"Something weird is going on in this taiga..." A few began to say after hearing Mane's words.
"I'm not so clued in, but I'm also a veteran when it comes to this mission." An older Mercenary spoke, as people's heads turned to face him.
"It is odd... but we are not here to find the reason behind these mishaps. We are here to find the Zephyr Serpent, and steal its egg!"
With these words, spirits felt a little more lifted. With all the scary talk, people had begun to close in a little more.
Doubts of escaping began to linger more and more, but these words from a trusted person were enough to cast away those doubts for a little while longer.
"Precisely." Sol said at that moment, "If anything, we can use this to our advantage in finding that serpent."
Building on the older man's words, Sol's statement added on as a compliment of moral.
"So... do we have a plan?" Sol said, allowing the question to be on the chopping block.