
Seeking Help

The birthday celebration went by just like that, and Jaden's life did not change. To him, the celebration did not involve him that much. All that he felt that was a pity was that there was nobody that had targeted Scarlet, leading to the initiation of the mission by the system.

Despite all that, Jaden's life was as usual, most of the time, being within the Johnson residence as Scarlet did not go out so often.

On Monday, the two of them went to the school. This was something that Jaden did not like, considering that the lectures were quite a headache for him, as he could not understand them that much.

Despite not liking going to school, Jaden had no choice but to do so. After all, he had to accompany Scarlet wherever she was going.

As usual, Jaden did not drive his own car. Instead, they used Scarlet's Ferrari. This was just to ensure that Jaden could efficiently do his work as a bodyguard.

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