
Years, Months, Calendar of Matriz.

There are 12 months in total:













Years: (5 in total)

Year of Harvest

Year of Light

Year of Calamity

Year of Sacrifice

Year of Mana

If 2024 is the year of Harvest, 2025 will be the year of Light and when it reaches 'Year of Mana', the cycle starts again.

Children born in the year of Harvest are said do bring back joy and food back home. Children born in the year of Light are saints and most honorable people in the world were born in the year of Light.

Children born in the year of Mana are said to be blessed by magic and they are usually the most powerful magic prodigies.

Children born in the year of Sacrifice become 'second place people'. Always striving for what they want and they won't get it and the last, Children born in the year of Calamity... are said to be those who will bring evil onto the world which is why children born with a small layer of mana covering them at birth are killed instantly.

There is no A.D and B.C in this book and everyone simply follows the years as they go.

Since the beginning of time or ever since living creatures bothered themselves with keeping check of the dates, Matriz is said to have been there for eight thousand years now and they're currently in the year 8033.

If there's anything new to add or if you feel like I didn't add something important, please do comment.

Thanks for reading!

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