


"Those skills are fire! How are you so strong?!"

"Hey, you must be in the top 20 in the Leaderboard…"

The survivors celebrated after they confirmed that they had won. Gratitude was evident in their eyes, and Shane could tell that their reactions were genuine.

He could tell that through his Survival Instinct and Danger Sense… They were completely unlike the many other groups of survivors he had encountered before who had thoughts of stealing his loot or aiming to kill him while he was busy.

"What's your name, hero? I'm Stan… These are my colleagues, Jorvik and Clint…" The smallest in the group of three asked.

These three were wearing mining uniforms with their safety helmet and axe with them.

"I'm Shane… I'm quite curious why you guys decided to explore this place just with the three of you." Shane replied.

Stan laughed after hearing this.

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