
Why Don't You Call Me Mommy?

The white towel fell down, and my mother's naked brown body was shown to everyone in the kitchen. 

Me and Camila had already seen her naked at least once in our lives, so both of us had some resistance to the allure of my mother's curvy figure, even though Camila was still fascinated by the sight she was seeing like it was God's personal creation.

But Bella, on the other hand, was seeing my mother's voluptuous body for the first time and looked like she was going to faint with all the blood that was rushing to her head after seeing what the true meaning of having a plump and sexy body was.

Massive breasts that looked like there were two whole cooked briskets hanging from her chest and little purple nipples to top it off. A booty so fat that it made her wonder how she could walk around while carrying all that meat behind her. A waist so slim that it made no sense with regard to the rest of her curvy body and plump thighs that jiggled where ever she walked.

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