
The Amazing Appearance Shifting Watch

Jaden had arrived to the location where the villa was located. He was currently outside the perimeter wall, but was hiding at a bush not that far away from this villa.

He had observed the surrounding areas, but he found that there was actually no one that was guarding this area. This made him feel that there was something unusual here.

Considering that there were a total of five gangsters that had gone to ambush the police, he had expected that there would be more of them here that would be guarding this place. But somehow, there was nobody at all.

Maybe it was due to lack of manpower, or it was due to the confidence that they possessed in those five people, that there was nobody around. But nonetheless, Jaden was not willing to drop his guard at all.

He continued looking around, waiting. He was not going to take action just yet. He had to wait for a little while first, and only when he was sure, was he going to take action.

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