dagger. It's not special and only made out of iron and a few beast scraps."

"How much will this cost?"

"Five silver coins."

Handing over the silver coins, Sebastian took the weapon and left the shop to inspect it further. The fact that the shop owner and inspector didn't know the true identity of the dagger was a steal for him.

'Not special? How could one not realize this is a dragon's tooth… Unless there are certain conditions for one to activate this blade. That would explain why the woman didn't see the dagger shine,'


With a single swing, the dagger cut through the air and the surrounding mana particles disappeared. Seeing this Sebastian was further interested in learning about the dagger.

'It nullified mana? This is interesting… There's probably a limit to what it can cut so I'll have to be careful on using it in the future.'

Walking back to the hideout, Sebastian couldn't find the assassins anymore and figured that they had left. Leaning against a wall, Sebastian fell asleep against it and would wait for their return.


Sixteen Hours Later…

"As powerful as you are, I'd suggest not touching me while I'm sleeping." Sebastian said, opening one eye while staring at an assassin's hand.

"Now that you're awake. We'll be explaining the plan." The assassin spoke.

"We've been told that you're able to create explosions with one of your abilities. If you can plant them in these areas of the city and hold off on the detonation of them till you're inside the castle, it would be helpful.

The baroness here really cares for her people so she would gladly send mostly all of her guards to ensure their safety. Normally, she would send a few guards but since you can create multiple explosions, she'll think they are multiple responsible for the attack.

Once the knights are outside the castle, we need you to cast a veil with your black ability. After that, we'll engage in combat with the powerful guards while you take on the weaker guards and kill the baroness. She will be too focused on not causing damage to surrounding so she'll be weak"

"Alright, I'll go set the explosives so wait until the morning." Sebastian replied, disappearing. 

One aura bomb would be set inside a bakery, another inside an armory shop and the last inside a food area. These aura bombs were more potent and dangerous as he spend most of his time condensing his aura into very tiny aura bombs.

Since they were tiny, it was easy to conceal them from public. As much as he didn't want to get innocent citizens in the crossfire, he had no choice. The Dark Guild didn't care at all for their safety and he needed to get used to that. 

A few hours went by since Sebastian left the hideout and the assassins were becoming impatient. They wanted to get things done quickly and the newbie was taking an awful long time creating the bombs. As they were about to go search for Sebastian, he opened the door and told them the bombs were primed and ready.

"Alright, go to the rooftops and wait while we disable the magic field surrounding the mansion. Once you see the magic field gone, sneak past the mansion's walls and detonate the explosives." One of the assassins instructed.

After hearing the instructions, Sebastian disappeared and went to his assigned location. The once invisible barrier became visible and shattered. Springing into action, he flash-stepped onto the mansion's rooftop.

'Aura detonation.'




'Let's do this!'

Running along the rooftops, Sebastian saw four guards appear on the rooftop and quickly dispatched of them. Staring toward the entrance, he saw multiple guards leave beyond the mansion's outer walls. He then put his hands together and spoke the necessary words for the black veil to drop around the mansion. 

'I didn't even know I could do this…'


A loud noise caught his attention and looking in its direction, he saw as the assassins engaged in combat with the guards. With no other choice, he looked across ground and spotted the baroness.

'Well, it looks like I'm gonna have to fight my friends… Let's do this.'

Jumping to the sky, Sebastian prepared his entry onto the battlefield and wanted to do with a menacing landing.


"So, shall we see who's behind the helmet?" A girl said, smiling.

With each step, the girl was getting closer and sweat started to form on Sebastian's face. With half of his strength being sealed and gravity around him being heavier, he couldn't move. As the girl was about to remove Sebastian's helmet, something unexpected happened.

Falling from the sky, a dagger whistled through the air and stabbed itself into Sebastian's back. Within seconds, he managed to turn the tide of the battle as he broke through the swords surrounding him.

"What?! Our magic has been nullified?" A boy spoke.


Before anyone could react, Sebastian struck the nearby girl in the jaw, knocking her unconscious. As he was about to make his move, a bright attack zipped through the air.


A purple lightning had struck him across the chest and shattered a part of his armor. Surprised, he quickly looked toward his attacker and became wary. It wasn't ever day that he would run into a person with a powerful attack.

'Lightning magic… Sophie' Sebastian quickly noted.

Before he could take a quick break, a person appeared in front of him and placed their hands on his abdomen. He tried to quickly swing for their head but he was stopped.

"Ice Magic: Ice Blast"

Ice pierced through Sebastian's armor and went through his abdomen until a large chunk of ice appeared on the other side of him. The ice's size was that of a small glacier and the damage from such an attack was almost fatal for Sebastian.


The ice user moved out of the way and a giant fireball could be seen flying his way.

'Sh*t! I got to move!' 

Trying to move, Sebastian cut through the ice but a sudden shift in gravity dropped him to the ground. With no other choice, he cut through the fireball but he was still burnt by the heat around him. 

"What's the matter, Black Knight?" Lycaon smirked.

'Oh hell no! Like I'll let you get the better of me!'

A deep dark purple aura descended onto the battlefield and froze everyone. The amount of bloodlust surprised everyone, even the assassins were frozen still.

With each step, Sebastian was getting closer and closer to Lycaon until he was a few feet apart from him. The red whips around Sebastian began to strike Lycaon at remarkably speeds and he continued the constant assault until a few seconds later.

"You're strong but your attacks will never reach me." Lycaon said.

The clouds of dust around Lycaon disappeared and looking at him, he wasn't damaged in the slightest. Surprised, Sebastian didn't think Lycaon had gotten this stronger.

'He isn't affected by my bloodlust? He's become stronger than I thought… My dagger should be enough to wipe that cocky smile off his face.'


A large amount of blood splattered on the ground and everyone stared at Lycaon in disbelief. Out of everyone, nobody thought Lycaon would be harmed.

"H-He cut him?!" A girl said in disbelief.

"That blade… That's the missing dagger from the Royal vault!" Lycaon said, surprised and coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"No hard feelings, alright?"


After he stabbed Lycaon in the thigh, Sebastian turned to face his friends and noticed each of them were hesitant to move. He wasn't surprised by their hesitant at all since Lycaon was strongest out of them all.


Being hit from behind, Sebastian flew through the air and slammed into the veil. After being struck, he grinned and proceeded on with the plan he had thought about.

"Never turn your back on your enemies." Lycaon said, collapsing onto the ground.

'That hurt like hell!.' Sebastian thought, feeling a pulsing painful feeling. 'I suppose that I can go kill the baroness now that they think I'm out for the count.

Moving quickly, he scaled up the mansion's outer walls and overlooked the ongoing battle between the assassins and the guards. Surprisingly the assassins were losing against the guards. It seemed like Cedric was just the weakest link of the guards as the two remaining guards were holding their own against the three assassin.

"Cedric! Get back and let me heal you!" The baroness shouted.

Cedric, the fatally wounded guard, slowly walked to the baroness and kneeled before her. A bright green light appeared on the Cedric as he was being healed.

"What are you waiting for? Why didn't you kill those guards surrounding her? We know you're holding back." An assassin said, appearing beside Sebastian.

"I.. Can't… They're my friends and I can't kill them…" Sebastian replied.

"Fine, I'll do it myself."

"Wait! I'll kill the baroness but I won't kill my friends, alright? You distract her, then I'll strike."


The assassin disappeared and a loud bang was heard in the near the baroness. Looking toward the mansion, the entire top half of the building was destroyed.

'Forgive me, friends but I have to finish this mission.'



In front of everyone's eyes, the supposedly dead black knight was alive and had struck Cedric in the chest. Thinking Cedric was gonna retaliate, everyone hoped he would finish the black knight off but it didn't happen.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Cedric felt an invading energy enter his body and run rampant. He thought about transforming but he couldn't. It seemed like the invading energy was preventing him from transforming.

"Get back!" The baroness shouted in fear.


The baroness pulled out a glowing dagger and stabbed into the black knight's chest. Everyone thought the blade was enough to kill the black knight but no blood spilled out of the attack.

"May you rest in peace." Sebastian spoke in a soothing tone.


With a single slash, Sebastian nearly decapitated the baroness but was ultimately stopped by a shield of ice. 

"We've been tasked with protecting the baroness and we'll protect her until we die." One of the boys said.

Stab! Stab! Stab!

Three blades penetrated the baroness and surprised the kids. Looking toward the battlefield, they saw all of the baroness' personal guards dead on the ground. It wasn't until now that they realized they failed their mission.

"The mission is complete! We need to get out of here before the Sun Knight arrives!" An assassin said with urgency.

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