
Chapter 23: Sylvan Silvertree

I walked into the building, but there wasn't much to it. While it was built better than most of the other buildings, the inside was just one large room. At the back of this room sat three Blood Elves.

The first one, in the center, and the only male, stood up from his sitting position as soon as I entered, and then the other two women rose with him. One looked to be about the same age as the man, while the other looked much closer to my age.

Before any words were spoken, all three went down on their knees and bowed their heads to me. I was taken aback by this but remained silent. This might be some sort of custom, or whatever, so it was best just to wait things out.

"King Gideon Rose Von Alphonse Vienerstien, it is an honor to have you visit us," The man said, and then all of them rose back to their feet. "My name is Sylvan Silvertree, and this," He said, pointing to the older woman. "Is my life partner, or wife as you would call it, Falin.

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