


Lily closed her eyes, praying for a heavy wave to wash her away from the surface of the earth. "I-I'm sorry, master... I didn't mean to."

"Mean to? Say how you feel or get mad at me," Raven tilted his head slightly, watching the girl's movement. That was what he wanted, for her to say exactly how she felt without always trying to hide it. With her little burst out, it only proved that she was really stressed.

Lily sighed softly, "Just sorry..." she muttered.

"That's sad. I was really moved by your speech. To think that you didn't mean any of them gets rid of the motivation in it," Raven reclined on his chair, his eyes fixed on the girl like he didn't want to miss any action she made.

Lily looked at him from the corner of her eyes, but she didn't say anything.

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