
Hogwarts acceptance letter

July 4, 1971.

Two years had passed since his farewell to Emily and Gwen. James was now 11 years old, and it was only a matter of time before he would start Hogwarts. According to his parents' experience, he would receive his letter in mid-July and start his first year on September 1.

James was very excited about this. He had heard many stories of Hogwarts told by his parents, how it was one of the happiest and most fun times of their lives (his mother said the happiest time was when he was born), so he was looking forward to starting.

Besides the fact that he never went to a school in his past life and life, he received primary education at home, as there were no magical schools for children under 11 years old. He could have gone to a muggle school, but he preferred to stay at home with his parents, waiting to start Hogwarts.

James wanted to have a more normal, fun life: school, friends, exams, pranks, etc. He was always envious when he was in his limousine and saw boys leaving school laughing with their friends.

In the two years that passed, he received letters from Gwen. Emily had no owl for some reason, making James more suspicious about the differences in treatment of the two sisters, but he could do nothing.

So Emily would write in Gwen's letters what she wanted to say to him. At first, she received letters almost every day, but when Gwen entered her 1st year at Hogwarts, the letters started to decrease.

Besides how Gwen was at Hogwarts, Emily had no way of communicating with him. Once, he decided, to send a letter to Emily, but never got a reply.

On the other hand, Gwen excitedly told him about getting into Slytherin house with her best friend, which James remembered with distaste. He noticed that Gwen's messages since entering Slytherin gave off a great deal of contempt for muggleborn or half-bloods.

It seems that being surrounded by children brainwashed by their parents caused her to regain her former attitudes that James tried so hard to get her to leave behind.

When meeting every day in Godric's Hollow square, James subtly tries to get Gwen and Emily to open their minds and not see muggleborn and half-bloods as second-rate people and muggles as animals.

James' comments were piecemeal, and he made them very subtly so as not to start an argument, especially with Gwen. Emily was much quieter on the subject, but James noticed classism when he heard some of the girl's comments as she read the information on the cards.

He accomplished something, but not much, since after their daily meeting in the square they spent the whole day with their parents, who were extreme supremacists.

But in these years that he was not with them, it seemed to get even worse. James was not at all pleased that his first two friends had such classist thoughts, so he would have to do something about it.

One of the letters Gwen sent him when she arrived at Hogwarts was the following:

[Dear James.

I hope you are feeling well. It has been a few days since I arrived at Hogwarts. Of course, as expected, I was selected for the distinguished Slytherin House. Natural for someone of my lineage.

My first Potions class was amazing. Professor Slughorn is talented, and I've already learned a lot. My parents say I should earn his favor to join his club or something. I ran into a muggle-born student in class today. A poor lost soul, trying to understand what he can never really experience. I remember what you always used to tell me when we got together, but I can't believe it. Your talents are mediocre. It's best to stop talking about such an unpleasant subject.

Anyway, tell me what you've been doing. If I don't answer you it's because I'm busy studying.

All the best.

Gwen Shafiq


James, when he opened the letter for the first time, could not believe his eyes. He knew that if he didn't do something when he entered Hogwarts, he would lose Gwen forever. As for Emily, it was a mystery, as he had not been able to communicate with her for a long time.

James was in his room, sitting in a chair. In front of him was an oak desk. He was writing a letter, classes at Hogwarts should have ended a few days ago.

So he was writing a letter to Gwen and most importantly, asking her about Emily.

When he finished writing the letter, he left the quill resting on the desk, reread the letter once, and nodded, "Good," muttered James, sealed the envelope with wax, and walked over to a cage where an owl sat.

"Hi, Shadow. I need you to send a letter for me," said James as he opened the cage.

When Gwen and Emily left, James asked his parents to buy an owl for him, and obviously, they agreed. He decided to name it Shadow because of its predominantly black plumage, adorned with subtle shades of brown and gray. From a distance, the owl looks like a shadow in the night.

Shadow's two large eyes looked up at James. The owl made a cheerful sound, "Good boy," said James with a smile. Shadow is the first pet or animal friend he has ever had. He appreciates him very much. His former mother, Elizabeth, believed that having pets was a waste of time.

James rolled up the note, handed it to Shadow, who took it with his beak, climbed onto the boy's forearm, and carried it to the open window. Shadow took off and got farther and farther away.

"Be careful," muttered James.

The same day Shadow returned, the letter was delivered, now he had only to wait for the reply. The next day, he got it.

[Dear James:

My year ended great, as expected Slytherin won the House Cup. You should have seen the look on the faces of those Gryffindor idiots. I don't know at what point they thought they could beat us. As for Emily, she's fine, nervous to start, I guess. Finally, we'll see you in September. I hope you end up in Slytherin, although with your talent and lineage, it's almost a given.


Gwen Shafiq.


James frowned at several things as he read the letter. Firstly "Gryffindor idiots." How his father and mother wanted to be in Gryffindor House, though he never told Gwen, as he knew they would start arguing.

When she said talent and lineage, James for some reason, knows it's more about the "talent" since when he met Gwen, she was attacking him calling blood traitor. Even though he still has a pureblood lineage, he knows that Gwen and her family have an unfavorable look towards them.

The main reason they managed to become friends was because James saved her and was already friends with Emily.

What bothered him the most, was that he didn't get any news from Emily. He wanted her to write to him as in the previous times, but she didn't.

'I guess I will see her in September. I hope we both stay in Gryffindor,' thought James, although he knew Emily would not like to stay in this house.

Finally, on the 7th of July, the Hogwarts letter arrived. James held a yellowish envelope in his hands, addressed in green ink to:

[Mr. J. Potter

Godric's Hollow

West Country, England...]

He excitedly pulled out the letter and read it aloud, as his parents stood in the room and watched.

[Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Headmaster: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Dear James Potter:

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please note the list of required equipment and books. Classes start on September 1st. We look forward to receiving your owl before July 31st.

Very cordially yours,

Minerva McGonagall

Sub Director]

Below that was everything the first-year students would need. He didn't read it out loud because it was too much.

He would need the following:


Three plain work tunics.

One black pointed hat for daily use.

One pair of protective gloves.

One winter cloak.


All students must have a copy of the following books:

The Miranda Goshawk Standard Book of Spells.

A History of Magic, Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory, Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, Emeric Switch

One Thousand Herbs and Fungi of Magic, Phyllida Spore

Magic Filters and Potions, Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Newton Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, Quentin Trimble

Rest of equipment:

1 wand.

1 number 2 pewter cauldron.

1 set of glass or crystal vials.

1 telescope.

1 brass scale. Students may also bring an owl, cat, rat, or toad.


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