
Deliberations And Future Plans

Jadon Sancho and Jason Bolu were the names that had hit the table of the Manchester United Legend turned manager and he was having a hard time deciding on which of these players to try and bring to the club.

Jadon Sancho was a name that had been brought to his attention from very early in the 2019/20 season after a successful transfer from the noisy neighbors, Manchester City to the German team, Borussia Dortmund.

Jadon Sancho hadn't been able to get into a stride at Manchester City, but as soon as he arrived at the Borussia Dortmund team, he began displaying performances that almost had the Manchester City manager, Josep Guardiola, regretting his decision… almost.

Needless of Pep Guardiola's thoughts about the decision, Sancho had gone on to establish himself as one of the best youngsters of his generation as he displayed performance upon performance that kept pointing at that notion.

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