
Christmas Holidays- part 2

I picked up lots of nicknacks around Diagon Alley: sweets, some prank stuff, self-inking quills, coloured inks, a blank journal and a book on the last Quidditch World Cup. 

These gifts were for my classmates, like the golden trio, Neville Seamus and Dean. For my close friends and bandmates, I was still on the hunt for something personal and thoughtful. 

I headed to Gringotts; I had to talk to Bludrook, my account manager.

"How can we help you with today, Mister Carter?" Bludrook said in a professional tone.

"you brought over the books, correct?" I asked.

"yes, the final transition happened in August," Bludrook said. "It cost you a total of around 1500 galleons of additional fees." he grinned.

"well, at least you didn't bleed me dry", I sighed. "We'll Gringotts has an investment branch, correct?" 

"going to make your money work for you?" Bludrook asked. "I can handle most investments, but if you want to really make your money work, I would suggest having an investment manager take a run at it."

"Do they handle the muggle stock markets?" I asked, and Bludrook nodded. "Okay, well, let's meet one of them" Bludrook led me to office space and had me wait while he got an investment manager.

"This is my colleague and good friend Gornuk, Mister Carter" Bludrook came back with another goblin who was dressed in a pinstripe suit and had a metal tobacco pipe clenched in his pointed teeth.

"pleasure to meet you, Mister Carter. I heard you want to invest in the muggle stock market," Gornuk said. "I am your goblin for that; it's mostly what I deal with." 

I pulled out a small book and handed it to Gornuk. "These are the companies I wish to invest in" It contained a list of the companies that would be very profitable in the future, like Apple and Microsoft. I also thought of some companies that were struggling right now but would bounce back, like Honda.

Gornuk flipped through the book slowly. "It seems like you got a head on you, but a lot of these are start-up technology companies." Gornuk puffed on his pipe. "Their risky investments."

"I'm very hopeful about them; I'm willing to invest 40% of my available cash", I said with a smile.

"you sure that's a lot of money in muggle terms," Bludrook said with a bit of shock.

"I know, but I'm still a student, and my expenses aren't that much. I would much rather have my money, as you said, working for me. Plus, a lot of my money is in American Dragots" i smiled.

"Ahaha" Bludrook laughed. "Very good point. Looks like you are heading to America again Gornuk,"

"What?" gerenuk looked up from the little book of investments. "America, it has been a while. I wonder if that woman is still working there" Gornuk got a thoughtful look.

"Well, I don't have time to go see the vault today, so let's sign some papers, and we can get on with it" I smiled at the two goblins. And that's what we did. Basically, I entrusted Gringotts and Gornuk to handle my investments. 


During my trip to Gringotts, I thought of some ideas for Grant, Tim and Tina. But I still had a promise to uphold. So once again, I stepped into Ollivander's.

*Ding* the bell chimed above me. "ah, Mister Carter, back again, I see," Mr Ollivander said.

"Yes, I promised I would be back" I smiled.

"ah, you completed it" his eyes shined with excitement.

"yes, I did, though it was an unusual experience," I said. I reached into my bag and drew out Starlight. Placing Starlight on the counter, I saw Ollivander change his spectacles to ones with multiple lenses. 

"Hmm," Mr Ollivander said as he looked over Starlight and ran his hands over the guitar. "Yew wood, a single solid piece, no signs of cutting or shaping."

"Yes, I was sort of like a ritual," I said. "I had played a song under a yew tree near the black lake; looking back, I realised it was the first time I played without uncontrolled magic." Mister Ollivander looked at me with interest. "Later, I realised that magic and song were stored in the yew tree. So I played more songs, and then, one stormy day, I focused on the resonance of the songs and the magic in the tree. I sort of went into a trance, and when I awoke, I was holding the guitar, and the tree was undamaged." 

"marvellous; you know storms are important in many different rituals like the animagus ritual; they hold their own magic storms." Mr. Ollivander continued to inspect the guitar. "Magic channels", he whispered and then felt the wand jackhole. "would you mind? I would love to see it fully operational." I pulled my wand out and passed it to him. "you've kept this in good maintenance. Polished and cleaned frequently, it seems the thunderbird has fully accepted you as well." 

Ollivander inserted the wand into Starlight *Click* *thrum* As the Starlight's strings ignited with magic.

"marvellous, simply marvellous." he brushed his fingers over the string, but they passed right through them. "interesting, seems like only you could play this", he smiled. "Would you mind?" 

"okay, as long as you cover for me with the trace" I smirked and picked up Starlight. i chose a short and sweet song by John Denver.

•The Music is You by John denver• 

I started to play softly and slowly, and whispy silhouettes of dancers about 6 inches tall appeared on the counter. They were light bluish in colour and had no facial features, and they just danced to the music.

♫Music makes pictures and often tells stories

All of it magic and all of it true

And all of the pictures and all of the stories

All of the magic, the music is you♫

My voice was soft, and a bright smile came to Mr Ollivander's face. as he watched the dancers. I played an extended solo of music before finishing the song.

♫Music makes pictures and often tells stories

All of it magic and all of it true

And all of the pictures and all of the stories

And all of the magic, the music is you♫

the dancers faded at the end of the song like their very being was blown away in the wind. 

"what beautiful magic", Mister Ollivander said. "I thank you for showing me this magic, Minstrel Carter."

I smiled a wide smile at him "You are very welcome and merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas Minstrel Carter"

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